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Decimals . Decimals are another way to write fractions. The DOT. The “dot” is the decimal point, and it’s read “AND” 3.25 would be read, three wholes AND twenty five hundredths.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Decimals Decimals are another way to write fractions

  2. The DOT • The “dot” is the decimal point, and it’s read “AND” • 3.25 would be read, three wholes AND twenty five hundredths. • You can think the numbers after the decimal point as, “some extra”…it’s not quite a whole, it’s some left over…to help this thought, let’s think about MONEY!

  3. Think of MONEY to help you with place value

  4. Place Value The hundredths place. 0.01 1 penny is written .01in decimal form, and read one hundredth. In fraction form it would be written 1/100 Decimal Form would read, 1%

  5. With base 10 blocks, only one square would be shaded to represent .01

  6. Tenths Place • To think of a tenths place, think of a dime. • In decimal form it would read .1 If you wrote it like this .1000000000000000 it would STILL mean that same thing. One Tenth! The zeros behind the number are just place holders. If you wrote 04…it would STILL just mean 4… Fraction: 1/10 Percent: 10%

  7. Base Ten Block

  8. Practicewhat decimal does this represent?

  9. If you said .45 • YOU’RE RIGHT! • It represents 4 tenths because 4 out of the 10 blocks are shaded. • And .05 extra because 5 extra squares are shaded out of the 100 • So the correct answer should read .45 • Turn to a partner and tell them how that number would be read.

  10. How many ways can you say it? • Just like in other languages, in math, there are more ways than one to say the same thing… • Decimal = .45 Forty five hundredths • Fraction = 45/100 • Percent = 45%

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