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World History

World History. Chapter 20b (workbook only). How the US grew in 1800s. wealth. S I Z E. War of 1812. This war made other countries respect the U.S. as a nation. Manifest Destiny. Idea that it was America’s fate to spread all the way to the West Coast. “from sea to shining sea”.

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World History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World History Chapter 20b (workbook only)

  2. How the US grew in 1800s wealth SIZE

  3. War of 1812 • This war made other countries respect the U.S. as a nation.

  4. Manifest Destiny Idea that it was America’s fate to spread all the way to the West Coast. “from sea to shining sea”

  5. Louisiana Purchase Rocky Mountains Mississippi River Purchased from France Explored by Lewis and Clark Napoleon

  6. Texas Revolt against Mexico “Remember the Alamo!” Mexican general Santa Anna

  7. Mexican War After a war with Mexico, the US added more territory. During the 1800s, the US grew in s----, w-----, and p-----. *Size, wealth, and power

  8. More new territory Treaty with Britain Purchase from Russia Annexed Oregon Territory Hawaii Alaska Russia lost the Crimean War—and didn’t want to risk losing territory to Britain.

  9. California Sutter’s Mill

  10. Transcontinental Railroad Linked the east and west coasts

  11. “civil” war War between people of the same nation

  12. The American Civil War1860-1865 North The Union South The Confederacy President Lincoln President Jefferson Davis General Lee General Grant Nationalism States’Rights (issues were Secession and Slavery)

  13. Secede (Secession) • To withdraw from the Union

  14. Gettysburg Greatest battle of the Civil War

  15. Appomattox The surrender of the South at the end of the Civil War

  16. Reconstruction Period of rebuilding and reunifying after the Civil War

  17. Event that started the Spanish-American War “Remember the Maine!” Americans were already upset about the way in which Spain treated people of Cuba

  18. Where the Spanish-American War was fought Cuba Philippines

  19. Rough Riders Famous soldiers during the Spanish-American War. Roosevelt and his Rough Riders captured San Juan Hill. Teddy Roosevelt

  20. Open Door Policy The U.S. took steps to keep free trade with China.

  21. Monroe Doctrine Policeman Policy Declared our right to POLICE the world Declared our right to PROTECT the Americas 1820s Early 1900s (Teddy Roosevelt)

  22. Amendments Additions to the Constitution

  23. Isolation(ism) To avoid involvement in foreign affairs

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