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Military Experience into Civilian Jobs

Military Experience into Civilian Jobs . Melodie Cameron, MA Adapted and Presented by Dr. Elena Klaw. Work of the Career Center (Cameron, 2014). Strengths Based Approach helps veterans to identify and understand their strengths

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Military Experience into Civilian Jobs

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  1. Military Experience into Civilian Jobs Melodie Cameron, MA Adapted and Presented by Dr. Elena Klaw

  2. Work of the Career Center(Cameron, 2014) Strengths Based Approach helps veterans to identify and understand their strengths Can help a veteran when choosing a major, looking for a job, or starting a career Identify strengths utilized in the military and how to use similar strengths in civilian culture

  3. Effects What happens when veterans draw on their talents? Help transition back into civilian culture Can improve school performance, work performance, and even relationships

  4. Military Resume Uses military language/jargon to explain duties Contains all military work history Describes team work Can be multiple pages long

  5. Civilian Resume Purpose of resume is to get an interview Develop accomplishment statements related to your military experience that are listed in layperson's terms List relevant information for the specific position Targeted resume should be 1 -2 pgs. long

  6. Parts of Civilian Resume Contact Information Objective Education Academic Coursework Classroom projects Work Experience Skills Trainings/Awards/Recognitions

  7. Contact Info Have a professional email address Have a professional voice mail

  8. Class Projects Title of Position, Dates Did you work individually or in a group and what was the purpose of the project More detail about the project or your individual role What was the result of the project?

  9. Work Experience & Awards Work Experience: Name of the Company, City, State Title of Position, Dates • 3-5 statements that highlight what you accomplished in this position. Focus on what YOU did and not on the duties and tasks performed Training/Awards/ Recognitions: Highlight your awards and recognitions Translate what military specific awards mean/significance in civilian terms

  10. What do Employers Want? Ability to: Work in a team structure – 4.6 Verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization – 4.59 Make decisions and solve problems – 4.49 obtain and process information – 4.46 plan, organize, and prioritize work- 4.45 *Source: Job Outlook 2012, National Association of Colleges and Employers*5-point scale, where 1=Not important; 2=Not very important; 3=Somewhat important; 4=Very important; and 5=Extremely important

  11. Skills wanted • Ability to analyze quantitative data- 4.23 • Technical knowledge related to the job- 4.23 • Proficiency with computer software programs- 4.04 • Ability create and/or edit written reports – 3.65 • Ability to sell or influence others – 3.51 • Source: Job Outlook 2012, National Association of Colleges and Employers

  12. Key Points Focus on what you individually accomplished Quantify the information you are presenting

  13. What Strengths Do Veterans Bring to the Workforce?

  14. Veterans Bring Unique Skills Leadership Work with teams Work with diverse individuals and cultures Solve problems rapidly Follow through Responsible Mission driven Work within complex organizations

  15. Military Summary of Accomplishments Member of the Engineering Training Team which specialized in creative training for personnel on how to control engineering casualties to prevent equipment damage or injury to personnel.

  16. After Simulated system casualty scenarios to teams of junior staff to observe how staff followed procedural policies under high pressure situations preventing equipment damage or injury to personnel. Strengths showed: Solve Problems Process Information Communication

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