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PLINP201 Phonology of English Lecture 2: Allophony

PLINP201 Phonology of English Lecture 2: Allophony. allophones of /t/. various degrees of aspiration: top, stop, letter variability in final position: right. variation in place of articulation: train, eighth various special kinds of release: button, bottle. Does this word have a /t/?.

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PLINP201 Phonology of English Lecture 2: Allophony

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  1. PLINP201 Phonology of EnglishLecture 2:Allophony

  2. allophones of /t/ various degrees of aspiration:top, stop, letter variability in final position:right. variation in place of articulation:train, eighth various special kinds of release:button, bottle

  3. Does this word have a /t/?

  4. night-time taxonomic-phonemic: /"naIttaIm/ phonetic: ["naIt:haIm] a string of two phonemes, but only one (long) phonetic segment

  5. A fortis plosive is aspirated when initial

  6. A fortis plosive is aspirated when initial in a syllable with a strong vowel

  7. A fortis plosive is aspirated when initialin a syllable with a strong vowel dissipate"dIsIpeIt bedtime"bedtaIm indicate"IndIkeIt

  8. Waveforms of the three Thai words bâ: 'crazy', pâ: 'aunt', phâ: 'cloth'. From Peter Ladefoged, 2001, Vowels and consonants, p. 122

  9. tie die sty from Ladefoged, A Course in Phonetics

  10. 4. An aspirated plosive is one followed by a brief [h]-sound. That is, there is a delay between the release of the primary closure of the articulators and the beginning of the sound that follows. During this delay air continues to be expelled from the lungs through the open glottis.English p t k are ● aspirated when at the beginning of a syllable (if it has a strong vowel) ● unaspirated when preceded by s at the beginning of a syllable or followed by an obstruent ● slightly aspirated or unaspirated elsewhere.

  11. If a liquid (r, l) or semivowel (j, w) comes between the plosive and the vowel, then aspiration takes the form of making this consonant voiceless.

  12. /l/ > clear before a vowel sound let, valley, allow "let, "v{li, @"laU /l/ > dark elsewhere milk, table, middle "mIlk, "teIblÙ, "mIdlÙ now perhaps vocalized > [o] "mIok, "teIbo, "mIdo

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