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Outline ●The smuon left decay into SPS1a scenario. ●A brief approach to the TESLA photon collider.

Outline ●The smuon left decay into SPS1a scenario. ●A brief approach to the TESLA photon collider. ●Iterative measurements. ●Summary. ● The smuon left decays into SPS1a scenario. ISAJET 7.69 is used to generate the spectrum of masses, widths and BRs.

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Outline ●The smuon left decay into SPS1a scenario. ●A brief approach to the TESLA photon collider.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Outline ●The smuon left decay into SPS1a scenario. ●A brief approach to the TESLA photon collider. ●Iterative measurements. ●Summary

  2. ● The smuon left decays into SPS1a scenario. ISAJET 7.69 is used to generate the spectrum of masses, widths and BRs. Prefered mode: (~30.20%) . Other modes containing have high multiplicity final state (cascade decays from tau lepton). Charguino does decay substantially into staus. Assumption: universal BR right sleptons = 1 ( LSP candidate, m=95.5GeV)

  3. Slepton decays come from the coupling Slepton prefers a Wino Slepton only decays to a Bino Charguino can decay into W and staus. have more complicate decays. Cascade decays could be observed if we have high efficiency. Up to 4 muons FS could be observed SUSY also give us important background

  4. Available final states Br Br Final State Final State 0.549633 0.006308 0.011073 0.006479 0.011084 0.004107 0.004393 0.009058 0.004512 0.044289 0.002861 0.045487 0.006308 0.028837 0.004512 0.063590 0.004649 0.002849 0.002938 0.002809 0.006479 0.000495 0.002861 0.000509 0.002938 0.000322 0.001862 0.000711 0.004107

  5. ● A brief approach to the TESLA photon collider Laser Beam Conceptual Scheme of a Gamma-Gamma Collider. Lγγ Electron Beam Electron Beam ECM =500 GeV IP CP CP Laser Beam Additional effects also take place here!! √sγγ Non-linear effects

  6. Redefinition of the luminosity at the photon collider (for heavy particles): Cross sections are obtained by mean convolution procedure. Integration is given only in the high energy sector of photon spectrum. Cross section sleptons are high if the lower limit is just the threshold. Good estimation is achieved by SHERPA (Krauss et. al) σ = 200 fb after of normalization. High number of events is expected ~ 5●104 NLO corrections could enhance σ (for instance to see S. Berge, PhD Thesis –DESY-03) F. Cuypers, hep/9509400

  7. ● Iterative measurements Idea: determinate BRs taking account information of intermediate processes, selectionated events, cross sections, efficiencies, and purities. Let’s take

  8. Each process is investigated independently. Warning: To avoid e+e- and μ+μ- at final states (Background become huge!!) Searching only for is possible to get a simplified important relation: It does not depend on Luminosity and stau cross section Another case: FS containing increase the signal but also background (jets) The error depend manly on selectionated events (for all cases)

  9. Determination of the BR

  10. Determination of the BR

  11. Determination of the BR

  12. Determination of the BR

  13. ● Summary and Outlook ● We have determinated BRs by using a novel approach. ● SUSY signals have strong background: SUSY processes. ● Pile-Up decrease substantially: efficiency and purity. ● By changing the FS (e/u -> pions) it could increase the precision of errors. ● Tau finder could help to maintain high efficiency: stau and chargino.

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