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214 ____________________ defeated Harold Godwin of England in ______

214 ____________________ defeated Harold Godwin of England in ______. 214 William the Conqueror defeated Harold Godwin of England in 1066. 216 __________ signed the Magna Carta in _____. 216 King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215.

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214 ____________________ defeated Harold Godwin of England in ______

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  1. 214 ____________________ defeated Harold Godwin of England in ______

  2. 214 William the Conqueror defeated Harold Godwin of England in 1066

  3. 216 __________ signed the Magna Carta in _____.

  4. 216 King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215.

  5. 217 _______________ was the only woman to be both queen of England and queen of France.

  6. 217 Eleanor of Aquitaine was the only woman to be both queen of England and queen of France.

  7. 218 The Magna Carta is considered to be such and important document to constitutional government because it established many ____________________, such as ______________ and ______________.

  8. 218 The Magna Carta is considered to be such and important document to constitutional government because it established many precedents of freedom, such as trial by jury and habeas corpus.

  9. 221 Joan of Arc, a ________ peasant girl, won several minor battles in the Hundred Years’ War.

  10. 221 Joan of Arc, a French peasant girl, won several minor battles in the Hundred Years’ War.

  11. 222 The Battle of Bosworth Field ended the _______________________.

  12. 222 The Battle of Bosworth Field ended the Wars of the Roses.

  13. 222 The Wars of the Roses were fought between the houses of ___________________.

  14. 222 The Wars of the Roses were fought between the houses of Lancaster and York.

  15. 225 The French Parliament is called the ______________.

  16. 225 The French Parliament is called the Estates-General.

  17. 225 _____________ was the first great king of France.

  18. 225 Hugh Capet was the first great king of France.

  19. 227 ___________ (Muslims) invaded Spain in A.D. 711, establishing Cordova as their capital.

  20. 227 The Moors (Muslims) invaded Spain in A.D. 711, establishing Cordova as their capital.

  21. 228 ________ was a national hero in Spain.

  22. 228 El Cid was a national hero in Spain.

  23. 235 The __________ civilization was the most powerful at the beginning of the Age of Exploration.

  24. 235 The Aztec civilization was the most powerful at the beginning of the Age of Exploration.

  25. 235 The _________ were the most important Indian civilization in South America.

  26. 235 The Incas were the most important Indian civilization in South America.

  27. 236 _________________ discovered the Pacific Ocean.

  28. 236 Vasco de Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean.

  29. 237 The Line of Demarcation divided control of the New World between ____________ and _________.

  30. 237 The Line of Demarcation divided control of the New World between Portugal and Spain.

  31. 237 ____________ explored for England.

  32. 237 John Cabot explored for England.

  33. 236 ________________ discovered Florida

  34. 236 Ponce de Leon discovered Florida

  35. 244 The first printed English translation of the New Testament was done by _______________.

  36. 244 The first printed English translation of the New Testament was done by William Tyndale.

  37. 245 ________________ was the scholar of the Northern Renaissance that published the first printed edition of the Greek New Testament.

  38. 245 Desiderius Erasmus was the scholar of the Northern Renaissance that published the first printed edition of the Greek New Testament.

  39. 247 _______________ realized that man is saved by faith in Christ, not by works or man-made systems of grace—this led to the attempt to bring the church back to its basic truths known as the Protestant Reformation.

  40. 247 Martin Luther realized that man is saved by faith in Christ, not by works or man-made systems of grace—this led to the attempt to bring the church back to its basic truths known as the Protestant Reformation.

  41. 248 Luther posted the Ninety-five Theses on October 31, _________.

  42. 248 Luther posted the Ninety-five Theses on October 31, 1517.

  43. 253 The important Christian work Institutes of the Christian Religion was written by ________________

  44. 253 The important Christian work Institutes of the Christian Religion was written by John Calvin.

  45. 253 _______________ was a Protestant leader in the Swiss city of Zurich.

  46. 253 Ulrich Zwingli was a Protestant leader in the Swiss city of Zurich.

  47. 254 Menno Simons was an ____________ preacher.

  48. 254 Menno Simons was an Anabaptist preacher.

  49. __________ was called “Bloody Mary” for her vicious persecutions of English Protestants.

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