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Vaping Vs Smoking

One battle which has been grabbing headlines for the last few years is vaping versus smoking. If science is applied to the debate, then the results conclude vaping as a safer practice than smoking. Many health experts and studies in the past have declared e-cigarettes as a healthy alternative to traditional cigarettes.

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Vaping Vs Smoking

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  1. Vaping Vs Smoking Battle Between Two Evils Or One Among Them Is Good

  2. A big reason behind the existence of vaping vs smoking are people who advocate a complete ban on nicotine. If science is applied to the debate, then the results conclude vaping as a safer practice than smoking.

  3. Health Effects From Smoking 1. Cancer: A press release by Public Health England (PHE) in 2015 highlighted the dangers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in smokers. Many studies also linked smoking to Bronchiolitis obliterans and various other lung diseases. 2. Lung Diseases: A press release by Public Health England (PHE) in 2015 highlighted the dangers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in smokers. Many studies also linked smoking to Bronchiolitis obliterans and various other lung diseases.

  4. 3. Pregnancy - Damaged Tissue In Unborn: Cigarette smoking can cause tissue damage in the unborn, as per health experts. It can result in premature delivery, cleft lip, or even stillbirth. On the other hand, the use of vape mods during pregnancy do not harm the unborn or the mother. 4. Cardiovascular Diseases: As per the British Heart Foundation, smoking increases the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It is because the harmful chemicals in traditional cigarettes damage the lining of arteries.

  5. Health Effects From Vaping 1. Allergy: E-liquids come with a ratio of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) in them. When a vaper is allergic to PG or VG and inhales an e-juice with more concentration, then they may have a situation of allergy. 2. Dehydration: Vape hardware is designed in a manner that it absorbs moisture. When an individual uses the device for a long time, it dries them out. One can develop symptoms like dry skin, dry eyes, or a headache.

  6. 3. No Weight Gain:  Vaping is good when you want to lose or maintain weight, but it does not help in gaining weight. It is all due to nicotine in e-cigarettes which is an appetite suppressant. 4. Yellow Teeth: When you vape, it is necessary to pay attention to your oral health. Yellow teeth is a common condition when you vape. This is why users are advised to brush after vaping.

  7. Vaping Vs Smoking: Price In April, cigarette prices were increased in the UK. The announcement came with an indication of higher prices in the future. The price of a 20 deck was increased by 49p, resulting in an average deck price of £10.40. It means a 20-a-day smoker will have to pay massive £178.85 more for yearly stock of cigarettes. On the other side, vaping is a one-time investment. You buy vape hardware once in the beginning. After that, you spend only to buy an e-juice.

  8. Vaping Vs Smoking: Conclusion Ditching a decades-old habit is a difficult thing. A few years ago, quitting cigarettes was hard. It is because there wasn’t a healthy alternative for the activity. Now, you have found that vaping isn’t an evil, and is a healthy replacement of deadly cigarettes. It must have settled the vaping vs smoking debate that you were seeing on different channels.

  9. Contact US: Vapour Depot 32/C Metcalfe Road,  Skippers Lane, Middlesbrough, UK 1275338770 https://vapourdepot.com/

  10. The Content is Originally published at vapourdepot.com

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