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Safe Abortion, and Abortion Tablets: An Overview in the Context of India

Abortion is a highly sensitive and complex topic that requires careful consideration and comprehensive information.

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Safe Abortion, and Abortion Tablets: An Overview in the Context of India

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  1. Safe Abortion, and Abortion Tablets: An Overview in the Context of India Abortion is a highly sensitive and complex topic that requires careful consideration and comprehensive information. This presentation aims to provide an overview of safe abortion, abortion tablets, and the current scenario of abortion in India. Understanding these topics can empower individuals to make informed decisions and promote safe reproductive health practices.

  2. Safe Abortion • Definition and Importance • Safe abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy through medically approved methods by a trained healthcare professional. • It plays a crucial role in ensuring reproductive rights, preventing unsafe abortions, and reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. • Legal Considerations • Abortion laws and regulations vary across countries. In India, abortion is legal under specific circumstances as per the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971. • - The law permits abortions up to 20 weeks of pregnancy with the approval of a registered medical practitioner and certain conditions.

  3. Methods of Safe Abortion 1. Surgical Abortion - Involves a minor surgical procedure performed by a healthcare provider. - Common methods include aspiration (vacuum) abortion and dilation and curettage (D&C). 2. Medical Abortion - Involves the use of abortion pills or tablets to induce a miscarriage-like process. - Provides a non-invasive and safe option for terminating early pregnancies.

  4. Abortion Tablets • What are Abortion Tablets? • Abortion tablets, also known as abortion pills, are a combination of medications (mifepristone and misoprostol) that induce a medical abortion. • They are generally used for terminating pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestation. • How do Abortion Tablets Work? • Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, essential for maintaining pregnancy, leading to the detachment of the embryo from the uterine lining. • Misoprostol, taken a day or two later, causes uterine contractions, leading to the expulsion of the embryo and pregnancy termination.

  5. Effectiveness and Safety • Abortion tablets are highly effective, with success rates exceeding 95% when used correctly. • When obtained from reliable sources and used as instructed, they are considered safe and have a low risk of complications. • Legal Reforms • In 2021, India amended the MTP Act, extending the upper limit for abortions from 20 to 24 weeks in certain cases, enhancing access to safe and legal abortions. • Access to Safe Abortion Services • Government-approved healthcare facilities, including public hospitals, provide safe abortion services. • Several non-governmental organizations also offer counseling and support for individuals seeking safe abortion services.

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