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PSHE Life skills bus Going for goals Good to be me Drugs and safety

Art & DT Designing and making: Roman containers Pop-up information books Exploring, making and playing traditional Roman games Creating a Roman menu and making food for a banquet. English and drama Poetry and imagery Explanation texts VCOP Recounts Stories with issues/ dilemmas

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PSHE Life skills bus Going for goals Good to be me Drugs and safety

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  1. Art & DT • Designing and making: • Roman containers • Pop-up information books • Exploring, making and playing traditional Roman games • Creating a Roman menu and making food for a banquet English and drama Poetry and imagery Explanation texts VCOP Recounts Stories with issues/ dilemmas Dramatization of Boudicca’s Revolt Science Keeping warm and Investigating Temperature- Oh no, my snowman’s melting! Solids, liquids and how they can separated ICT Word processing skills Roman Powerpoints Roman research Touch typing Music Ukulele Orchestra of Henleaze Singing songs about the Romans Maths Roman numerals Fractions and decimals Data handling Time Place value, ordering and rounding Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Problem solving Measuring Shape and space Maths games Online games and puzzles History Why do people move away from where they were born? Who invaded and settled in Britain a long time ago? Who were the Celts and who were the Romans? Who was Boudicca? What happened in AD60? What were the short-term and long-term results of Boudicca’s revolt? What did the Romans do for us? PE Gymnastics using apparatus Rolling, bowling and bouncing Roman games and army training Other Roman march and battle in costume Roman Feast Trip to Roman museum Roman fact file PSHE Life skills bus Going for goals Good to be me Drugs and safety RE Jesus as an adult and Easter

  2. ELLI Dimensions Creativity: Use the unicorn’s imagination to create Roman pottery, mosaics, drama pieces and musical compositions. Learning Relationships: Continue to work effectively in groups of differing sizes through our Roman work, musical compositions, Powerpoint designs and online maths games. Curiosity: Respond to questions about life in Roman Britain and formulate own questions to explore, using the cat’s powers of enquiry to investigate temperature. Meaning Making: Use the spider’s ability to link previous knowledge in all subjects to unfamiliar areas of learning and develop new skills. Changing and Growing: Like the chameleon, be aware of how learning has changed and grown by creating ‘What we have learnt’ mind maps. Thinking and philosophy Mr Barber philosophy sessions Debating the use of slaves in Roman society Children’s Suggestions Learn about Roman food and have a feast Discover more about Latin Roman research using different websites Act out an important battle or event Design and make games that Roman children would have played Make Roman pottery Learn Roman tunes on the ukulele Explore how to use Roman numerals Have a Roman day Look at the important areas invaded by the Romans Label countries that were part of the Roman Empire Find out about the main Roman gods and goddesses Learn a fun song about the Romans Dress up as a Roman Learn more about the country where Romans originally came from Watch DVDs Write Roman mysteries Visit the Roman baths or a museum Meet an archaeologist and find out about Roman remains Do some Roman cookery and make menus for a banquet Find out about how the Romans took over Britain Design and make mosaics Write about life as a Roman slave Children’s Questions What punishments were there in Roman times? What games did children play? Who got rid of the Romans? Did everyone eat the same type of food? Who are the most well-known Roman people? What weaponry did the Romans and Celts use in battle? How were the Roman army trained? What was their fashion like? Environment Using our outdoor environment for temperature comparisons, story telling, drama and inspiration for artwork.

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