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Title. CHAPTER 15 Endocrine System. 1.Endocrine glands 2.Hypothalamus and pituitary gland 3.Thyroid and parathyroid glands 4.Adrenal glands 5.Pancreas 6.Other endocrine glands 7.Homeostasis. Endocrine system Nervous system Immune system.

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  1. Title CHAPTER 15 Endocrine System 1.Endocrine glands 2.Hypothalamus and pituitary gland 3.Thyroid and parathyroid glands 4.Adrenal glands 5.Pancreas 6.Other endocrine glands 7.Homeostasis Endocrine system Nervous system Immune system Signal transduction systems in multicellular organisms

  2. Fig. 15.1 The action of neurotransmitter differs from that of a hormone. 15.1 Endocrine glands Common points: Different points: to use chemical signals (and the receptors) and maintain homeostasis. structural transmitter method speed components substances Nervous system neurons neurotransmitters axons & synapses rapid Endocrine system liver cell liver insulin glands hormones blood streams slow Portal vein b. Reception of insulin, a hormone axon of nerve fiber pancreas arteriole vesicle axon terminal 心臓→大動脈→動脈→細動脈→毛細血管→静脈→大静脈→心臓 neurotransmitters 心臓→大動脈→動脈→細動脈→毛細血管→静脈→毛細血管→静脈→大静脈→心臓 a. Reception of a neurotransmitter 門脈 腸管動脈→毛細血管→静脈→毛細血管→肝静脈→下大静脈

  3. Fig. 15.2 The endocrine system () classical Recently identified endocrine systems vessels (artery) 血管 heart 心臓 fat tissue 脂肪組織 stomach 胃 Hypothalamus 視床下部 下垂体(前葉、後葉) 甲状腺 副腎 副腎皮質 Pituitary Gland Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary Parathyroids 副甲状腺 胸腺 膵臓 性腺(精巣、卵巣) parathyroid glands (posterior surface of thyroid) Thymus Thyroid Pancreas Adrenal Gland Adrenal cortex Gonads Testes Ovaries testis (male) ovary (female)

  4. Table 15.1 松果体

  5. Hypothalamus-pituitary-peripheral endocrine system posterior pituitary hormone-producing cells* Hypothalamic hormone-producing cells Hypothalamus GnRH (=LHRH) CRH TRH (PRF) PIH GHRH GHIH (Somatostatin) Releasing: Inhibiting: ACTH producing cells TSH producing cells LH/FSH producing cells GH producing cells PRL producing cells Pituitary ADH OT #not included in posterior pituitary hormones Lower endocrine systems Aderenal cortex Thyroid Gonads Liver Mammary gland Whole body sex hormones cortisol T3,T4 IGF-1 bone etc sex organ etc whole body whole body

  6. Exocrine versus Endocrine (p334) Differences: with/without duct(s), cell polarity 膵内分泌 Duct(s)

  7. Fig. 15.7 Negative feedback mechanism in the endocrine system. Negative feedback (p335) hypothalamus releasing hormone (hormone 1) TRH feedback inhibits release of hormone 1 TRH 甲状腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモン TSH-releasing hormone anterior pituitary stimulating hormone (hormone 2) TSH feedback inhibits release of hormone 2 TSH 甲状腺刺激ホルモン Thyroid stimulating hormone Thyrotropin target gland target gland hormone (hormone 3) Thyroxine, triiodothyronine 甲状腺ホルモン Thyroid hormone

  8. Fig. 15.3 Hormones target specific cells. Receptors (p336) nontarget cell androgen receptors receptors XY target cells androgen hormone XY capillary normal:男性への性の分化

  9. Fig. 15.3 Hormones target specific cells. Androgen insensitivity (p336) XY target cells without the receptor androgen XY capillary receptor abnormality: 男性への性の分化異常 ↓ 女性型

  10. Local hormones (p336) e.g., prostaglandins and growth factors. Prostaglandins are produced, but not carried elsewhere in the bloodstream. paracrine endocrine autocrine

  11. The Action of Hormones (p337) Peptide hormones   ペプチドホルモン Steroid hormones   ステロイドホルモン Amino acid-derived hormones   アミノ酸誘導体ホルモン インスリン アルドステロン アドレナリン

  12. Fig. 15.4 Action of a peptide hormone. capillary 1. Hormone binds to a receptor in the plasma membrane. peptide hormone (first messenger) 親水性ホルモン ↓ 膜受容体 activated enzyme receptor protein 2. Binding leads to activation of an enzyme that changes ATP to cyclic AMP. cAMP (second messenger) ATP plasma membrane 3. cAM P activates an enzyme cascade. glucose (leaves cell and goes to blood) 4. Many molecules of glycogen are broken down to glucose, which enters the bloodstream. glycogen

  13. Fig. 15.5 Action of a steroid hormone and amino acid-derived hormones. steroid hormone 1. Hormone diffuses through plasma membrane because it is lipid soluble. plasma membrane cytoplasm 脂溶性ホルモン ↓ 核(細胞質)受容体 =転写因子 nucleus 2. Hormone binds to receptor inside nucleus. protein receptor protein DN A mRNA ribosome 3. Hormone-receptor complex activates gene and synthesis of a specific mRNA molecule follows. mRNA 4. mRNA moves to ribosomes, and protein synthesis occurs.

  14. 夏休みに分子生物学を体験してみませんか? ゲノムを抽出する。 プラスミドを扱う。 RNAを抽出する。 制限酵素で遺伝子を切ってみる。 PCRで遺伝子を増幅してみる。 ・ 5日コース 8月18-22、25-29日 興味があれば、原研分子医学・永山まで (nagayama@nagasaki-u.ac.jp) 〆切:7月4日 百聞は一見に如かず Seeing is believing 百見は一触に如かず Experiencing is believing ↓ 2年生になったら、1年生を指導

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