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Will The Year 2021 Prove To Be A Doom For Angular?

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Will The Year 2021 Prove To Be A Doom For Angular?

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  1. WRITE A POST  Ajay Kapoor Sr. Software Consultant & Blogger Will The Year 2021 Prove To Be A Doom For Angular? FOLLOW Published Feb 11, 2021 With every new year, it literally becomes a challenge to choose the best programming language for a startup or SME for their project. The reason behind this is that with every passing year new technologies come and overtake others. So, in this blog, I am going to have a discussion on Angular which is one of the most famous frameworks of Javascript language. Well here, I would like to throw light on its future in 2021. So, first of all, we are going to have a quick look at the overview of the Angular framework. What is Angular? Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework, developed and maintained by Google. It offers an easy and powerful way of building front-end web-based applications. Angular development integrates a range of features like declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, etc. that facilitates web application development. Although both Angular 1 and Angular 2 were called ‘Angular’. In reality, they were very different frameworks with a few things in common. To help prevent confusion, the Angular team started referring to the old version of Angular as ‘AngularJS’, and the new version as simply ‘Angular’. This makes intuitive sense since AngularJS was written in JavaScript, and Angular was not. By using Codementor, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ACCEPT Enjoy this post?  1 Features of Angular Framework

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  3. There are several features of Angular that make it an ideal front end JavaScript framework. The most important of them are described as follows: 1. Accessibility Applications Angular allows creating accessible applications using ARIA-enabled components, built-in a 11y test infrastructure, and developer guides. 2. Angular CLI Angular provides support for command-line interface tools. These tools can be used for adding components, testing, instant deploying, etc. 3. Animation Support Angular’s intuitive API allows the creation of high-performance, complex animation timelines with very little code. 4. Cross-Platform App Development Angular can be used for building efficient and powerful desktop, native, and progressive web apps. Angular provides support for building native mobile applications using Cordova, Ionic, or NativeScript. Angular allows creating high performance, offline, and zero-step installation progressive web apps using modern web platform capabilities. The popular JS framework can also be used for building desktop apps for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Advantages of Angular Following are the various advantages of using Angular: 1. Code Generation Angular is able to convert templates into highly-optimized code for modern JavaScript virtual machines. 2. Code Splitting With the new Component Router, Angular apps load quickly. The Component Router offers automatic code-splitting so that only the code required to render the view that is requested by a user is loaded. By using Codementor, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ACCEPT Enjoy this post?  1

  4. 3. Synergy with Popular Code Editors and IDEs Angular offers code completion, instant errors, etc. with popular source code editors and IDEs. 4. Templates Allows creating UI views with a simple and powerful template syntax. 5. Testing Angular lets you carry out frequent unit tests using Karma. The Protractor allows running faster scenario tests in a stable way. Some other advantages of Angular are as follows: Ability to add a custom directive Exceptional community support Facilitates client and server communication Features strong features, such as Animation and Event Handlers Follows the MVC pattern architecture Offers support for static template and Angular template Support for two-way data-binding Supports dependency injection, RESTful services, and validations Disadvantages of using Angular are enumerated as follows: Complex SPAs can be inconvenient and laggy to use due to their size Dynamic applications do not always perform well Learning Angular requires a decent effort and time Future of Angular Framework in 2021 1. Better developer ergonomics with strict typing for @angular/forms Angular is planning to come up with a stricter type of checking for recreative forms. In this way, it will help the developers to grab more issues during development time like enable better text editor and IdE support, and improve the type checking reactive forms. 2. Leverage full framework capabilities with Zone.js opt-out By using Codementor, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ACCEPT The Angular team is planning to design and implement a plan to make Zone.js optional from Angular applications This will help in simplifying the framework improving debugging and Enjoy this post?  1

  5. Angular applications. This will help in simplifying the framework, improving debugging, and reducing application bundle size. Apart from this, it will help us to take advantage of native async/await syntax, which currently Zone.js does not support. 3. Reduce framework overhead by removing legacy View Engine The team is planning to remove the legacy view Engine for small conceptual overhead, smaller package size, lower maintenance cost, and lower complexity of the codebase. Well, the team has decided this after the transition of all our internal tooling to Ivy has completed. 4. Improved test times and debugging with automatic test environment tear down In order to improve the test time and create better isolation across tests, hire Angular developers who are planning to change TestBed to automatically clean up and tear down the test environment after each test run. 5. Improved build performance with ngc as a tsc plugin distribution Distributing the Angular compiler as a plugin of the TypeScript compiler will substantially improve developers' build performance and reduce maintenance costs. 6. Support adding directives to host elements A long-standing feature request is to add the ability to add directives to host elements. The feature will allow developers to augment their own components with additional behaviors without using inheritance. The project will require substantial effort in terms of the definition of APIs, semantics, and implementation. 7. Simplified Angular mental model with optional modules In order to simplify the Angular mental model learning journey, the Angular team is working on making NgModules optional. In this way, developers would be able to develop standalone components and implement an alternative API for declaring the component’s compilation scope. 8. Ergonomic component level code-splitting APIs A common problem of web applications is their slow initial load time. A way to improve it is to apply more granular code-splitting on a component level. To encourage this practice, we’ll be working on more ergonomic code-splitting APIs. Final words By using Codementor, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ACCEPT So, it could be said that the present Angular is also pretty good but in 2021 and beyond, this is going to be more amazing. It will come with differential loading of modern JavaScript, Opt-in Ivy preview and the angular team is working on implementing Bazel which is a compiling tool Enjoy this post?  1

  6. Ivy preview, and the angular team is working on implementing Bazel, which is a compiling tool developed by Google in the Angular CLI, which should also help with improving file size, producing smaller bundles, and may be a faster building process for an overall enhanced general developer experience. So there is no point to predict that the year 2021 will prove to be doom for Angular. I hope this article brought you proper information. Angular Angularjs (1.x) JavaScript Angular2 Enjoy this post? Give Ajay Kapoor a like if it's helpful.  1  SHARE Ajay Kapoor Sr. Software Consultant & Blogger I am a tech blogger and love to share my knowledge with like-minded people. FOLLOW Be the first to share your opinion Leave a reply By using Codementor, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ACCEPT Enjoy this post?  1

  7. Find a Pair Programming Partner on Codementor Want to improve your programming skills? Choose from 10,000+ mentors to pair program with. GET STARTED Aswath Prabhu R What is Reactivity? į Reactivity in a framework is a declarative programming model that takes care of keeping the DOM(Document Object Model) in sync with the updates to current state I know that it's hard to sip, let's get practical so that we solidify our mental models and get a good hold of it! Let's code up a plain old counter by hand. With the advent of many javascript frameworks and libraries, it is a pretty easy task to accomplish. Will it be the same when developed with plain javascript? Forget all the frameworks and libraries, Your only tool is javascript now and just get ready for the ... READ MORE By using Codementor, you agree to our Cookie Policy. ACCEPT Enjoy this post?  1

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