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6.1 Phoenicians

6.1 Phoenicians. outline. I. Introduction. Canaan Canaanites = Phoenicians (North Canaan) Philistines (South Canaan) Civilization around 1200BC Most of the info about these groups comes from the Bible, other ancient writings, and the ruins of their cities and ships.

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6.1 Phoenicians

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  1. 6.1 Phoenicians outline

  2. I. Introduction • Canaan • Canaanites = Phoenicians (North Canaan) Philistines (South Canaan) • Civilization around 1200BC • Most of the info about these groups comes from the Bible, other ancient writings, and the ruins of their cities and ships

  3. II. Growth of Trade • Phoe. Made a living by the sea in trading • Phoe. Ships were made of strong cedar wood - strong fast ships, phoes. Were thought to be the first people to sail to America • Controlled trade in the Mediterranean Sea - traded cedar, glass, cloth, and perfume for gold and other precious metal - 1st to discover the art of glass blowing, took the knowledge to other lands

  4. II. Growth of Trade (Continued) • Used the stars and sun to navigate the open seas • Created treaties with larger countries - This allowed them to concentrate on trade and not worry so much about defense

  5. III. Cities of Phoenicia • City-states in Phoe. Were never united b/c of large mts. Separating them - They referred to themselves as citizens of the individual city-states, not Phoenicians • Ruled by a Priest King - Later the king was forced to share power with a council • Cities had protective walls built around them and were crowed with narrow streets - artisans and merchants shops were w/in these walls

  6. III. Cities of Phoenicia (continued) • The sea port just outside the wall, center of economic activity • Goods taken from port were sent to warehouses to be stored for sale or shipment • Phoenicians were famous for dying cloth - famous for purple color, Phoenician means “ of Purple Merchant” - Legend of Melkart and Tyrus

  7. IV. Gods and Goddesses • Polytheistic • most gods were based in nature - original worship was outdoors under trees and on hills, later developed temples • Holy of Holies, contained image or statue of the God or Goddess - This is the area where sacrifices could be made to that god • Believed in the afterlife - at first bodies were cremated and stored in urns, -later they learned the art of embalming from the Egyptians

  8. V. Carthage • North African Colony founded by the Phoenicans • 814 BC • Legend of Dido • Provided a stopping point that allowed the Phoenicians to be able to ship all the way to the British Iles

  9. VI. Alphabet • Phoens. Did not invent the alphabet, but through trade they spread the knowledge of it • Phoenician Alphabet was borrowed from Egyptian Hieroglyphics and simplified to use to keep track of trade - consists of 22 symbols used to make words - basis for Greek, Roman, English, and many other alphabets

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