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ASTROLOGY THE STARS. By: Abigail centeno MRS.LAKE/ GIFTED 12/6/12. What you will learn today and why I wanted to do this project. You will learn about the stars, What ancient people thought about the star, What they used them for, And how!

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  1. ASTROLOGY THE STARS By: Abigail centeno MRS.LAKE/ GIFTED 12/6/12

  2. What you will learn today and why I wanted to do this project • You will learn about the stars, What ancient people thought about the star, What they used them for, And how! • You will learn cool and awesome stuff about the stars if you listen to my presentation! • I'm interested in this topic because I always thought that the star where cool and I wanted to learn more about them!

  3. THE STARS • Stars are like a fire the coolest part is the top which is red the middle is yellow and the hottest part is blue, star are almost the same • Red dwarf may live trillions of years before they run out of fuel • When yellow star dies it expands then shrinks and the its so hot it has to cool of f then it turns in to a white dwarf star the it will turn in to a black dwarf star • When a blue giant star dies it grows big also, only instead of shrinking it explode in supernova • A giant star is like our sun when it dies it expands and instead of shrinking it stay big and also burns brighter because now its fuels helium instead of hydrogen. • A super giant star is like a giant star only bigger but when a super giant star dies it turns in to a black hole by exploding in supernova

  4. History of stars • Ancient people first studied the Stars thousands of years ago. • Ancient people not only noticed the stars but also the sun the moon and the planet • Ancient people used them for Ceremonies and for navigating • Early astronomers grouped then in Constellation and tracked the sun and plants with them • The movement of the Stars over a coarse Of a year helped them make the first colander so they know when to Plant the Fields and harvest them. • The milky way galaxy has between 200 and 400 billion stars

  5. Prediction with stars • Astrology prediction is based on the movement formation or the alignment of the planets and constellation of the stars and how they interact with people , environment, and every day situation • Astrology is the prediction of a persons life based on his\her birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood • Astrology prediction involves career, relationships, money, travel, marriage, destiny, friends and family, past lives, love, passion, forecast and horoscope. Readings can be made in these categories. Forecast should also be based on the sun sign, such as: arise, Taurus, Gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces

  6. What ancient people used the stars for • The first use for Constellations was probably religious. People thought that the Gods lived in the heavens and that they created them. • A more practical use for constellations was agriculture. Before there were proper calendars people had no way of determining when to sow, or harvest except by the stars. • The constellations also helped with navigation. It is fairly easy to spot Polaris once you've found Little Dipper constellation. One can figure out his/her latitude just by looking at how high Polaris appears in the night sky. This allowed for ships to travel across the globe. It also allowed for the discovery of America.

  7. What we use the stars for today • The constellations have a practical purpose today too. They determine how stars are named. When astronomers go to conferences they like to share their research with others. And usually they will want to tell someone which stars or objects they may be looking at. If they just give the coordinates the other person is not likely to have an immediate idea of where the star is located in the sky. But if you say that the star's name is Alpha Tau then you will know that is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation. • The stars are named based on the constellation they are in. The naming goes from brightest to dimmest star and is designated by the Greek alphabet. For example Beta Ore is the second brightest star in Orion.

  8. References • http://www.kidsastronomy.com/stars.htm • http://www.universetoday.com/25156/history-of-stars/ • http://www.astrology-prediction.net/ • http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=340

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