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    2. Introdução (em português): por que a poesia sempre fascinou os seres humanos ?

    3. Bachelard e o sonho Numa palestra proferida em 1954, em comemoração a seus 70 anos de idade, o grande filósofo Gaston Bachelard (1884–1962) tentava responder esta questão perene, aproximando filosofia e poesia. Advertia, no entanto, que a filosofia, com freqüência se esquece que, antes do pensamento, existe o sonho; que os homens não só pensam, mas, antes disso, imaginam. Antes de idéias claras e estáveis, existem as imagens que brilham e que passam.

    4. Ele nos lembra que é preciso dar à devida importância à imaginação, a faculdade mais dinâmica do psiquismo humano. É ela que nos fornece uma função diferente da função da realidade, que é a função da possibilidade, de onde provém a consciência do poeta. Para Bachelard, o poeta é alguém que dorme acordado, isto é, alguém que nos faz confidências sobre seus sonhos.

    5. O poeta é aquele que inspira, que nos dá a exata energia da imaginação. Ele nos ajuda a satisfazer a necessidade de poesia que existe no coração dos homens. E, ainda segundo Bachelard, a poesia só existe através de imagens amadas, privilegiadas. Imagens que com sua magnífica simplicidade renovam as profundezas de nosso ser. Imagens instantâneas que nos despertam de nosso sonambulismo passivo, que nos despertam para outra vida, nos convidam a entrar num mundo desconhecido.  

    6. Em seu sono desperto, o poeta sonha, e nesse seu contato com o sonho e a imaginação, ele nos traz a consciência de sonhar, que é muito mais difícil do que a consciência de pensar, pois sonhar é diferente da lembrança de ter sonhado.  

    7. La philosophie traditionelle s’occupe communement de l’homme qui pense, comme si l’homme trouvait toute sa substance, tout son être, dans la pensée. A filosofia tradicional se ocupa normalmente do homem que pensa, como se o homem encontrasse toda a sua substância, todo o seu ser, no pensamento.

    8. Il semble que la function dominante de la philosophie soit alors en quelque sorte de repenser la pensée. Parece que a função dominante da filosofia é, portanto, uma espécie de repensar o pensamento.

    9. Tout à sa fonction dominante de concentrer les lumières sur ce sommet de l’air qui est la pensée, la philosophie oublie souvent qu’avant la pensée il ya les songes, qu’avant les idées claires et stables, il y a les images qui brillent et qui passent. Focada em sua função dominante de concentrar as luzes sobre este cume de ar que é o pensamento, a filosofia por vezes se esquece que antes do pensamento existem os sonhos, que antes das idéias claras e estáveis, existem as imagens que brilham e que passam.

    10. Pris dans son integralité, l’homme est un être que non seulement pense mais qui, d’abord, imagine. Preso na sua integralidade, o homem é um ser que não somente pensa, mas que, acima de tudo, imagina.

    11. Un être qui éveillé est assailli par un monde d’images precises et qui, endormi, rêve dans une penombre où se meuvent des formes inachevées, des formes qui se deplacent sans lois, des formes qui se deforment sans fin. Um ser que quando desperto é invadido por um mundo de imagens precisas e quando adormecido, sonha dentro de uma penumbra onde se movem formas inacabadas, formas que se deslocam sem lei, formas que se deformam sem fim.

    12. MY HEART LEAPS UP (by William Wordsworth) My heart leaps up when I behold [observar] A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. [piedade, devoção]



    15. UNTITLED When spring comes I feel like a Daisy just opening up into a new life. I feel like running twenty miles And taking off my heavy coat And putting on a pair of sneakers. [sapato “tênis”] I feel like I started a new life And everything is better Than it was before. I get faster In running and I can go swimming outdoors. It feels like the smell of new flowers And the animals Coming up from their holes, The birds coming back from their vacations. I love spring. Michael Patrick, age 10, USA

    16. OH JOYOUS HOUSE When I walk home from school, I see many houses Many houses down many streets. They are warm, comfortable houses But other people´s houses I pass without much notice. Then as I walk farther, farther I see a house, the house It springs up with a jerk [solavanco] That speeds my pace; I lurch forward.[cambalear] Longing makes me happy, I bubble inside. It’s my house. Richard Janzen, Age 12, Canada


    18. WIND The wind is like the yeast in bread. [fermento] It makes the clouds fluffy white not red. [fofas] It bakes them in the oven of the sky. [forno] Then sets them loose. I wonder why? Robert Tanaka, age 11, USA

    19. MY OLD GRANDFATHER My old grandfather is dead and buried. An orange tree was planted over his grave. [túmulo] The tree fed on him and grew taller. The oranges grew ripe and ready to drop. The wind came and blew them off. I came, picked them up and ate. O what a dreadful thing! I ate my poor grandfather’s body. Joseph Alumasa, age 14, Kenya

    20. THE SEA On the way I saw the sea, The sea I saw on the way. I saw a ship on the sea, On the sea I saw a ship. There were seagulls and birds on the sea Seagulls and birds were on the sea I saw some pretty shells a-lying on the bottom of the sea I would have liked to pick them up if I weren’t in the train. Suzanne G., age 8, New Zealand

    21. ARE WE THEIR EQUALS? Time. Is it everlasting? [eterno] Or can it be destroyed. Perhaps. Wind. Are we its equal? Have we yet conquered? Can we conquer? I think not. Ocean. Is not stronger? Has it not smashed us ? – I don’t know. Time, Wind, Ocean, Are we their equals? Helen Geltman, age 12, USA

    22. MY BRAIN I have a little brain Tucked safely in my head [preso] And another little brain Which is in the air instead This follows me, and plays with me And talks to me in bed The other one confuses me, The one that’s in my head. Annabel Laurance, age 10, Uganda


    24. NIGHT TIME The color is dark blue. In the sky the moon is up. And the stars. I hear Wind in the chimney pots [cano de chaminé] And pit-a-pat on the stairs, And babies crying. It is quiet – I feel lonely and sad. Paul Wisdom, age 7, England


    26. OLD MAN Old man, once sturdy as a mountain [robusto] Now fragile as a twig. [graveto] It is many years and many storms till a mountain is worn But a twig can suddenly go snap. [quebrar] Old man, whose white beard is tangled like a net [emaranhar] Meshed and tangled [enredado] Tangled like old yarn [fio de lã] But yarn can be snagged [rasgado] Old man, whose face gnarled like an old tree [torcido] Gnarled and cracked his face is Like a rotted tree stump [podre][toco] But a rotted stump can crumble to dust. [esfarelar-se] Old man, how many stumps can you withstand? [aguentar] How much more snapping? How long will this go on? Before you too crumble into dust? Jessica Siegal, age 13, USA

    27. LONG SLEEP When I die I think, I’ll think at first of brightness. Red lines, blue lines, yellow lines, Bright circles Spots all dashing, speeding [manchas][arremessar-se] Splitting across my mind. [rachar] Pushing, pushing me back over a ledge of doom. Down, falling, falling, Into a pit of cold black endless darkness. Everything goes in circles, It’s hot but it’s cold And then I stop, I stop on a rock, A rock as cold as ice. But I feel that everything keeps going, Going forever, I feel at home. I sleep forever But everything keeps going and going and going. David Short, age 11, USA


    29. THE CASTLE YONDER Here! Where do you go? To the castle With the fairies, To the castle yonder [lá longe, acolá] Built by my uncle, the King Which? Which castle? That one, Over there. That one yonder built by my uncle, the King. Why? Why do you go there? Because it is bad. I go with witches to the castle yonder built by my uncle, the King When? When was it built? Long, long ago In the days of old The castle yonder Was built by my uncle, the King How? How was it built? With a wave of the wand it was built. [vara de condão] But I must go now To the castle yonder Built by my uncle the King. John Dudley, age 12, Ireland

    30. TWO MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND FISHES One cold, winter morning I got out of bed And went downstairs And went outside And went fishing. I put in my line And started to pull And I pulled and pulled And, after a while, I pulled out: Two million two hundred thousand fishes! Then I remembered To get them all home I needed to have Two million two hundred thousand wagons! [carros] When I got home I went to my mother And my mother said, “What shall we do with Two million two hundred thousand fishes!” My mother sat down And she thought and she thought And, after a while, she got up. She opened the window And threw out: Two million two hundred thousand fishes! Danny Marcus, age 8, USA

    31. BEING NOBODY Have you ever felt like nobody? Just a tiny speck of air. When everyone’s around you, And you’re just not there. Karen Crawford, age 9, USA

    32. 6. WITHDRAWAL

    33. A WISH I want to climb the santol tree That grows beside my bedroom window And get the santol fruit. I want to climb the tree at night And get the moon the branches hide. Then I shall go to bed, my pockets full, One with the fruit, the other with the moon. Tomas Santos, age 7, Philipines

    34. WHAT’S NIGHT TO ME Night is a beautiful thing, One big black ball As the clouds push it around. Sometimes I think I am being rolled over by it. Sometimes I think it’s smiling at me. The moon is the nose The stars are the mouth. And it is drinking the Milky Way [Via Láctea] Sometimes I dream it will swallow me. Night is the time for dreams. Not day dreams but night dreams Sam Gilford, age 8, USA

    35. BIBLIOGRAPHY BACHELARD, Gaston. La Pensée et le songe. Anthologie Sonore de la Pensée Française. Paris: Prémaux et Associés, 2003 LEWIS, Richard [Org.]. Miracles. New York: Bantam, 1977.

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