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Asexual Propagation

Asexual Propagation. Original by Linda Rist Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office July, 2002. Softwood & Semi-hardwood stem cuttings. When to take cuttings: after current or present seasons growth has partially hardened should be able to bend. Stem Cuttings.

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Asexual Propagation

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  1. Asexual Propagation Original by Linda Rist Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office July, 2002

  2. Softwood & Semi-hardwood stem cuttings When to take cuttings: after current or present seasons growth has partially hardened should be able to bend

  3. Stem Cuttings Collecting cutting wood Parent plant that has made 2 to 6 inches new growth during current year Early morning is the best time to take cuttings

  4. Stem Cuttings Place cutting in water immediately after taking cutting Be sure to remember which is the top of the cutting Cut bottom at an angle Cut top straight across

  5. Stem Cuttings Preparing Container & Rooting media Containers must have holes in the bottom for drainage Medium should be sterile Mix medium before wilting to assure uniform mixture

  6. Stem Cuttings Making the cuttings Make as many 3 or 4 inch cuttings as possible from each shoot Cut bottom at an angle Allows more surface area to contact rooting media for water absorption

  7. Stem Cuttings Include 2 or 3 buds on each cutting On hollow stems, cut just below the node on the bottom and just above the node on top

  8. Stem Cuttings Treating and Inserting Cutting “Root one F” rooting hormone Chemicals which help cuttings grow more quickly and grow a larger number of roots Rooting hormones may contain fungicide

  9. Stem Cuttings Place cutting in medium no more than 2 inches deep Do not press media around cutting, water to settle around it Label cutting, include name of rooting hormone used

  10. Stem Cuttings Controlling the atmosphere Keep relative humidity close to 100% Plant loses water through leaves (transpiration) can’t take up water fast enough to compensate without roots.

  11. Stem Cuttings Enclose containers in clear plastic Place out in direct sunlight Keep temp down

  12. Stem Cuttings Rooting Check for roots by holding cutting and tugging gently Resistance = roots developing Growth on the tips or sides is normal, but does not indicate root growth

  13. Stem Cuttings Harden off when root ball is 2-3 inches After hardening off can be “lined out” Planted outside

  14. Herbaceous Cuttings Succulent greenhouse plants Can make numerous cuttings from parent plant Cuttings 2-6 inches long

  15. Herbaceous Cuttings Remove bottom leaves Roots will grow from the node where leaves were attached Use rooting hormone- ROOTONE Not required Speeds rooting process

  16. Herbaceous Cuttings High humidity Bottom heat helps speed rooting

  17. Herbaceous Cuttings Leaf Cuttings African Violet Use leaf and petiole

  18. Herbaceous Cuttings Leaf-bud cuttings Cut bud and leaf from stem Cut leaf to a smaller size Requires less moisture

  19. Herbaceous Cuttings Firm into soil, water and cover in a moisture right container. Can make many more cuttings from parent plant than with stem cuttings Rooting hormone should be weaker strength.

  20. Herbaceous Cuttings Root Cuttings Can be made from any plant that will sprout or sucker from the root. Cut roots 1/8 to 1/2 inch in diameter in pieces 1-4 inches long.

  21. Herbaceous Cuttings Place in sand in a flat Water Cover with glass or plastic Then new shoots sprout move plants to nursery row Ex: raspberry

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