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Lulusan Teknik Industri bisa jadi apa?

Lulusan Teknik Industri bisa jadi apa?. By Nurul Oktafianita. Bidang Teknologi Komunikasi. By Nurul Oktafianita. By Nurul Oktafianita. Apakah CEO itu?. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Tugas CEO : merumuskan pihak-pihak luar yang benar-benar berarti bagi organisasi

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Lulusan Teknik Industri bisa jadi apa?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lulusan Teknik Industri bisa jadi apa? By Nurul Oktafianita

  2. Bidang Teknologi Komunikasi By Nurul Oktafianita

  3. By Nurul Oktafianita

  4. Apakah CEO itu? CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Tugas CEO : merumuskan pihak-pihak luar yang benar-benar berarti bagi organisasi memutuskan mana bidang yang akan digeluti dan mana yang tidak kemampuan menyeimbangkan kepentingan saat ini dan masa depan mempertajam nilai-nilai dan standar-standar perusahaan By Nurul Oktafianita

  5. Seperti… Timothy D. Cook Timothy D. Cook (atau Tim Cook; lahir di Robertsdale, Alabama, 1 November 1960) adalah chief executive officer(CEO) di perusahaan multimedia Apple Inc. Ia sudah bekerja di Apple sejak 1988. Tugas utamanya adalah mengelola operasi harian di perusahaan tersebut By Nurul Oktafianita

  6. Peran CEO adalah unik, CEO adalah pimpinan bisnis yang harus mampu menjadi ‘jembatan’ antara dunia luar dan dunia dalam organisasi. By Nurul Oktafianita

  7. Mr. Cook studied an MBA from Duke University, where he was a Fuqua Scholar and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering from Auburn University. By Nurul Oktafianita

  8. By Nurul Oktafianita

  9. Bidang Antariksa By Nurul Oktafianita

  10. Industrial Engineer Mission Intregation Engineer Kenedy Space Center By Nurul Oktafianita

  11. Seperti… Jose Nunez Jose Nunez is currently the Lead for External Carriers Re-supply and Return Missions to the International Space Station (ISS). In this capacity, he serves as the Mission Integration Engineer responsible for integrating all ground operations and technical requirements and activities as well as developing and implementing the Launch-onNeed philosophy associated with external carriers and orbital replacement units flying to the ISS. By Nurul Oktafianita

  12. ia menerima gelar Bachelor of Science di Industri dan Sistem Rekayasa dari University of Florida pada tahun 1988, dan Magister Management Engineering dari University of Central Florida pada tahun 1992. Dia adalah Insinyur Profesional terdaftar di Negara Bagian Florida dan saat ini sedang menyelesaikan gelar Doktor di bidang Teknik Industri dari University of Central Florida. By Nurul Oktafianita

  13. In his 13 years with NASA, he has performed in multiple engineering/leadership roles as well as participated in cross-agency task teams, most notably the NASA Headquarters’ Strategic Management Working Group, where he provided key insights into the Agency’s Strategic Management Plan during a Professional Development Program at NASA Headquarters. By Nurul Oktafianita

  14. Terimakasih…

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