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VISION-MISSION- GOALS. See it ! Go After it ! Achieve It !. Leadership 2010. Mark 4:30-32

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  1. VISION-MISSION- GOALS See it! Go After it! AchieveIt!

  2. Leadership2010 Mark 4:30-32 “With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shurbs, and put forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”

  3. Conspiracy of Black Mustard Seed Churches

  4. UNFRUITFUL & BARREN A Hopeless Tree

  5. Conspiracy: Transformed Trees

  6. Strong Branches

  7. Black Church Branches for All Bird Types and Species

  8. The United Methodist Church God’s Gifts to Us! Incredible Moment In History: Signs of Transformation in the Life and Ministry of the Black Church!

  9. Where There is No Vision the People Perish. Proverbs 29:18 (NKJV) • SBC 21 is the key to successful ministry and • programming. • Provide inspiration for daily ministries, operations and strategic decisions. • How can we plan the route?

  10. SBC 21 VISION • To partner strategically with Congregation Resource Centers, key Councils, ministries, Commissions and Boards. • Succeed in undergirding Partner Congregations. • To equip with practical tools and skills needed for vibrant worship, evangelism, discipleship, stewardship, mission, outreach, and effective administration.

  11. How Will The Vision Become Reality? Dare To Dreaming Juxtaposition our mission against the vision Shape, apply and distil vision into a usable formula.

  12. The SBC21 Formula By 2012, SBC21 will: • Develop/implement efficient communication strategy • Annual conferences partnership • Academy of interns • Congregation resource centers • Enroll partner churches • Publication of companion to “God Delivers Me” • Expand the SBC 21 initiative into the next quadrennium.

  13. THE SBC 21 MISSION To transform, revitalize, nurture, build and sustain strong Black Congregations for making a greater and more prophetic witness for Jesus Christ in the world today.

  14. UMC Four Focus Areas: SBC 21 Emphasis Developing Christian leaders for the church and world Strengthening & renewing existing congregations; help to plant new places/new people Engaging in ministry with the poor Stamp out diseases of poverty by improving health

  15. Introduction and History: Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century? SBC-21 resulted from the action of the 1992 General Conference which directed the former General Council on Ministries (GCOM) to convene a Study Panel of ten persons with two mandates in focus:

  16. Introduction and History: Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century? (cont) • Review the effectiveness for the period 1972-1993. • Report the finding and make recommendations to the 1996 general conference • The study panel recommended a plan of action and structure for sbc-21. • Approved in 1996 by general conference

  17. Nature and Scope: Plan of Action The Plan Called For The Following: • Selection of 25 vital congregations to serve as Congregation Resource Centers (CRC’s) • Teams of lay and clergy from CRC’s to serve as resource with partner congregations (PC’s). • Utilize geographic and need specific models to meet rural, urban and suburban church needs. • A strong intentional focus on laity.

  18. What is a Congregation Resource Center (CRC)? CRCs are: • Rural, urban and suburban congregations. • Strong clergy and lay leadership. • Rooted in the Wesleyan heritage. • Embracing their cultural heritage. CRCs accept : • Primary task of training and equipping partner congregations. • Host training events. • Expose PC’s to new ministries. • Provide support and follow-up.

  19. What is a Partner Congregation? • Local churches who want to become vital. • Team of lay/clergy • Site evaluations, written reports, visits to a CRC • Telephone follow-up, participation in training opportunities

  20. What Governance Structure Support the Plan of Action? • National Office head by the National Director • SBC-21 Coordinating Committee • Assist the National Director • Responsible for hiring staff • Selecting CRCs and PCs • Report to General Conference • Recommendations for legislation

  21. How Many Churches Have Participated? • By the end of the 2009-2012 quadrennium: • Over 400 local congregations • Rural, urban, and suburban areas • Over 1,100 people (clergy and lay teams) • Participated in innovative training models • Hopeful the partnerships annual conferences will help to increase the numbers

  22. What are the Successes of SBC-21? Congregation Resource Centers are: • Primary place for training lay and clergy teams • Higher incidence of ministry of all Christians • More lay leadership involvement-creative worship • More small groups • A willingness to strategize and plan

  23. How are Members of the SBC-21Coordinating Committee Selected? The committee includes laywomen, laymen, and clergy. Each jurisdictional College of Bishops names (3) persons. BMCR names two persons; Council of Bishops names two bishops, youth and young adults. Each general agency names a rep to resource the committee.

  24. Does SBC-21 Provide Annual Reports to other UMC Entities? Yes! 1. National Black Methodist for Church Renewal (BMCR) 2. The General Board of Discipleship

  25. How Are SBC-21 Ministry funds Utilized? Congregation Resource Centers:* SBC-21 provides monetary resource to support training events. * CRCs contributes countless volunteer hours Partner Congregations:A three-step process involved with SBC-21 ministry funds.

  26. How Is SBC-21 Funded? • SBC-21 is funded from: • The World Service Fund • Allocations are approved by GCFA

  27. What are the Successes of SBC-21? • Partner Congregations Successes • Increased Lay leadership Involvement • Increased Creative Worship • Increased Small Groups • Local Church Successes • Economic Development Programs • Literacy Campaigns • Computer Literacy Laboratories

  28. How Many Churches Have Participated? Chart represents 2009-2012 Quadrennium * 400 local congregations* 1,100 People(clergy and lay teams)

  29. Who Provides Administrative Services for SBC-21? The Coordinating Committee Reports Administratively to GBOD

  30. Why Support The SBC-21 Legislation? SBC-21 is an initiative of the whole church supporting the continual inclusion of African Americans in its life

  31. Why Support The SBC-21 Legislation?(continued) Help transform and revitalize the church by making disciples for the glory of God on behalf of the peopled called United Methodist.


  33. SBC-21 National Website Thank You

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