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Pathology Test Centre in Delhi - Primex Laboratories

One of the best diagnostic centre in Dwarka. We provide quality and<br>reliable Diagnostic and Diagnostic Imaging Services at a reasonable<br>price.Our goal is to provide quality services to our customers.<br>Our focus is on cost-efficient and high-quality. our vision is to be no. 1<br>in healthcare services and to introduce latest medical technologies in India.

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Pathology Test Centre in Delhi - Primex Laboratories

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  1. BestDiagnosticCentre inDwarka 9718600658 www.primexlaboratories.com

  2. AboutUs: OneofthebestdiagnosticcentersinDwarka. WeprovidequalityandreliableDiagnostic andDiagnosticImagingServicesata reasonableprice.Ourgoalistoprovide qualityservicestoourcustomers. Ourfocusisoncost-efficientand high-quality.Ourvisionistobe no.1inhealthcareservices andtointroducelatest medicaltechnologies inIndia. Contactusformore Information 9718600658

  3. OurPackages PrimexAdvanceSmartHealth Package CompleteHemogram(CBC&ESR) LipidProfile-Serum LiverFunction Test (LFT) –Serum KidneyFunctionTest(KFT)–Serum ThyroidFunctionTest(TFT)–Serum CReactiveProtein(CRP) RheumatoidArthritisFactor(RATest) IgETotal(Allergy) InorganicPhosphorus SerumTestosterone HbA1c BloodGlucose(F) Calcium MarketPrice:8500/- OurPrice:2500/- VitaminD3 VitaminB12 UrineR/M PrimexANCPregnancyProfile CompleteBloodCount(CBC&ESR) BloodGroup SerumGlucose VDRL HIVTridot HBsAg HCVTridot TSH MarketPrice:3900/- HPLC UrineR/M OurPrice:2500/-

  4. OurPackages PrimexHealthPackage Basic CompleteHemogram(CBC&ESR) LipidProfile-Serum LiverFunctionTest(LFT)–Serum KidneyFunctionTest(KFT)–Serum ThyroidFunctionTest(TFT)–Serum HbA1c BloodGlucose (F) Calcium MarketPrice:3300/- OurPrice:1599/- UrineR/M PrimexHealthPackage Comprehensive CompleteHemogram(CBC&ESR) LipidProfile-Serum LiverFunctionTest(LFT)-Serum KidneyFunctionTest(KFT)-Serum ThyroidFunctionTest(TFT)-Serum HbA1c BloodGlucose (F) Calcium VitaminD3 VitaminB12 CRP(Quantative) SerumTestosterone HBsAg MarketPrice:8100/- OurPrice:3000/- HIVTridot UrineR/M

  5. OurPackages PrimexArthritisProfile Comprehensive CompleteBloodCount(CBC&ESR) CRP(Quantative) SerumUricAcid RAFactor(Quantative) ANA(IFA) AntiCCPAntibodySerumCalcium InorganicPhosphorus VitaminD3 MarketPrice:6450/- OurPrice:4000/- UrineR/M Primex SmartHealth Package CompleteHemogram(CBC&ESR) LipidProfile-Serum LiverFunctionTest(LFT)-Serum KidneyFunctionTest(KFT)-Serum ThyroidFunctionTest(TFT)-Serum HbA1c BloodGlucose(F) Calcium VitaminD3 VitaminB12 MarketPrice:4450/- OurPrice:2000/- UrineR/M

  6. TESTCATEGORY BoneTest Harmones Profile DiabetesTest PregnancyTest HeartDisease CancerMarker VitaminTest ViralFever Contactusformore information 9718600658

  7. HeadOffice: PlotNo.78A,Pocket-2,Sector-6DDA Flats,Dwarka,NewDelhi-110075 OurBranches Dwarkasector-6 RajNagar-II,Palam RajouriGarden www.primexlaboratories.com ContactusformoreInformation 9718600658

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