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IAC / Chilemeira

Nhamuchindo. Stand: Juli 2005. Zona Sabao. Pumbuto. Mibia Bonque. Zanga. Zona Metuchira. Barragem. Boque. Nhachoco. Dewe. Panga Panga. Ant. Zimpinga. Lar p. 6 alunos Minenopferhaus. Maio / Gondola. Chimoio. Gondola. Beira. Machucha. Mussunza. Zimpinga. Camhonda.

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IAC / Chilemeira

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nhamuchindo Stand: Juli 2005 Zona Sabao Pumbuto Mibia Bonque Zanga Zona Metuchira Barragem Boque Nhachoco Dewe Panga Panga Ant. Zimpinga Lar p. 6 alunos Minenopferhaus Maio / Gondola Chimoio Gondola Beira Machucha Mussunza Zimpinga Camhonda IAC / Chilemeira Nhamuenga Tamai Nhambonda Ingomai Mutongoro Orfanate / Chilem. Caxao Mudododo Janak Manhere Marera Mutocoma Mparanhanga Serra Moyo Wachena Fertige Schule Schule im Bau Schule in Planung Mutocoma II

  2. Beira

  3. Gondola

  4. Nhamuchindo

  5. Zona Sabao

  6. Mibia Bongue

  7. Zona Metuchira

  8. Barragem

  9. Pumbuto

  10. Zanga

  11. Nhachoco

  12. Panga Panga

  13. Ant. Zimpinga

  14. Maio / Gondola

  15. Lar p. 6 alunos Minenopferhaus

  16. Dewe

  17. Boque

  18. Machucha

  19. Camhonda

  20. IAC / Chilemeira

  21. Orfanate / Chilemeira

  22. Marera

  23. Mutongoro

  24. Ingomai

  25. Mutocoma

  26. Mutocoma II

  27. Mudododo

  28. M´paranhanga Serra

  29. Janak

  30. Nhamuenga

  31. Mussunza

  32. Nhambonda

  33. Tamai

  34. Zimpinga

  35. Manhere

  36. Caxao

  37. Moyo Wachena

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