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Marketing for Fundraising

Marketing for Fundraising. Nonprofit Learning Point Patricia S. Morris, MPA, CFRE October 2012. Course Description.

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Marketing for Fundraising

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  1. Marketing for Fundraising Nonprofit Learning Point Patricia S. Morris, MPA, CFRE October 2012

  2. Course Description Developing relationships with people who care about your cause is essential to raising money, but how to find these people is often a challenge. The right kind of marketing can help you identify prospective donors as well as keep your current donors informed. Designed for those with little or no marketing experience, this class includes topics on various types of prospect and donor communications:  person to person, telephone, direct mail (working with outsourced vendors as well as in-house solicitations), email, website effectiveness, storytelling, and speakers’ bureaus.  Also covered are marketing for planned giving, using newsletters to raise money, marketing for tribute and monthly giving, as well as working with the media.  It will offer tips and insights about integrating marketing strategies for both large and small organizations into your development plan. Bring examples of your own organization’s materials and the instructor will review them during lunch or after class.

  3. Class Objectives • Understand how marketing enhances fundraising • Identify marketing strategies applicable to your own fundraising program • Gain board support for marketing • Integrate marketing into your development plan

  4. Day One Topics & Activities Activity 1: Who are we? Setting expectations of the class Topic: Overview of Marketing Activity 2: Defining your organization’s key messages Activity 3: Identifying the audience(s) you want to reach Topic: Marketing Strategies – Part I

  5. Day TwoTopics & Activities Topic: Marketing Strategies (Part II) Activity 5: Identifying and discussing new strategies Topic: Gaining support for a marketing program Activity 6: Designing your own marketing committee Topic: Integrating marketing and fundraising

  6. All students will receive one credit through VCU for participation in this class. This grade will appear on your official VCU transcript. Grading System: • Student registers but does not attend the class – administratively dropped • Student attends less than the full two days* – administratively withdrawn • Student attends both full days and participates, but does not complete an assignment – can earn a maximum of a C but the instructor can assign C, D, or F based on students participation. The majority of students who participate well and exhibit appropriate classroom behavior with likely receive a C. • Student attends both full days and submits an assignment – the student is eligible for an A or B. They can earn a maximum of A but the professor can assign A, B, C, D, or F based on students’ participation and quality of assignment. The majority of students completing the assignment will likely receive an A or B. • The only grades eligible towards the certificate is an A or B • Technology and Conversational Spanish courses are an exception to this grading system and operate on a Pass / Fail grading system. In order to receive a Pass you must meet all attendance and any other course requirements. *Students need 10‐15 contact hours with an instructor, therefore it is mandatory that they attend every hour of the program to receive a passing grade.  

  7. Pat’sGradingScale • Attend 10 hours & participate in class discussions & activities plus: • A = key points addressed fully and exceptional content • B = key points addressed and above average content • C = assignment not turned in

  8. Assignments Undergraduate: Identify one marketing strategy that would enhance your organization’s fundraising program. In a 300-400 word essay (approximately one page, Arial font size 12 with one inch margins) discuss how you might integrate this strategy into your fundraising program. Graduate: Identify two marketing strategies that would enhance your organization’s fundraising program. In a 600-800 word essay (approximately two pages, Arial font size 12 with one inch margins) discuss how you might integrate these strategies into your fundraising program. Include in your discussion where/how you might find the funding and human resources to support these new activities. Email to pmorris1201@verizon.net no later than November 5, 5:00 PM

  9. * Activity 1 - Who are we?20 Minutes • Answer the following & be prepared to share • First name • Position • Organization Name • Organization Mission • Your experience with fundraising and marketing • Favorite TV commercial & why you like it

  10. The Concept of Development • Development is marketing • Success requires that the organization’s story resonates with prospects and meets their needs (not yours) • Success is not about what you’re “selling” • Success is about what the donor is “buying.” • Development includes fundraising (asking) • Development is holistic • Every staff and board member, every volunteer, and in some cases, every consumer of your services are integral parts of your organization’s ability to raise friends and funds • Development is everyone’s job

  11. Telling the Organization’s Story • Is marketing • Advertising • Promotion • Publicity • Public relations • Is donor communications • Raising awareness of the cause • Friend raising • Fundraising • The most effective way to move your organization forward

  12. Overview of Marketing • Definitions • Branding • Messaging • Target Audiences • Strategies

  13. Marketing Is: • Advertising • Paint a sign saying, “Circus Coming to Town” • Promotion • Put the sign on an elephant and walk it to town • Publicity • The elephant walks through the mayor’s garden • Public Relations • Get the mayor to laugh about it!

  14. Key Marketing Points • Know your audience (donors/prospects) • Communicate frequently in multiple ways with your audience (“touch” them a minimum of seven times per year) • Include a call to action and make it convenient and easy for people to act • Do a limited number of things well; refine your activities • Concentrate your efforts on the most productive vehicles

  15. Building Your Brand*Based on a ProcessUsed by the Martin Agency

  16. Nonprofit Brand Equityis: Your brand (identity)’s power derived from the goodwill and name recognition it has earned over time, which translates into higher public awareness and higher fundraising compared to competing brands.

  17. CoreCompetency • If your brand is well-known: • The credible, supportable, interpretation of your current brand • If your brand is not well-known: • What you are known for doing really well by your staff, volunteers, and clients

  18. Consumer Insight • Knowledge that can connect your audience to your brand (identity if your brand is not well known) • What do your various audiences tell you about your organization? • What does your organization mean to them? • What do they connect to when they see your name/logo? • What misconceptions exist when people see/hear your name/logo? • What emotions does your name/logo elicit?

  19. Business Dynamics • The forces that define the future of your organization • Competition from like organizations • Economic conditions • Change (predictable growth, level, or decline of number of clients) • Limitations or condition of your current facility

  20. Current Brand Equity • What your brand (name/logo) is respected for today • What your clients tell you • What your donors tell you • What your volunteers tell you • What the media tells you • What the community tells you

  21. Brand Opportunity • What are the most important things learned from the four areas? • Put these things together to see what is missing in what you want your brand to communicate. • Work with a creative partner to revise your brand (logo, tag lines, key messages) • Use the new brand in all communications to your audiences – internal and external.

  22. Building Your Brand*Based on a ProcessUsed by the Martin Agency

  23. Questions?

  24. *Activity 2 – Key Messages Eachorganization - discussbriefly in groups: 30 Minutes • Reflect on how you serve your clients: • Can you tell their stories? • What are the most important outcomes or benefits to the clients? • Does the community understand your cause? • What are the most important things you want them to know and remember? • What are the misperceptions, if any, about the cause or about you? • What do you want the community to do? What’s the call to action? • Do you want them to give to a particular campaign? Attend an event? • Do you want them to learn more by visiting your website? • Do you want to mobilize them for social change? Simply give money?

  25. Communications Heirarchy

  26. Client Stories • Connect donors directly to the cause • Donors use the information to make good decisions • Easy to communicate person to person • Easier to remember than statistics • Remind board and staff why you exist • Can be told quickly and with passion • Real stories never get old and never fail to engage human empathy

  27. More Simply Put… "If I look at the mass I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.“ Mother Teresa

  28. Storytelling • Findingthemisdevelopment’s job: • Program staff – client interviews • Intake/receptionist • Donorthank-you calls • Usingthem – WITH PERMISSION • Letters (solicitation & thank-you) • Newsletters (print & email) • Events/Speakers’ Bureau • Broadcast Media • Website

  29. Target Audiences Definition: A specified demographic group for which a message is designed. • Defineyourcurrent audience (donors) • Defineyourdesired audience (prospective donors) • Define how to reacheach audience mosteffectively

  30. In-House MarketResearch • Who are your current donors? Where do they live? What do they care about besides your cause? • What do THEY want to know about your organization (not necessarily the same that that YOU want them to know)? • Where do they get their information? Print? Broadcast? Internet? • How will you find others like them? Zip code saturation mailings? TV? Radio? Social networking sites? YouTube?

  31. *Activity 3 – DefineYour AudiencesListing independently, discuss in groups: 30 Minutes • List your current donors: • Age, gender, socio-economic, education – anything you know about them and what they care about • Where are the gaps? Who should care about your cause and where are they? • Where you think they get their information • Print, broadcast, electronic, face to face?

  32. Marketing Strategies • Donor Relations • Face to Face • Telephone • Events • Speakers’ Bureau • Direct (Mail)Marketing • Electronic Marketing • Website • Email • Social Networking • Public (Media)Relations • Advertising

  33. Communications Heirarchy

  34. Face to Face • Tours of your facility • Meetings at their home or office • Cultivation events (on- or off-site lunches, cocktail parties, etc.) • Organizational meetings (board, volunteer, annual, etc.) • Casual conversations at events (yours or others) or grocery store, golf course, etc.

  35. Telephone • Thank you calls • Meeting requests • Information gathering • Conference calls • Telephone solicitation campaigns

  36. Speakers’ Bureau • Clubs, associations, religious groups, businesses, etc. – all want speakers for their meeting programs • Train staff leaders, boardmembers & volunteers to go out – neverturn down an opportunity to tell the organization’s story • 90% of the time theywillgive a check as honorarium & many times individualswillgivechecks/cash • Have a PowerPoint ready if needed • Take photos, brochures & givingenvelopes • Have at least two client stories to share

  37. Events • Cultivationevents • Awards • Meals • Cocktail • Tours • Fundraisingevents • Public awarenessevents • Capture contact info & follow-up!

  38. Day One Wrap-Up Parking Lot Questions Clarifications Comments Requests

  39. See you next week!

  40. Day TwoTopics & Activities Topic: Marketing Strategies (Part II) Activity 5: Identifying and discussing new strategies Topic: Gaining support for a marketing program Activity 6: Designing your own marketing committee Topic: Integrating marketing and fundraising

  41. Marketing Strategies • Donor Relations • Face to Face • Telephone • Events • Speakers’ Bureau • Direct (Mail)Marketing • Electronic Marketing • Website • Email • Social Networking • Public (Media)Relations • Advertising

  42. Direct Marketing (Mail) In-House: • Strategize your approach for each mailing and how it relates to the entire year’s solicitations • Segmenting your database • $100 donors • Frequent donors • Major donors • Everyone else • Writing your letter & response vehicle • Analyzing costs (time, printing, mailing) vs. results • Total dollars raised • Response rate • Average gift

  43. Direct Marketing (Mail) Outside vendors will: • Advise your program based on their expertise and on industry best practices • Create the strategy based on your organization’s and your donors’ needs • Make presentations to your board or committees Segment the database • Design and write the letter and response vehicle • Merge, print and mail • Analyze results • Sign a contract but seldom guarantee results

  44. Email • Personal communications • Invitations to casual events/meetings • Asking for advice/input • E- Newsletters • Always lead with client stories • Always include web links & a giving link • Automatic thank-you receipts • Doesn’t replace the “real” thank-you • Solicitations • Timed along with direct mail, it will often lift your mail results • Always include a client story • Specific program or project request

  45. Website • Large photos of clients • Lots of white space • Teaser copy withlink to « read more » • « Learn More » and « How You Can Help » links strategicallyplacedthroughout • Consistent page design throughout • GiveNowbutton in same place on every page! • Giving page iseasy & quick to use • Links to so people canshare information

  46. Media • Read/listen to reporters and developrelationshipswiththem. • Invite the ad rep in to tell youwhoistheir audience and whatistheirreach. • Understandwhatis and is not news! • Learn how to writepress releases and send via email, but follow-up by phone • Use media drops strategically to draw attention to important media campaigns & major events

  47. Advertising • Developrelationshipswith ad reps soyoucanget the best deals – negotiate for extras. • Use adsstrategically to draw attention to important media campaigns & major events • Use the rifle approach vs. the shotgun – FOCUS on yourtarget audience

  48. Tribute Giving • Most of these types of donors are one-time only givers • Memorial • Honor • Birthdays • Weddings • Anniversaries • Holidays • Staff

  49. MonthlyGiving • Top prospects are those who give 3+ times during the year • Solicit them (letter, email or website) to pledge a monthly amount • Thank them for the pledge and not each monthly gift • Make sure they are getting newsletters, invites, etc. but no other solicitations • If you use donor lists, list these donors separately

  50. PlannedGiving “Four Easy Ways to Leave a Legacy” * Author: Bradley Purcell, PG Advantage, LLP • Codicil to a will • Life insurance policy • POD account • Retirement account

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