

In San Francisco and throughout California, workplace sexual harassment typically occurs in one of two ways. One is a hostile work environment, in which one or more coworkers create a toxic workplace environment for a targeted employee. A hostile work environment could include repeated requests for dates or favors, followed by angry retaliation upon rejection. It also could include unlawful touching and comments of a sexual nature intentionally made in the presence of a coworker. An experienced sexual harassment lawyers can advise on the best course of action. The second type of workplace sexual harassment is quid-pro-quo, which is Latin for “this for that.” In a quid-pro-quo situation, a manager or owner seeks sexual favors in exchange for special workplace considerations. Call today to speak with a San Francisco sexual harassment attorney at McCormack & Erlich McCormack & Erlich 150 Post St #742 San Francisco, CA 94108 (415) 296-8420


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