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6.1. Olfactory bulbus Cerebral hemispheres Limbic system Striatum. (a). Telencephalon. Thalamus Hypothalamus. Diencephalon. Mesencephalon. Optic tectum. Cerebellum Brain Stem. Rhombencephalon. Spinal cord. (b). (c). Posterior or caudal. Anterior or rostral. Dorsal. Ventral.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 6.1 Olfactory bulbus Cerebral hemispheres Limbic system Striatum (a) Telencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Diencephalon Mesencephalon Optic tectum Cerebellum Brain Stem Rhombencephalon Spinal cord (b) (c) Posterior or caudal Anterior or rostral Dorsal Ventral

  2. Gnathostomes (Jawed vertebrates) • Jaws • Bone • 3 semicircular canals • Loss of prenasal sinus Osteostracans † • Paired fins Galeaspids † Hetrostracans † Agnatha (Jawless fish) • Paired nasal sacs • Some fresh water species • Cerebellum (ocular control) • Lateral line • 2 semicircular canals • Optic tectum (vision) • Eletroreceptors Lampreys Hagfish • Marine habitats • Lensless eyes • Nasal openings (olfaction) • Prenasal sinus 6.2

  3. Gnathonemus (a mormyrid fish) Salmo (a nonspecialized species) 6.3

  4. Olfactory bulb Neocortex Telencephalon Hippocampus Septum Thalamus Diencephalon Pretectum Hypothalamus Mesencephalon Tegmentum Tectum Dorsal tegmental bundle Cerebellum Central tegmental bundle Locus coeruleus Lateral reticular formation Rhombencephalon Spinal cord Noradrenergic System 6.4

  5. Neocortex Septum Telencephalon Limbic cortex N. accumbens Striatum Amygdala Thalamus Diencephalon Habenula Nigrostriatal bundle Mesencephalon Locus coeruleus Substantia nigra pars compacta Rhombencephalon Reticular formation Spinal cord Dopaminergic System 6.5

  6. Septum Neocortex Telencephalon Hippocampus Striatum Amygdala Hypothalamus Diencephalon Medial forebrain bundle Mesencephalon Substantia nigra Raphe nuclei Rhombencephalon Reticular formation Spinal cord Serotoninergic System 6.6

  7. 6.7

  8. 6.8 Master No shock Shock Flexion Relaxation Yoked Flexion or Relaxation No shock Flexion or Relaxation Shock

  9. 6.9

  10. P G Cerebellum IN CR RN IO PN Brainstem CR VI VII V CN UR NMR Air puff (US) Tone (CS) 6.10

  11. Diapsid Reptiles Mammals Amphibians L C Ancestral Amniote Stock L C Ancestral Tetrapod Stock 6.11

  12. Eversion Evagination Sarcopterygii Actinopterygii Dorsal Embryonic neural tube Ventral 6.12

  13. (a) (b) Medial pallium Zona limitans medialis Lateral pallium Lateral ventricle Striatum Medial septal nucleus 6.13

  14. Rana Tetrapod Possible sarcopterygian morphotypes Protopterus Sarcopterygian Osteichthyan Polypterus Actinopterygian Squalus Chondrichthyan Gnathostome morphotype 6.14

  15. Dentate gyrus CA fields Neocortex Claustrum Striatum Piriform cortex Reptiles Birds Mammals Amphibians 6.15

  16. Dentate gyrus CA fields Subiculum Mammals Crocodiles Birds Squamate reptiles Turtles 6.16

  17. Sensory cortex (primary) Sensory cortex (association) Perirhinal cortex 3 2 CS Context 1 Lateral Central 4 Hippocampus Thalamus Amygdala US Spinal cord Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis Periaqueductal gray Lateral hypothalamus Stress hormones Freezing ANS 6.17

  18. Birds Crocodiles 13 Tuatara Archosauria Snakes 12 Lizards Lepidosauria Diapsida Turtles Anapsida 10-11 Mammals 1-4 5-9 Amniotes Synapsida 6.18

  19. CS+ CS- 6.19

  20. 6.20 10,000 1,000 Mammals 100 Birds 10 Cartilaginous fish Brain Weight (kg) 1 Reptiles 0.1 Amphibians Agnathans 0.01 Bony fish 0.001 0.01 0.1 10 1,000 100,000 Body Weight (kg)

  21. (b) (a) + - - + (c) - + Win-Stay / Lose-Shift 6.21

  22. N= 2 4 4 5 5 4 10 31 6 15 15 15 5 Pan (LRC) Phaner Lemur Talapoin Cebus Gorilla Hylobates Microcebus Vervet Macaca Pongo Pan Saimiri 6.22

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