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Name: ____________________________________ SS:_____ Date: ___________________

Name: ____________________________________ SS:_____ Date: ___________________ Go Places with TFK: CHINA Task 1: Read “Welcome to China” located on page 2 of magazine-

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Name: ____________________________________ SS:_____ Date: ___________________

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  1. Name: ____________________________________ SS:_____ Date: ___________________ Go Places with TFK: CHINA Task 1: Read “Welcome to China” located on page 2 of magazine- Task 2: Read “A Day in the Life” located on page 3 of magazine. Use information from article to compare your day to Mingyang’s- Mingyang A Day In My Life (YOUR TYPICAL DAY) Before School School Lunch After school Night

  2. Task 3: Read “The Chinese Love..” located on the bottom of pages 2 and 3. Answer the following questions CSRQ: • What is the biggest holiday celebrated in China? When does in begin? How is it celebrated? • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • What foods are the basis of the Chinese diet? What is the proper way of eating them? • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • Task 4: Read “Only One Child Per Family” located on page 3. Answer the following question CSRQ: • Why did China impose its one-child policy? Is it fair? Why or why not? • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________________

  3. Task 5: Use the timeline on pages 4 &5 to answer the following questions CSRQ: • For centuries, China was ruled by powerful royal families. Which family ruled China as the longest ruling dynasty in Chinese history? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • In what year did the Chinese invent paper? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • What leader established China’s Communist government? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Who was the first U.S. President to visit communist China? In what year did he visit? • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Task 6: Read “The Chinese Flag” located on page 4 of article. Answer the following question CSRQ: • In what year was China’s flag adopted? ____________________________________________________________________________ • What does the color red represent on China’s flag? ____________________________________________________________________________ • What does the large star stand for? What do the four smaller starts represent? • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Task 7: Check out the “Postcards From China” on pages 6 & 7 or magazine- ENJOY 

  4. Task 8: Before reading article “A Land of Little Freedom”- answer the following yes/no questions- NO CSRQ!!!! • Does your government pick the church you worship at? __________ • Are you allowed to speak your mind about your government leaders? _______ • Are we allowed to protest when we don’t agree with our government? _______ • Does the government tell you how many children you can be in your family? _______ • Does the government control what is printed in the newspaper and what is shown on TV? _______ • Task 9: Read the article “A Land of Little Freedom” – answer the following questions CSRQ: • 1. What rights and freedoms do U.S. citizens have that the Chinese do not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • 2. Why do you think the Chinese government wants to control what it’s people say and do? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • How might other countries persuade China to change it’s policies? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Does the author believe China has a chance at freedom? Explain. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. Task 10: Look at Chinese Zodiac poster on back wall. I was born in the year of the Rat! Are you a Rat too? If Then read “The Tale Of Cat And Rat” located on page 8 of magazine. Answer the following question CSRQ: • According to Chinese belief, those born in the year of the rat take advantage of opportunity and are most active while others rest. How does Rat show those traits in this story? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Task 11: In space below- Draw a picture of your Chinese Zodiac sign  Write characteristics (use poster) on lines below your illustration. Do you think you have the characteristics mentioned? • ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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