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Measuring Sense

Measuring Sense. Kathleen Coogan Hillery Park Elementary #27 Buffalo School District Mrs. Merzacco’s 4 th Grade Spring 2008. Background Information. This lesson was created for a general education class of 24 students. The class was made up of 14 boys and 10 girls.

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Measuring Sense

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  1. Measuring Sense Kathleen Coogan Hillery Park Elementary #27 Buffalo School District Mrs. Merzacco’s 4th Grade Spring 2008

  2. Background Information • This lesson was created for a general education class of 24 students. • The class was made up of 14 boys and 10 girls. • There are no students in the class with an IEP; however 1 student receives direct instruction during literacy.

  3. Purpose • To evaluate the students’ understanding of the use of measurement units and tools to measure specified objects.

  4. Time Frame • This lesson takes one 50 minute class period. • Students who finish early are given the opportunity to complete one of two activities. • The students who require extended time can finish their measurements during math.

  5. Objectives • 1.0 The students will show measurement conversions in writing with the standard units. • 2.0 The students will be able to verbally state the order of objects according to the length. • 3.0 The students will be able to record the accurate measurement of different objects using the proper standard unit.

  6. Essential Question • What would it be like if we only used one unit of measurement?

  7. Enduring Understanding • Using appropriate units of measurement allows us to better express and communicate an objects size. • Using the appropriate tool for measurement is the easiest form of measurement (football field measured with a yard/meter stick, height with a ruler (feet), and length of book with a ruler).

  8. Guiding Questions • Why do you think there is more than one unit of measurement? • What are objects that I could measure using each standard unit? • What is the relationship of inches to feet? • What unit would you rather use to measure a football field? • How would you measure the distance from your house to school?

  9. Student Tasks • Differentiate and use the proper unit of measurement for different items • Match the proper unit of measurement when given an object to measure • Record the accurate measurement and label with the proper unit

  10. NYS Learning Standard • Level: ElementaryGrade Level: 4New York State Learning Standard: MSTStandard Area: MathematicsStandard: Standard 3-MathematicsContent Strand: Measurement Strand: Students will determine what can be measured and how, using appropriate methods and formulas.Band: Units of Measurement

  11. Performance Indicator 4.M.1 Select tools and units (customary) appropriate for the length measured Pg. 28

  12. Assessment Tools • The students were assessed based on a four point rubric • A student friendly rubric was also given to each student

  13. Measurement Rubric

  14. Teacher Exemplar Smallest---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Largest 5 ½ in - 7 in - 12 in(1 foot) -2 ½ feet- 6 feet -(2 yards) -15 yd -30 yd

  15. Student Work-Distinguished

  16. Rubric

  17. Student Work-Proficient

  18. Rubric

  19. Student Work -Developing

  20. Rubric

  21. Evt/Mng Modifications • Overview of rules/Student Groups • Students are aware of expectations and demonstrate responsibility for own actions • Students work with members of the class based on seating groups

  22. Instructional/Materials Mod • Students repeat the directions to the teacher before beginning the independent work • The students will understand the task by restating it in their own words

  23. Content/Materials • Use different tools to measure • Different Size Rulers • Different tools (yard stick/ruler) • Students become familiar with standard units

  24. Reflection Thanks to my peer review group I learned I could.. 1. Let students choose their own objects 2. Add children's books on measurement 3. Add more differentiation Lesson Learned: Never assume the students know anything

  25. Thank you to my peer review group; Jill, Shannon, Kelly, Sean, Val and Mr. Arnold for your help creating this learning experience!

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