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What were the effects of the war on Spain?

What were the effects of the war on Spain?. Ben Jansen & Nanita Scherrer. Thesis.

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What were the effects of the war on Spain?

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  1. What were the effects of the war on Spain? Ben Jansen & Nanita Scherrer

  2. Thesis The Spanish Civil War and the reign of Franco lasted for 36 years, this time had large effects on the social,economical and political aspects of the country; Franco‘s harsh rule lead to a very powerful political era but caused a social and economical disaster in the country.

  3. Social impacts of the war • Casualties and social division • Impact of the civil war on women - Women in Nationalist Spain - Women in Republic

  4. Casualties and social division • Casualties- 350’000 – 500’000 • Permanently wounded- several 100’000 • Nationalists wounded were given preferential treatment regarding Jobs • 400’000 people initially fled Spain out of fear of the Nationalist government • 250’000 permanently lived outside the country

  5. Impact of the civil war on women Women in Nationalist Spain • Women in Spain were to adapt to the conservative housewife rule of women • The Catholic Church in Nationalist zones encouraged the reinforcement of the model • There were strict expectations about women’s dress and appearance • Divorce and civil marriages were abolished • Mix gender classrooms were abolished • Education of women focused on domestic work and motherhood • During war health services and food preparation for public distribution was their work • Paid work, especially for married women, was discouraged • Labor Charter passed in March 1938 and promised to liberate married women from work in workshops and factories

  6. Impact of the civil war on women Women in Republic • Politically there was greater equality with men • Marriage code: equal rights with men in issues of marriage and divorce • Federica Montseny became minister of public health and assistance in 1936(woman in cabaret, in national government) • Woman exercised significant political influence such as high ranking communist party member Dolores Ibrarunni • Occupying a world of politics which was usually the reserve for men • Some woman in republic Spain participated in the military, Lina Odena leader of the communist youth movement • Woman began working in factories and war related industries, filling the position of the men at war • Working woman were confronted by hostility from male employees who continued that woman belonged to stay at home

  7. Role of women in Spain

  8. Source Excerpt from pamphlet “Spanish Woman” issued by the Catholic Union of Women of Seville in Abella, quoted in Spanish Civil War: A Modern Tradegyby George R. Esenwein, published by Routledge, London, 2005.

  9. Historian Raymond Carr. (British historian)Calls the social life after war: “covenant of blood” (agree)

  10. Economic Impact of the War • Destruction • Financial difficulties

  11. Economic Impact of the War Destruction • Spain emerged from the war financially incapable • Industrial infrastructure was severally damaged • Industrial production in 1939 was only a fourth of the 1937 productions • Only 50% of Spanish railway remained operational • Livestock decreased by 33% than before the war

  12. Economic Impact of the War Financial Difficulties • Spanish Gold reserves were spend by the republican government in their desperation to procure armaments from the soviet union • 700 Million dollars of war goods after the war • Payments were made in food shipments and industrial raw materials • Represented a considerable Drain on the Spanish economy for decades, repayments to Italy went on until 1960 • Half a million men and woman left the working force • Agriculture and Industry recovery was very slow

  13. Political Impacts • Franco established a right wing, conservative dictatorship which lasted until 1975 • Promoted himself as savior of the nation • Emphasized nationalism and ended regional autonomy • Encouraged economic self-efficiency • Promoted conservative attitudes towards woman and family structures • Catholic Church gained power again • Franco’s power rested upon army not on his leadership of a political party • Republicans were persecuted and many executed

  14. International Impact • The Axis powers (Germany and Italy) became closer in their attempts to help Spain in the fight agaisnt communism • Spanish Civil War was used a test for the WWII • Germany was able to test their weapons in the war • The fact that none of the Allied powers tried to intervene gave Hitler the impression that thes were weak • A sucess against commuism, making the axis feel strong • Sapin became isolated after the civil war was won by Franco

  15. Historian Frances Lannon “The Catholic Church enjoyed a degree of state support that was much greater than at any time since the 18th century. Government and church combined to preach order, hierarchy and discipline.” (agree) Paul Preston“Franco ruled Spain as if it were a country occupied by a victorious army being the rhetoric of national and social unity, until the death of Franco every effort was made to maintain the division between the victors and the vanquished.” (agree) Ex foreign Minister“To be a minister under Franco is to be a little king who does whatever the feels like without restraint from the Caudillo(police)” (agree) Douglas Jerrold- Calls  Franco: "a supremely good man, possibly a  saint“ (disagree)

  16. Interactive activity Social impact Economic Impact Financial difficulties The effects of the Spanish Civil War Repression and persecution of former Republicans Destruction of country side and infrastructure 350,000-500,000 casualties Legacy of social division Political impact Right-wing military dictatorship led by Franco 400,000 in exile

  17. Conclusion • Spain was exhausted, divided and destroyed by years of civil conflict. • The scars of the civil war were long lasting • It was Republican Spain that was the aberration with Franco Spain displaying community with a more traditional Spain in which the church was a prominent place and in which social hierarchy and authoritarian rule were emphasized.

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