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The Psychology of Shapes in Logo Design

Shape and structure play a crucial role in logo design. Failing to select the right shape may produce a negative impact on your audienceu2019s mind. Learn here https://www.smartplix.com/the-psychology-of-shapes-in-logo-design/

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The Psychology of Shapes in Logo Design

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  1. The Psychology of Shapes in Logo Design You must have read several blogs on the importance of selecting the right colour and font for a logo design. But do you know that a logo shape, too, plays a crucial role while designing a logo? Actually, the shape of a logo is so obvious a factor that we most often forget about it. Failing to select the right shape and structure may not hit the right chord in your audience’s mind and you may fail to grab their attention despite using stunning colours and catchy fonts. Before starting today’s discussion, let’s point out that a logo shape can build a psychological and emotional connection between the brand and the consumers. Today, we will outline how to efficiently select your logo shape. For that, we will denote the symbolism of different shapes.

  2. Exploring the Shapes of Logo – An In-Depth Study Triangles Triangles inspire a sense of hierarchy, an aspiration to reach the top, or a dynamic power. Businesses these days prefer to use a logo design that carries different senses and is open to interpretation. The interesting part about a triangle design is that it directs human eyes in a certain direction. Triangles are also used to indicate speed and motion. Delta Airlines strategically uses the triangle shape in the logo design to indicate speed and movement. The triangle-front arrow crafted with the negative space in FedEx logo is an iconic design. Rectangles and Squares Rectangles and squares deliver a balanced appearance in the logo design. Such a design has often been considered as the sign of confidence and security as it is associated with the borders or the structure of a home. Further, the straight lines and angles in a square or rectangular shape evoke a sense of professionalism and order – two important traits that represent stability and strength. Take Microsoft, BBC, or American Express logos for example. The square design is extremely professional & traditional, and creates a sense of balance and confidence. YouTube has slightly rounded the edges of the square to make the design look like an old-fashioned TV screen. A square design stands for proportion, balance, trust, and security. Circles A circle is the symbol of wholesomeness and stability. Circular or ring-shaped logos evoke a sense of positivity and unity. For instance, the Olympic rings stand for cooperation and unity. Circles also symbolize continuity and perseverance. The image is usually associated with time, space, planets, etc. The curved shape also reflects elegance. This is perhaps the reason for its wide use in about 20% of the entire world’s most admired and trusted brands. The design of a circle reflects consistency and sturdiness –it doesn’t have any break. It makes any business look more reliable. Companies across verticals

  3. prefer to use the circular logo. Take the NASA logo for example. The sphere represents stability, trust, and the unity of the planet system. According to many, circular designs carry a feminine and comforting essence. This is why businesses prefer to use such logos to celebrate comfort and warmth. One more point to remember before we move to the next point. When we talk about a circular logo, we don’t simply mean a logo that has a round shape. A circular movement throughout the logo design can drive an equally appealing impact. For instance, remember the curved typography in Coca-Cola logo? Vertical Lines Vertical lines communicate a sense of power and strength. Such a log design is bold and reflects stability in an aggressive manner. Businesses can also use such a design to express efficiency and reliability. The best part about the vertical lines is that these can befit different types of elements – the edge of a rocket to the building walls. That’s why it is well- experimented in cross-business verticals. However, if you are planning to use such a design, make sure to be cautious so as not to pose too aggressive. Especially, the start-ups need to seek advice from the logo design company professionals while using vertical lines in their logo designs. Interestingly, vertical lines can also express the idea of motion. Check the SoundCloud logo for example. Here, the vertical lines don’t look aggressive and represent a rhythmic sound. The lines give depth to the entire design. So, as you can see, you can use the same design to convey different senses. It all boils down to the context you are using a design for. Horizontal Lines Calmness, reliability and tranquillity – horizontal lines evoke these senses. These are different from vertical lines as these make the viewers feel settled and protected. For instance, the IBM logo. The horizontal lines can also produce an effect of motion and interconnectedness. You see, how the same lines can evoke different impressions when used in a different manner – horizontally or vertically. Curve

  4. Curves are a beautiful shape to add a feeling of rhythm and motion in a logo design. Unlike a straight vertical or horizontal line, curves are about positivity, happiness, and movement. These days, brands prefer to use curves in order to build a connection with the viewers. Unlike edgy and sharp lines, curves bring a sense of comfort and a human touch that appeal to the viewers. It may make a design look “imperfect” by breaking the perfect, sharp, and distinct corners. As we mentioned, YouTube made a curve design in the corners to create a TV- like structure. Coca-Cola logo is a curve design. And Disney is yet another iconic logo leveraging the beauty of the curves. Spiral Spirals bring a twist in the logo design and make it visually more appealing. It is a tool that produces a calming, free-flowing, sensuous, and hypnotic effect. It also has a similarity with the DNA structure and thus evokes a core humane connection with the audience. Ubisoft and Fetcon beautifully pull out the design in their logos. Abstract So far, we have discussed some specific shapes. Now, we will outline a design that doesn’t belong to any specific category – these are the abstract shapes. Also known as the organic shapes, the logo designs carry a sense of familiarity, comfort, and energetic spirit. The logo designers can merge distinct shapes to pull out one shape, they can create a completely different shape – and everything in between. Points to Remember Before selecting a shape for your logo design, examine which shape better suits your brand identity. If you don’t want to look too aggressive, you may skip vertical lines. If you want to bring a wholesome look, round shape or curves in your logo design may be the right choice. Here are a few neuro design principles to create an impactful logo for your business. Pay attention to the negative space used in your logo. It also helps in creating the entire logo structure. You can strategically capitalize on the negative space as FedEx did so intelligently. If you are running out of inspiration, it’s a good

  5. idea to engage a professional logo design company in India or abroad to create a logo that stands out from the crowd. Wrapping Up As you can see, the shapes of a logo and psychology have a curious connection. Human psychology works in a weird manner. You never know which design element can repel your viewers and what small tweaks in your logo design can evoke a sense of comfort and reliability. We hope the blog gave you a fair idea. Feel free to share your thoughts. Resource: https://www.smartplix.com/the-psychology-of-shapes-in-logo-design/ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… WebGuru Infosystems Y8, Block-EP, Sector V, Salt Lake Kolkata-700091, India Website: https://www.webguru-india.com/ Email: enquiry@webguru-india.com Phone: +91-8420197208 Follow us on:

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