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Ramayana. Retold by R. K. Narayan PowerPoint by Julia Cook . Rama and his monkey army wreck havoc among Ravana’s city Ravana decides to take matters into his own hands after not being able to put up with the gory sight anymore.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ramayana Retold by R. K. Narayan PowerPoint by Julia Cook

  2. Rama and his monkey army wreck havoc among Ravana’s city • Ravana decides to take matters into his own hands after not being able to put up with the gory sight anymore

  3. After performing a ritual bath and special prayers, Ravana gets into his battle dress, crowns and armor and goes out to face Rama

  4. Fearing for Rama, the Gods gave him the warrior god Indra’s chariot and all their support

  5. Ravana did not heed the ominous signs • Rama destroyed Ravana’s army hoping Ravana would change his mind, but all it did was spur him onward

  6. Rama’s army cleared the way for Ravana and turned their heads when Ravana sent a shower of arrows at Rama

  7. But no matter how many arrows he would shoot, they would all be neutralized by Rama’s arrows

  8. Ravana decided to change his tactics and began impaling Rama’s army from above • Ravana then started using special weapons and attacks in hoping to defeat Rama

  9. After failing to kill Rama with all his special attack moves, Ravana yet again tries to strike Rama with his arrows, only for half of them to fly back in his direction and impale his chest

  10. Noticing his chance, Rama cuts off some of Ravana’s many arms and heads • Yet when Ravana is defenseless, Rama refuses to kill him saying it would be an unfair victory

  11. Once Ravana is recovered, he starts yet again to attack Rama • However, having exhausted all his special weapons, he resorts to throwing all sorts of objects at Rama

  12. As one final measure Rama used the weapon known as “Brahmasthra” and aimed it at Ravana’s heart • Ravana only sought to strengthen his arms and head, so when Rama’s weapon made contact with his heart, Ravana came down

  13. Ravana fell from his chariot • Purified by Rama’s arrows, Ravana’s true personality shown through and his facial expression was peaceful

  14. When Ravana’s body was turned over, Rama saw the scar on his back and felt guilty for killing him • Seeing him concerned, Ravana’s brother, Vibishana, reassures him it was an old scar even though it still bleeds

  15. Accepting the explanation, Rama leaves Vibishana to attend to Ravana’s funeral • Rama and Sita are then enthroned in the City of Lanka

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