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Muktinath Yatra – Best Time to Trek to the Temple and things to remember?

Muktinath Yatra the most important temples in Nepal. Muktinath tour considered most scared tour of the lifetime by Hindus and Buddhists. Join us today.<br>Muktinath Temple one of the most ancient temples of God Vishnu visit by both Buddhist and Hindu.Book Muktinath temple tour package with We Ramblers. Join us.

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Muktinath Yatra – Best Time to Trek to the Temple and things to remember?

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  1. Muktinath Yatra – Best Time to Trek to the Temple and things to remember? Nepal has attracted tourists from worldwide and there are a lot of places that could be called responsible for it. Out of all those places, Muktinath Temple comes on one of the highest positions. The journey to this temple is not so easy and there are things that you should keep in your mind before going there. We have enlisted those here. Best time to visit the temple According to Hindu beliefs, it is said that there is no specific time to visit any temple. It is all the will of God, if he wants you to come to you, you will reach there by any means. Well, this is something that is said by our elders and our holy books, but in practical life, it is not possible all the time. If you talk Muktinath Yatra, then there is no specific time, as per temple rules, but if you do not want to take any risks while going there, then you will have to think about the climatic conditions and then will have to think about the season that is best for it. The best time to visit this temple is summer and that too in between the months of March and May. If you could not visit the temple at this point, then you could even go there in the autumn season. The best recommended season is that of the summers, but if you are a winter lover person, you could come to see the scenic beauty around. One will remain stunned with the beauty of the apple orchards that flourish the best in autumn. Things to remember while Muktinath trekking 1.The first thing that we would like to mention about the Muktinath tour tips is that one should always carry clothes that go well with the situation. However, this is not a proper trek, so you need not pack everything like a trek, few of the light and comfortable clothes will work. Also, the season in which you are travelling also matters a lot when it comes to clothes. 2.While going for Muktinath Yatra if you hire a guide for you, then it would be best. This is good, not just in the context of Muktinath temple, but for all the places where you are travelling for the first time. However, if you have taken a Muktinath Tour Package, then you need not worry about it.

  2. 3.A lot of people have this thing in their mind that if they are going to trek to Muktinath temple, they will have to collect passes or permit for that. Well, if you too think the same, you are wrong. As we have mentioned earlier also that this is not proper trekking. So, you do not need to bring any permit or something like that. However, if you are going to places like Annapurna Circuit Camp or Langtang, then you will definitely need a permit. 4.There is this question in mind of a lot of people again, whether trekking to Muktinath alone is a good idea or not? Well, if someone wants to know about the region that they are trekking around, then it is good, but it is not good due to other reasons. It is good to team up, first because of the safety issues and second because if some medical emergency comes up, then there would be no one to take care of you. So, these were all the things that one should have in his or her mind, before going to Muktinath Temple. Muktinath Temple is not an ordinary place; therefore one should take proper care of oneself.

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