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JICA' s Efforts for REDD+ initiative

JICA' s Efforts for REDD+ initiative. Yuki OKADA Forestry & Nature Conservation Group, Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency. April 16 th , 2015. JICA’s Role in Official Development Assistance. JICA. -Technical Cooperation Project -Dispatch of Experts

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JICA' s Efforts for REDD+ initiative

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  1. JICA'sEfforts for REDD+initiative Yuki OKADA Forestry & Nature Conservation Group, Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency April 16th, 2015

  2. JICA’s Role in Official Development Assistance JICA -Technical Cooperation Project -Dispatch of Experts -Training Courses -Volunteer Program -Youth Invitation Program -Grassroots Cooperation -Emergency Disaster Relief Technical Cooperation Grants Bi- lateral O D A Grant Aid Loan Contribution to International Organization Multi- lateral

  3. JICA’s Forests/Nature Conservation Technical cooperation Grant Aid Yen Loan $271million for 145projects $102million for 18projects $ 2,188 million for 32projects (in 2004-2013,Yen-base.Exchange rate: 1USD = 120 JPN) which conserved • 12.1 million ha of forests • 5.7 million ha of protected areas There are other agricultural and water resource management projects by JICA also contributing to biodiversity conservation.

  4. JICA’s Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020in theNature Conservation Sector

  5. Goal & Strategic Objectives Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/ Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Overall Goal of JICA Harmonization between Nature Conservation and Human Activities Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Four Strategic Objectives of JICA Three International Agenda UNFCCC UNCCD UNCBD +RAMSAR etc. Mitigation Adaptation 5

  6. Objectives & Approach Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community • To strengthen “Readiness of REDD+ (MRV, Pilot activity etc.)” in tropical countries • To collaborate with private sector in carbon business & CSR • To improve livelihood activities in vulnerable community of Arid or Semi-arid countries thorough sustainable manner. • To introduce appropriate methodology to mitigate Natural Disaster (Watershed Management, Costal Protection) • To introduce mechanism such as PES(Payment for Eco-System) • To improve management of Protected Area and Buffer zone through collaborative management • To introduce mechanism such as PES

  7. Expected Outcome toward 2020(1) Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Indicator ●REDD+ Readiness Support in 11 countries (Forest Inventoryfor 4,500,000km2) ●REDD+PolicySupportin3countries ●REDD+ Plan for 750,000km2 (75millionMt-CO2/year) ●5 Pilot REDD+ Projects with Private Sector ●Capacity Development for 1,000 People ●AchieveTargetof“Japan Public-Private Platform for REDD+”

  8. Expected Outcome toward 2020(2) Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Indicator ●Watershed Management through JFM (200,000 km2 /4 countries) ●UtilizationofJapan’sRemote SensingTechnologyforForest FireManagement (1,900,000 km2/2 cases) ●Development of Conservation Forest for aspect of Resilience (100,000km2) ●Capacity Development for 1,000 People

  9. Expected Outcome toward 2020(3) Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Indicator ●Expansion of Cooperation in Desert Areas (3 countries/300,000 people) ●Community Development Support in vulnerable areas (8 countries/340,000 people) ●Certification Acquisition of Forest or Forest Product and Commercialization (3 cases)

  10. Expected Outcome toward 2020(4) Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Indicator ●Establish Champion Modelin each Region considering diversity (9 Countries) ●Assisting expansion of Protection Area(10,000 km2) -Achieve AICHI Target (CBD COP10) -Registration of RAMSAR/MAB(UNESCO) ●Establish Regional Cooperation Model (3 Cases) ●Capacity Development for 2,000 People

  11. Priority Region/Countries Biodiversity Conservation through Management of Protected Areas/Buffer Zones Ecosystem (including forest) -based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) Four Strategic Objectives Sustainable Forest Management against Climate Change Sustainable Use of Natural Resources to Improve Livelihoods of Vulnerable Community Priority Program Sahel/Sahara Region Focal Country Asia-Pacific Asia (Vulnerable Area) Africa (Central & South Africa) Other Vulnerable Countries Latin America Latin America (Watershed Management) Amazon

  12. Component & Budget • Major Component • Policy Support • Capacity Building • Awareness / Advocacy • Research / Development • Livelihood Improvement • Networking Budget(2014-2020): 960 million USD <tentative estimation>

  13. JICA’s Cooperation forREDD+Initiative

  14. 1. Policy & institutional reform + capacity development • 2. Measurement of forest resources (RELs/MRV) • Satellite image analysis & ground truth • 3. Research • Carbon dynamics • 4. Demonstration activities on sites • Zoning & demarcation, participatory forest- and land management, patrol, livelihood improvement, etc. Categories of REDD+ Projects

  15. Important primarily for addressing Climate Change, but maximizing multiple benefits through REDD+ is no less important than ClimateChange. Water supply Ecotourism Biodiversity conservation Livelihood improvement Erosion control Key principle for addressing REDD+

  16. Addressing underlying causes and drivers of deforestation & forest degradation, such as forest fires, inappropriate land-use patterns and unsustainable forest management. Land use planning (Timor-Leste) SMF, e.g. combat IL (Brazil) Forest fire control (Indonesia) Poverty alleviation (Laos) Major areas of cooperation(1)

  17. Major areas of cooperation(2) • Establishing robust and transparent MRV system. ALOS/PALSAR for forest monitoring (Indonesia) Training on Forest Monitoring (incl. South-South Cooperation) (Asia, Latin America, Africa) Facility & Equipment(Forest information management center) (Laos) 17

  18. Major areas of cooperation(3) • Enhancing research & development capacity Carbon Dynamics of Amazonian Forests (Brazil) Wild fire & Carbon management in Peat-forests (Indonesia) Forest Carbon Inventory canopy gap Biomass Allometry For Major Eco-regions Upscale Carbon Dynamics from Plot to Regional-scale C Dynamics along Gradients of Topography & Disturbance Carbon Mapping of AmazonianForest

  19. Issues and Challenges • More coordination with donors and international organisation necessary for co-financing and avoiding duplication • More coordination with several government departments related to REDD+ in a country • Introducing advanced technology such as remote sensing and GIS database for forest monitoring (MRV) and setting RELs • More responsibilities for us to involve community for appropriate manner as well as for community to conserve forest • Securing Fund for REDD+ Implementation, particularly up-front resources [PotentialofFinancialResource] -Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM; Japanese Government) -GlobalClimateFund(GCF;UN) -Forest CarbonPartnershipFacility(FCPF;World Bank)

  20. WhatisJoint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)? • Japanese government is promoting the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) as a potential mitigation measure. •The JCM facilitates diffusion of leading low carbon technologies, products, systems, services, and infrastructure as well as implementation of mitigation actions, and contributes to sustainable development of developing countries. (Quoted from Website of Ministry of Environment of Japan) •12 countries which have signed bilateral documents for the JCM: Mongolia,Bangladesh,Ethiopia,Kenya,Maldives,Vietnam,Laos,Indonesia, Costa Rica,Palau,Cambodia and Mexico(as of March 2015) * REDD+iscurrentlydemonstrationstage.Meanwhile, theGuidelines for Developing Proposed Methodology for REDD+willbefinalizedsoon.

  21. JCMDemonstrationforREDD+ (Quoted from Website of Ministry of Environment of Japan)

  22. JICA’sTechnicalCooperationforREDD+ Note1)N: National level,S: Sub-nationallevel,P: Project level.2)Bilateral Cooperation only.3)AsofMarch2015.

  23. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation(1)(Cambodia) Project for Facilitating the Implementation of REDD+ Strategy and Policy [Examples of Sites] Duration:2011.06.01 - 2016.05.31 (5 years) C/P:- Forestry Administration and Fisheries Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Ministry of Environmentetc. Activities:Support National REDD+ Roadmap in cooperation with UN-REDD, World Bank (FCPF)& NGO (1)REDD+ readiness process support (2) Support for establishment/implementation of REDD+ National Strategy (3) REDD+ pilot site support (4) Develop GHGinventory, MRV, RELs Meeting with indigenous people Patrol in forest Controlling illegal logging

  24. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (2)(Vietnam) Project for Sustainable Forest Management in the Northwest Watershed Area Duration:2010.08.15-2015.08.14 (5 years) C/P:Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Dien Bien Province Activities:(1) Establish/Implementforest conservation and livelihood development plan with community/extension officer (alternative for slash-and-burnfarming) (2) Forest conservation activities (patrol, afforestation etc.) (3) Forest monitoring with remote sensing data (4) EstablishProvincial REDD+Action Plan (PRAP) Schedule: Location Dien Bien Province -DevelopactivitiesinentireProvince -Enhance PRAP to neighboringProvinces (Yen loan +TCP (P)) Forest Conservation Activities in Pilot Villages (51 villages) Establishment of PRAP Trial by Japanese Company On-going Project Slash&burn farming Patrol in forest Afforestation

  25. JICA-Private Sector Partnership ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (2)(Vietnam) Partnership Agreements Technical Assistance Sumitomo Forestry REDD+ Pilot Implementation in Dien Bien Province ASKUL JICA Yanmar Implementation Budget Implementation Budget VN Implementation Partner This covers a part of the project target sites. Partnership agreement signed in July 2013 onwards with three Japanese companies.

  26. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (2)(Vietnam) PRAP LivelihoodImprovement ■ DienBienProvince  ・Area:956,590ha  ・Population:440thousand  ・ForestArea:339,825ha  ・CauseofDeforestation: - 90%isofslash&burnfarming expansion ●Forestpatrolbyrangers/villagers (ForestConservationorRestoration) ●Afforestation ●Livelihoodimprovementactivities (Supportforlivestock/agriculture) ●ForestmonitoringsystemonSub-nationallevel <CapitalDemand:Approx.70 million USD> (2013-2020) Provincial REDD+ Action Plan (PRAP) based on National Plan 1st PRAP in Vietnam (by JICA TCP)(2014.05) ForestConservation&DevelopmentFund (alreadyestablished) BudgetbyVietnameseGov. Existing Service REDD+Fund(Provincial-level) (notestablishedyet) + Payment for Forest Environment Service CatchmentArea/Biodiversityconservation + NextPhaseisunderconsideration (includeotherprovinces) JICAYenLoan YenLoan(JICA-3): + JCM-REDD FromJapanesePrivateSector SubsidybyMoE + JICATCP(on-going) NextPhasehadbeenapproved ReductionofGHGEmission Getting Carbon Credit

  27. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (3)(LaoPDR) Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+ Support Project Duration:2015-2020(P) (5 years) C/P:Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,LuangPrabang Province Purpose:Capacity for Sustainable Forest Management is strengthened through incorporation of REDD+ into the sector strategy and improved forest resource information. Activities: (1) CentralGovernment’spolicy/sectorcoordinationsupport (2) Support fornationalforestmonitoringsystem (3)SupportforNationalREDD+ policies/JCM-REDD+ (4) REDD+ readiness supportin LuangPrabang province

  28. REDD+ Roadmap (Plan) ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (3)(Lao-PDR) National JICA’s scope * Pre-condition for UNFCCC result-based payment ▲BUR? ▲2020.10 End of JICA project ▲NC3 ▲NC3? Institutional arrangement and capacity building Sub-national *National REDD+ Strategy Post-2020 framework Transition to full implementation at national scale Result-based payment Driver analysis and identify PaMs *Develop FREL/FRL (RS, NFI) *Operate and modify Develop and test NFMS *MRV1 Modify Develop and test SIS *Operate and modify Develop BSM Provincial REDD+ capacity building in Luang Prabang Sub-national/Project -level demonstrations External financial resources for implementation (e.g. FIP, other donor supports) Opportunities for result-based payment (e.g. FCPF-CF, GCF)

  29. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (4)(Peru) The Project of Capacity Development for Forest Conservation and REDD+ Mechanisms • Period: 2015- (P) (4years) • C/P:MINAM(MinistryofEnvironment) • Purpose: • TheCapacity of targetgroupsforforestconservationandREDD+isstrengthened. • Expected outputs: • 1) Methodologyof MINAM forforestconservationandREDD+ is enhanced. • 2) Forest monitoring andmappingcapacity is strengthened. • 3) Pilot activities topromoteforestconservationareimplemented. • 4) Institutionalcapacitiestopromote forest conservationisimproved. • TargetRegions: • San Martin, Lambayeque and UcayaliDepartments 2007 (by JAXA)

  30. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (4)(Peru) Some key issues • Develop near real-time Forest Monitoring System • Potential use of ALOS-2 for detecting deforestation • Meet a wide variety of local needs for forest resource management • Proposed options by GoP are, wood production, NTFP, agroforestry and ecotourism • Enhance the capacity of local governments • Understanding of different stages of decentralization between Regions • Coordinate with other relevant initiatives • Need for common platform

  31. ExampleofREDD+Cooperation (4)(Peru) Harmonization with Other Program/Projects(Plan) 2015 - 2018 - 2020 - (READINESS STAGE) (IMPLEMENTATION STAGE) (DISTRIBUTION STAGE) Norway / German Fund (up to USD 300 million) Phase I (10 million) Phase II (40 million) Phase III (up to 250 million) FCPF(WB) Result Based Payment Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring UN-REDD REDD+ MINAM R-PP etc. REDD+ Activities by the Peruvian Government (National /Sub-National Level) Continue… REL/RL in 7 Regions ≒1,406 Communities (10.8million ha) In 3 Regions Methodology Safeguard Forest Governance ( REDD+ related activities ) JICA TCP Early Warning System (ALOS2) Forest mapping Technics (for Dry forest, Boundary, Degradation) 4 years (5 million) Pilot Project (for preparation of LA) Capacity Development F/S for JICA Loan Project JICA Loan Project (Proposed) PIP1: Forest Monitoring System PIP2: Forest Conservation Activities Develop Guideline

  32. Japan Public-Private Platform for REDD+ Our Activities Activities of the platform: -Promotion of understanding of REDD+ -Sharing information and knowledge -Development of win-win business model Activities of participating organizations are: -Working with other stakeholders to contribute to the platform activities -Actively engaged in the activities in theforest conservationincluding REDD+ in developing countriesfrom the medium- and long-perspective Japanese Government: “We have JCM” Private Sector: “We have Resources” FFPRI: “We have Knowledge” JICA: “We have Readiness Experiences” The Purpose of the Platform -to facilitate REDD+ activities that aim to contribute to addressing climate change, conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development, and poverty reduction by conserving forests severely damaged by human activities in developing countries, in collaboration with private companies, private organization, government agencies, and research institutions

  33. Thank you for your attention!JICAInclusive and Dynamic Development

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