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Announcements. Exam 1 will be returned Monday? Exam 2 is scheduled for Monday March 31 (a month away ). Tentatively will cover the rest of Chapter 5 (Kepler, Galileo and Descartes), all of Chapters 6 & 7 and some of 8. 1 st Project Presentations will be next Wednesday (March 5)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Announcements • Exam 1 will be returned Monday? • Exam 2 is scheduled for Monday March 31 (a month away). Tentatively will cover the rest of Chapter 5 (Kepler, Galileo and Descartes), all of Chapters 6 & 7 and some of 8. • 1st Project Presentations will be next Wednesday (March 5) • For next time: start reading Chapter 6

  2. Galileo Galilei1564 – 1642

  3. Born in Pisa, his family moved to Florence when he was 8

  4. At 17 he begins study as the University of Pisa Originally he studies medicine but is unhappy with itsohe changes to mathematics. In 1589 he is appointed chair of mathematics at the university

  5. In 1592 he moves to the University of Padua to teach math, geometry and astronomy

  6. While at Padua he performs numerous physics experiments

  7. Early on he is not yet a committed Copernican but he isn’t happy with Ptolemy either Vs He considers Tycho’s model a bastardization of Ptolemy and not worth bothering with

  8. In the summer of 1609 he hears about a new invention: the telescope Invented by Hans Lippershey of Zeeland in 1608, word quickly spread across Europe to Galileo

  9. After making refinements to the design, Galileo turns his telescope to the heavens

  10. His first major discovery concerned the planet Jupiter Over a week long period in January 1610 he makes observations that prove the existence of four moons orbiting Jupiter.

  11. His observations of the moon showed it to have topography similar to Earth

  12. He publishes his first observations in the Starry Messenger Published in March 1610. He calls the moons of Jupiter the Medicean stars after his patrons Simon Marius claimed to have observed the moons before Galileo but didn’t publish his findings until after Starry Messenger came out

  13. His next significant observations are of the Sun By tracking sunspots across the face of the Sun he deduces the rotation of the Sun. While he does make observations and sketches, his studies of the Sun are not as detailed as other observers of the time.

  14. Another observation that supports his new Copernican views was the phases of Venus

  15. He observes the rings of Saturn but never understands what they are He first observes it in July 1610. By 1612 the rings were edge-on and became invisible only to reappear by 1616

  16. In December 1614 Father TommasoCaccinipreaches against the Copernican view The sermon is directly aimed at Galileo and is meant to incite ferment against the Copernicans

  17. In 1615 Galileo is called to Rome to defend his views before Cardinal Bellarmine

  18. In 1616 the Church formally bans De Revolutionibus Cardinal Bellarmine explicitly warns Galileo not to hold or espouse the Copernican view.

  19. Galileopublishes more observations in The Assayer in 1623 He also attacks other astronomers that still hold to the Ptolemaic view.

  20. In 1623 Galileo’s friend, Cardinal Barberini, becomes Pope Urban VIII

  21. Emboldened by discussions with Pope Urban VIII, Galileo defies the Inquisition and publishes Dialoguesin 1632

  22. By late 1632, Dialogues is banned and Galileo is put on trial

  23. By June 1633 he is found guilty and sentenced to prison. After recanting his views, his sentence is commuted to house arrest

  24. While under house arrest, he finally publishes the results of his physics experiments Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences laysthe foundation for kinematics and dynamics

  25. He dies while still under house arrest, on January 8, 1642

  26. If you have time…

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