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Good drama movies to watch

drama movies

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Good drama movies to watch

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  1. Good drama movies to watch The reason why feature films are hard hit is that they tend to deal with things that almost everyone can relate to in some way. Although we all like to think that we can shoot a meteor into space or survive a Holiday Themed killer, we will never experience such things in real life. Dancer in the Dark If you are familiar with the name Lars von Trier, then you will know that dancer in the dark is not a fantastic journey. Faithful to form, this dramatic film is a slow and tumbling journey of darkness, inspired by the surprising, heartfelt and touching performance of Bjork, an Icelandic musician, as the protagonist. She plays a lonely migrant factory worker who gradually loses his sight and desperately wants to save enough money to receive treatment for his son who suffers from the same disease. This is not an easy watch, and the ending will definitely disappoint you. But you can't say it doesn't work and does well.A drama movie based on a good story. Revolutionary Road Adapted from Richard Yates's highly acclaimed novel, the road to revolution is beautifully filmed, deliberately capturing the details of the 1950s, and features an outstanding cast of Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Michael Shannon, Catherine Hahn, David Harper and Kathy Bates. So far, everything is fine. The problem with this drama movie is that it makes you so perfectly and so uncomfortable getting close to a marriage that is dying from inside out that once it's over, you probably won't want to revisit the story. It wasn't an interesting journey, it was an emotionally devastating story that didn't work. Spotlight With absolutely eliminated actors - mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, liev Schreiber, John Slattery, Stanley Tucci and Billy Crudup to name just a few - spotlight is a drama movie about the Boston Globe in the Catholic Church in 2001. This is a difficult and fascinating story, told brilliantly by all the dominating actors who brought their a-games. It's completely fascinating. Moonlight Moonlight tells the story of a young black man named Chiron coming of age in Miami, but from the quiet intensity to the unique "three chapter"

  2. structure, everything goes against expectations and takes you on a real emotional journey. Filled with absolutely amazing performances - especially by Oscar winner mahsala Ali - this is a drama movie that reminds you that art forms can do so well, showing the life of Chiron star and the lives of people in his community with elegance and style. Tokyo Story A seemingly simple story tells the story of a retired couple who came to Tokyo from the countryside to visit their adult children and the widow of their (missing and presumed dead) intermediate son. The Tokyo story is about promoting quiet moments and unspoken things. Director Ozu's camera stays low (almost like the audience's dialogue on a traditional Japanese tatami), almost motionless, and maintains a careful slow rhythm, making the dialogue linger. A slow burning, but a beautiful and touching drama movie. Gladiator Ridley Scott's film about a Roman general who is betrayed, comes back from the dead, and then begins a slow and violent revenge as a Gladiator is epic in any sense. From the painstaking reappearance of all the authority and architectural glory of ancient Rome to the amazing sequence of actions, it is huge visually and equally magnificent emotionally. Russell crow is as charming as the vengeful Maximus, while Joaquin Phoenix is as threatening as a crying emperor. This drama movie is an adventure. Shattered Glass According to a true story, broken glass is played by Hayden Christensen (a role that allows him to show more acting muscles than Anakin Skywalker) as young journalist Stephen glass, who is found not only to fabricate stories for the New Republic magazine, but also to fabricate sources and contact information to cover up his tracks. You never knew that the weekly magazine editorial meeting would be so tense, and Peter Sarsgaard absolutely shines as an editorial colleague who began to criticize glass's fantasy.A great drama movie based on true story. All About Eve A classic drama movie about fame and fortune, vanity and betrayal, "all about Eve" is a performance drama full of meat. Starring Betty Davis as an elderly Broadway star who inadvertently lets an ambitious young actress into her home, the film is full of acrimonious (and witty) conversations and real tension - a true masterpiece that has withstood the test of time and still resonates decades later.

  3. Sunset Blvd An elderly silent drama movie star (Gloria Swanson) hires a young screenwriter (William Holden) to help her film make a comeback. Next is one of the greatest movies in Hollywood and the double-edged sword of fame. It plays like a classic noir in some parts, and it can be fun at other times. Of course, the last sentence "well, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for a close-up..." is unforgettable and very iconic.

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