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When will we see a 100% Virtual Workspace?

Today we know teleworking, coworking, or the flex office. But soon it may well be that your workspace becomes a 100% online virtual office.

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When will we see a 100% Virtual Workspace?

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  1. When will we see a 100% Virtual Workspace?

  2. The classic office we all know is coming to an end. Today new workplaces have appeared. According to a study on the office of tomorrow, 93% of young workers no longer want an office in the classic sense of the term. So it seems that the classic office has had its day.

  3. More and more mobile Employees Employee mobility has completely revolutionized the organization of work. Between business appointments and meetings, employees spend less and less time in their offices. Today there are 70% of executives who work outside their office. Therefore Companies find themselves facing a new challenge, that of offering online work space connected to each other.

  4. Young talents and their Expectations Generation Y played an important role in this revolution. Indeed, hyper-connected and hypermobile, this generation is demanding in terms of work organization. They expect more than a pleasant working environment. Today, 40% of young talents believe that the technology deployed within their company is not at the level of what they can use in a personal capacity.

  5. A 100% virtual workspace to come? Today we know teleworking, coworking or the flex office. But soon it may well be that your workspace becomes a 100% online virtual office. Thanks to virtual reality, employees will be able to move around completely different worlds to further develop their creativity. They will be able to work together on the same project in real-time via virtual reality headsets.

  6. Therefore, This would improve collaboration between teams to complete a project.

  7. With virtual reality, the employee will be able to decide on his working environment so that he is in the best conditions to perform his tasks. So why not relocate to a beach in Thailand to complete your case? nothing more relaxing right? With a virtual workspace, everyone would gain in productivity. The tasks performed would indeed be more fun to achieve.

  8. While waiting for a 100% virtual workspace, today you already have everything you need to work from anywhere. Indeed, the cloud, collaborative tools or even video conferencing allow an employee to be fully mobile and connected to the company.

  9. Thank You For Watching

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