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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY Discipline « Pharmaceutical and medical merchandizing »

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY Discipline « Pharmaceutical and medical merchandizing » Department of Commodity Science Goods of the limited pharmaceutical range. The commodities of a limit pharm assortment commodities are considered ,

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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY Discipline « Pharmaceutical and medical merchandizing »

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  1. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY Discipline «Pharmaceutical and medical merchandizing» Department of Commodity Science Goods of the limited pharmaceutical range

  2. The commodities of a limit pharm assortment commodities are considered, which specific weight in commodity turnover of pharmaceutical institutions very it is small and makes no more than 1-2%. At the same time they are necessary goods for the population, treatment-and-prophylactic establishments, sanitary and epidemiologic stations, control and analytical laboratories and others/ To these commodities behave: Disinfection and disinsection means Mineral waters Chemical reagents Detergents Leeches medical and others Cosmetic medical preparations

  3. Mineral waters- these are the natural or artificial waters containing raised quantity of mineral or organic substances and possessing specific physical and chemical properties, which are used in the treatment-and-prophylactic purposes The presence of biologically-active substances determines them curative using for many diseases: Gastrointestinal tract Buds Livers Cardiovascular system Cardiovascular system At violation of exchange substances

  4. Classification of mineral waters By origin on chemical to composition on a mineralization (to the general to the contents salts, g/l) chloride the natural The artificial hydrocarbonate (the carbonic) Low-mineralized (to 2 g/l) on maintenance salts and gases sulphatic Low-mineralized (2-5 g/l) mixed Alkaline waters nitrate Average mineralization (5-15 g/l) Waters of table salt Iron waters waters of difficult structure Highly mineralized (15-35 g/l) bitter waters Sulphureous waters Brine (35-150 g/l) Lime or earthy waters Chemically indifferent warm sources

  5. Classification of mineral waters On treatment-and-prophylactic action On a temperature source On application Cold (to t 20 C) Internal consumption The subthermal (t 20 - 37 ̊ C) Medical (mineralization of 8-12 g/l) Outward application Thermal (t 37-42 ̊ C) The hyper thermal (t of over 42 ̊ C) Medical and dining rooms (mineralization of 2-8 g/l) Dining rooms (mineralization of 1-2 g/l)

  6. Ассортимент и применение минеральных вод

  7. Ассортимент и применение минеральных вод

  8. Requirements to the mineral waters, poured out in bottles For preservation of chemical properties and flavoring qualities water has to be saturated carbonic acid. Bottles have to be hermetically corked Water has to be colourless, transparent, without a foreign smell and taste (except characteristic for this water). For ferruterous waters it is allowed poorly the expressed yellowish shade For some waters the insignificant deposit of mineral salts that makes a reservation the standard on this water is assumed

  9. Packing of mineral waters Glass bottles Bottles from РЕТ Packing "Tetra-Pak" 0,1 – 1 l 0,33; 0,5 l and other 0,33 – 2,5 l Corking Corking Corking Heat sealing Crown caps (tin covers) and screw covers with the natural (cortical) or polymeric laying. Polyethylene corks or lids with a break ring.

  10. Marking Each unit of a retail container with mineral water is marked by a label, and on packing "Tetra-Pak" marking is put directly on packing whom have to be specified in Ukrainian: • name of the enterprise of the manufacturer, his address and trademark; • name of water and its group; • mineralization, g/l; • chemical composition, mg/l (for medical table waters) • setting of water(table, curatively-table); • recommendations on curative application; • suitability term to the use; • date of overflow; • capacity, l; • terms of storage; • stroke-code of products; • standard designation; • sign of accordance (for the certificated products).

  11. Storage of mineral waters Store bottles with mineral water in horizontal situation in boxes or stacks to 18 rows in dry aired rooms at a temperature from 5 to 20 of 0C. Production in capacities from RET and packing "Tetra-Pak" it is stacked in the vertical situation no more than 5 ranks high. Warranty period of storage – 1 year, for ferruterous waters – 4 months.

  12. Portage of mineral waters Mineral waters transport all types of transport in accordance with the rules of portage perishable loads operating on this type of transport. During loading, portages and unloading protect products from atmospheric fallouts.

  13. Disinfectants it is the chemicals applied for eliminations(disinfestations) morbific microorganisms on ways their transition from the source of infection to the organism. These substances are called as disinfectants. Disinfection are exposed all products or materials participating in medical and diagnostic process, and also rooms and medical equipment.

  14. Classification of methods and means of disinfection The mechanical The physical The chemical Chemicals in the form of gases and water solutions the thermal (high and low temperature, water vapor, drying, boiling, burning) cleaning damp cleaning chlorine and hloraktivny connections washing washable iodine, bromine and their connections radiation (direct sunshine, UF, X-ray, etc.) Surfaceactive substances airing ultrasound (for preparation of vaccines) acids, peracids and their salts lyes alcohols phenols and theirderivatives salts of heavy metals

  15. Requirements to disinfecting solutions Good solubility in water Reliable and fast action on all pathogenic microorganisms Stability to light and to oxygen of air Good wettability Lack of an unpleasant smell and damaging actions on materials Harmlessness for the person and animals

  16. Classification of chemical disinfectants Means of the thin soft disinfection Means of the rough strong disinfection Means of the chemical disinfection strongly muddy materials air in the closed rooms skin surgical instruments to the shoe to furniture to furniture equipments insignificantly muddy linen toilets lighting devices articles of care of patients

  17. Basic assortment of some chemical disinfectants Hydrogen peroxide, 3% solution Alcohol ethyl, 70% solution Chloric lime Aerodezin 2000 Neochlorine Chlorcin Sterilium Chloroaminum B Lizoformin "Asepsises - Spetsial"

  18. Disinsection means these are the chemicals applied to destruction of arthropods, the insects carrying infectious diseases (pincers, flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, cockroaches, housing ants, etc.). These substances are called as insecticides.

  19. Classification of insecticides in dependence of their penetration into an organism The intestinal (through the digestive system) The contact (through the external covers) Fumigants (through respiratory ways)

  20. Range of disinsection means On the basis of organophosphorus compounds On the basis of dimetildichlor- venylphosfatas DDVF On the basis diethyltoluamide and dimetilphthalates (DMF) (repellents) «Neophos» dichlophos «Rapthor» carbophos «Nephrafos» «Zansarin» VofotoxSP18 «Dichlophos» «Anthikus» dophlox «Carbosol» Rephtamid» Chlorophosand etc. «Molemor» «Rebeftal» «Desmol»

  21. Main requirements to insecticides Maximal efficiency at minimum norms of expense of preparation The minimum negative impact on the person and animals Efficiency preservation under the influence of factors environment Absence unpleasant smell and damaging operating on materials Rather fast decomposition in water and the soil with education safe substances Sufficient safety at storage, eliminating possibility of poisoning auxiliary personnel

  22. Packing of disinfectants PACK drums for 25, 50, 100 l barrels from 50 to 275 l glass large bottles on 20 – 40 l polyethylene tanks and bulbs to 50 л Capacities close hermetically jams, wax, wrap up a polyvinylchloride film For a small retail container use plastic bags, polymeric and glass bottles and banks, aerosol cans, tubas

  23. Marking of disinfectants • name of manufacturer and its trademark; • name of a product and its grade; • number of party and tare place; • production date; • mass of gross and net; • denotation of normative documentation.

  24. Transportation of the disinsection means Disinsection means transport all types of the closed transport according to requirements of standard documentation of a concrete product

  25. Storage of disinsection means Disinsection means store in hermetically corked container in the place protected from light, in the isolated rooms and in the distance from rooms of storage of any kinds of production. Bags, drums, boxes with disinsection means stack on a wooden flooring in a stack no more than 3,5 m high.

  26. Cosmetics Facilities that are used for the care of skin, it is executed hair, nails, oral cavity hygienical, medical and preventive and aesthetic functions. (ДСТУ 2472 -94)

  27. Classification of cosmetics To destination and to structure On consistences On sexual and to the age to sign liquid (lotions, emulsions, shampoos, paints, solvents) the hygienic for women the treatment-and-prophylactic for men pasty (creams, toothpastes, body scrubs) for youth the decorative for children protective( hand cream, antisun etc.) powdered (powder, dusting powders, tooth powders) medical (applied by the medical personnel) solid (compact powder, lipsticks, deodorants) theatrical(make-up)

  28. General requirements to cosmetics High degree efficiency of action cosmetic Safety of all the ingredients entering in structure of the cosmetic means Constancy of quality in flow of warranty term Stability to the action microorganisms and to development oxidizing processes Esthetic appearance, the corresponding art and advertizing registration of packing

  29. Marking consumer packing of cosmetics Product name Name and address enterprises of the manufacturer, its trademark Production date (year, month) Number of tone or color (for the products which are issued on tones); Period of storage Standard designation on a product

  30. Packing of cosmetic products

  31. Storage of cosmetic products • Cosmetic products store in pure, well ventilated warehouse with relative humidity no more than 70% and at a temperature from 50 with to 250 C, direct sunshine protected from action. • To the location and piling of commodity at storage next requirements are produced: • commodities must take place so that round them there was circulation of air and overhead commodities did not cause spoilage of wares being below; • - the labels of all commodities must be extrorse; • - all commodities in jars or small bottles must take place corking up; • - products have to be stored far from heating devices. • Warranty period of storage of the majority of cosmetic products at which it shouldn't be observed noticeable change of quality – 12 months from the moment of release; powdery and compact products of decorative cosmetics, and also decorative cosmetics on a fatty basis – 18 months, liquid and biological creams – 6 months.

  32. Leeches medical Leeches (Hirudinea) – class of invertebrates of animals of type of annlidess, that is divided by 2 subclasses - old leeches and real. The body of leech is extended (to 150 mm), dense, flat or cylindrical, greenish, brown or black color. 2 forms are known: pharmaceutical the medical They differ in colouringand by the form of different lines on a body

  33. Leeches medical, used in medical aims, Ukraine Leech medical Европа Bloodsucker dappled Japan Bloodsucker Japanese

  34. Storage of bloodsuckers Leeches medical keep in a clean, light apartment, avoiding direct sunbeams at an optimal temperature 18-200 С.Indoors any smells aren't allowed. The container has to be pure, convenient for the washing, harmless. It is better to use 3-5 one-liter glass jars with a wide throat or open cylindrical vessels. For storage of bloodsuckers use pure, defended (two days) tap water, which change daily. In a 3-one-liter jar place from 50 to 100 individuals. At the disease of leeches(languor) and in hot weather water change twice in a day. Expiration date of bloodsuckers: before preservation of biological full value.

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