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Social Capital and the Evolution of Social Structures

Social Capital and the Evolution of Social Structures. A Presentation at SUNBELT XXIII. in Cancun (Mexico) by: Volker G. Täube Swiss Federal Statistical Office. The Local: Integral Part of the community (« it’s whom you know ») Oriented towards ingroup communication Strong ties.

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Social Capital and the Evolution of Social Structures

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  1. Social Capital and the Evolution of Social Structures A Presentation at SUNBELT XXIII. in Cancun (Mexico) by: Volker G. Täube Swiss Federal Statistical Office

  2. The Local: Integral Part of the community (« it’s whom you know ») Oriented towards ingroup communication Strong ties The Cosmopolitan: More of an outsider (« it’s what you know ») Oriented towards between group communication Weak ties Patterns of Influence(Merton, 1968)

  3. Reformulating Gould and Fernandez’ (1989) Triads for the Identification of Broker Roles by Triadic Positions (Hummell & Sodeur, 1987; Burt, 1990):The Local

  4. Reformulating Gould and Fernandez’ (1989) Triads for the Identification of Broker Roles by Triadic Positions (Hummell & Sodeur, 1987; Burt, 1990):The Local

  5. Reformulating Gould and Fernandez’ (1989) Triads for the Identification of Broker Roles by Triadic Positions (Hummell & Sodeur, 1987; Burt, 1990):The Liaison Cosmopolitan

  6. Reformulating Gould and Fernandez’ (1989) Triads for the Identification of Broker Roles by Triadic Positions (Hummell & Sodeur, 1987; Burt, 1990):The Gatekeeper Cosmopolitan

  7. Reformulating Gould and Fernandez’ (1989) Triads for the Identification of Broker Roles by Triadic Positions (Hummell & Sodeur, 1987; Burt, 1990):The Itinerant Cosmopolitan

  8. Identifying Locals:Data / First Empirical Evidences From a Large Data Set • Freshmen population of N=182 students over the first 9 weeks at University of Wuppertal/Germany (1978/79; Humell & Sodeur) • Identification of Local roles by means of the proposed instrument (Täube, 2002) in the socio-emotional and in the instrumental network • Comparing the number of identified Local brokers with numbers obtained if number of occurences would be purly random / Expectation: Number of identified broker roles should deviate significantly from numbers obtained randomly. • Comparisons within weeks (testing for plausibility of general appearance) and between weeks (testing for stability of Local roles over time)

  9. First Empirical Evidence From a Large Data Set (Example):Comparison of Local identification in socio-emotional and instrumental network in week no 9. Instrument identified 6 identical Locals appearing in both networksTables show random probabilities for number of occurences

  10. First Empirical Evidence From a Large Data Set (Example):Comparison of Local identification in socio-emotional network between week no 8 and 9. Instrument identified 6 identical Locals appearing in both weeksTables show random probabilities for number of occurences

  11. Social Capital and the Evolution of Social Structures • First results look promising • A more elaborated baseline model needs to be developed and tested for to take also Cosmopolitans into account • All steps of the identification procedure should be automated • References: • Burt, Ronald S. 1990. « Detecting Role Equivalence »; in: Social Networks, Nr.12. • Gould, Roger V, & Fernandez R. M. 1989. « Structures of Mediation »; in: Sociological Methodology, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. • Merton, Robert K. 1968. Social Theory and Social Structure, New York: Free Press. • Humell, Hans J. & Sodeur, Wolfgang. 1987. « Strukturbeschreibung von Positionen in sozialen Beziehungsnetzen »; in F. U. Pappi (Ed.), Techniken der empirischen Sozialforschung: Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse, München: Oldenbourg. • Täube, Volker G. 2002. Zur Messung des Sozialkapitals von Akteuren mit Einfluss in empirischen Netzwerken, Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.

  12. Social Capital and the Evolution of Social Structures Thank You! Volker G. Täube Swiss Federal Statistical Office

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