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The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method. Why use the Scientific Method ?. Consider the following claims: “Smoke doesn’t affect your lungs” “Eating McDonalds for a month won’t affect your health” “Plants like music” “Grade 8 boys are taller than grade 8 girls” “Dogs can’t see colour”. The Scientific Method.

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The Scientific Method

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Scientific Method

  2. Why use the Scientific Method? • Consider the following claims: • “Smoke doesn’t affect your lungs” • “Eating McDonalds for a month won’t affect your health” • “Plants like music” • “Grade 8 boys are taller than grade 8 girls” • “Dogs can’t see colour”

  3. The Scientific Method • The Scientific Method gives us steps to follow to conduct a FAIR TEST to prove or disprove a hypothesis

  4. There are six steps

  5. Question or Purpose • The reason for performing the experiment • Ex. Do plants grow more quickly with music?

  6. Hypothesis • An educated guess to answer the question • Give reasons wherever possible • Ex. I think plants grow quicker with music.. • ..because it seems like the plants near the piano at my place grow faster than the plants in the kitchen

  7. Procedure • The steps to be followed to perform a fair test to prove or disprove the hypothesis. • Ex. 1. Obtain two plants of the same type. 2. Place one of the plants near a radio. …etc…

  8. Observations • Observations can be measured, seen, smelled, felt, heard, etc. • Observations should be organized and recorded in a table or on a graph.

  9. Observations Observation Chart to show the difference in heights between a plant exposed to music and one in silence

  10. Conclusion • The answer to the question • Give proof from your experiment • Ex. The experiment indicates that plants grow faster in silence than with music… • …In 15 days, the plant in silence grew 2cm taller than the one exposed to music.

  11. Applications • Apply the results of your experiment to everyday life. • Ex. Farmers could use these findings to try to keep their fields silent so their crops grow faster. • Ex. Florists could keep their radios off so their plants grow faster.

  12. The End

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