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MuonIdentification Present Status

MuonIdentification Present Status. Athena implementation : Inputs from Moore, Calo Reco and iPat Athena modules: MuidInit : gets tracks from Muon Reconstruction (Moore) and associates the truth from KINE bank MuidStandAlone : muon tracks are propagated to the vertex

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MuonIdentification Present Status

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MuonIdentification Present Status • Athena implementation : Inputs from Moore, Calo Reco and iPat • Athena modules: • MuidInit : • gets tracks from Muon Reconstruction (Moore) and associates the truth from KINE bank • MuidStandAlone: • muon tracks are propagated to the vertex • multiple scattering parameterised as scattering planes in calorimeters • energy loss from truth and/or from Calo Reconstruction (Tile, HECLAr and EMLAr CaloCells from CaloUtils/CaloEvent packages) • refit at vertex • MuidComb: • gets MuidTracks from previous step and ID reconstructed tracks (iPat) • Muon/ID tracks matches with a c2 cut-off • Combined fit

  2. Reconstructed Object Flow Algorithms TDS Moore Tracks MuidInit MuidTracks status muon CaloClusters MuidStandAlone MuidTracks status standalone ID iPatTracks MuidComb MuidTracks status combined

  3. MuonIdentification reorganisation (Alan) • Motivation –The work in progress on low energy muons identification (Natasha, Monica, Theodota) needs to get into the repository release structure. • MuID now contains already 27 classes! Athena algorithms with different features/goals muidAlgs In the ID there is a splitting between xxxAlgs and xxxUtils muidStatistics muidEvent Events for reconstruction

  4. Possible solutions (Alan) under Reconstruction/MuonIdentification muidAlgs muidRec softMuRec muidRec softMuRec muidStatistics muidStatistics muidEvent muidEvent

  5. Third possibility under Reconstruction muidAlgs muidRec softMuRec muidRec softMuRec muidStatistics muidStatistics muidEvent muidEvent

  6. Keeping muidUtils ? Probably too complicated! muidAlgs muidUtils muidRec softMuRec muidUtils muidAlgs softMuAlgs muidStatistics muidStatistics muidEvent muidEvent

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