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Public Sector’s Role and Strategy on Reducing Food Losses - Control of Food Waste Generation and Food Recycling System i

APEC Seminar on Strengthening Public-Private Partnership to Reduce Food Losses in the Supply Chain. Public Sector’s Role and Strategy on Reducing Food Losses - Control of Food Waste Generation and Food Recycling System in Japan. 6 August, 2013 The Westin Taipei, Taipei, Chinese Taipei.

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Public Sector’s Role and Strategy on Reducing Food Losses - Control of Food Waste Generation and Food Recycling System i

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  1. APEC Seminar on Strengthening Public-Private Partnership to Reduce Food Losses in the Supply Chain Public Sector’s Role and Strategy on Reducing Food Losses - Control of Food Waste Generation and Food Recycling System in Japan 6 August, 2013 The Westin Taipei, Taipei, Chinese Taipei Masanobu Ishikawa Professor, Dr. Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University M. Ishikawa

  2. Contents 1. Food waste material flows 2. Major development of food waste policies 3. Overview of food recycling law 4. Priorities of recycling 5. Targets 6. Policy tools for promotion of recycling M. Ishikawa

  3. Food Waste Material Flows in Japan (2010) M. Ishikawa

  4. The amount of business food waste generation in Japan (FY2011) M. Ishikawa

  5. Recycling rate of food waste by sector in FY2011 M. Ishikawa

  6. Suitable recycling treatment by waste type and sector Easy Feed Fertilizer Methane Difficult M. Ishikawa

  7. Major development of Food Waste Policies in Japan 1. Food Recycling Law Established in 2000, enforced in 2001, revised in 2007 2. Biomass Nippon Strategy Approved by cabinet in 2002, revised in 2006 3. Basic Act for the Promotion of Biomass Utilization Established and enforced in 2009 4. National Plan for the Promotion of Biomass Utilization Approved by cabinet in 2010 5. Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy in Japan Established in 2011, enforced in 2012 6. Biomass Industrialization Strategy Adopted in 2012 by the National Biomass Policy Council M. Ishikawa

  8. Overview of Food Recycling Law 1. Priorities of initiatives - Control of waste generation, Recycling, Heat recovery, Reduction of weight 2. Targets - Control of Waste generation, Recycling rate 3. Responsibilities of stakeholders -Food related business operators -Consumers -National and local governments M. Ishikawa

  9. Priorities of Recycling • 1. Control of waste generation • Improvement of yields • Optimization of order placement • Use of Food Bank • etc. 2. Recycling Priority 1: Feed Priority 2: Fertilizer/Oil and Fat products/Methane/Char/Ethanol 3. Heat recovery - Should recover more than160MJ/ton for wastes except oil or fat - Should recover more than 28,000MJ/ton for waste oil or fat - Only if there is no other recycling facilities within 75km 4. Reduction of weight - Dehydration M. Ishikawa

  10. Targets for control of waste generation • Control of waste generation target • Depending on business group: not binding so far • Targets are set based on reported data • Target level is set so as ca. 70% of firms in the group meet the target M. Ishikawa

  11. Targets for control of waste generation M. Ishikawa

  12. Targets for recycling • 2. Recycling target • Sector base target: not binding • Manufacture (85%), wholesales (70%), retailer (45%), restaurant (40%) • Individual company base target: binding with penalty • Should achieve at least 20% • 2% point improvement for companies of lower achievement (20%-50%) • 1% point improvement for companies of mid achievement (50%-80%) • Maintain or improvement for companies of higher achievement (>80%) • Definition of recycling rate • Recycling rate=(Wsup+Wrec+0.95*Wh+Wred)/(Wsup+Wg) • Wsup: suppress of waste generation, Wrec: recycling, Wh: heat recovery, • Wred: reduction of weight, Wg: waste generation M. Ishikawa

  13. Policy Tools for Promotion of Recycling 1. Targets for the control of food waste generation - Targets set for 16 business sectors so far - will be extended to other sectors 2. Mandatory regular reporting by business operators - 100 tons of food waste or more in the previous year • 3. Promotion of recycling by business operators • Registered Recycling Business Operator System • Recycling Business Plan Approval System M. Ishikawa

  14. Registered Recycling Business Operator System 1. Objectives - Development of good recycle operators • 2. Requirement of registration • Appropriate business with regard to conservation of living environment • Larger than 5 ton/day treatment ability • Capable of financial basis • 3. Merits • Foodrelated business operators • Choose of good recycle operators • Recycling business operators • Ease of Waste Disposal and Public Cleaning Act • Ease of Fertilizer Control Act • Ease of Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds M. Ishikawa

  15. Development of the Registered Recycling Business Operators M. Ishikawa

  16. Recycling Business Plan Approval System • 1. Objectives • Promote higher quality recycling in downstream sectors • such as feed and fertilizer in retail and restaurant business • 2. Requirement of registration • Appropriate business operation and meet criteria, competency • Certainty of utilization of feed/fertilizer/etc. • Retailer/restaurant must sell more than half of final products by themselves • 3. Merits • Foodrelated business operators • Can brand its products • Recycling business operators • Ease of Waste Disposal and Public Cleaning Act • 4. Feature • Motivations of self monitoring and monitoring of business partners are embedded in food recycling loop M. Ishikawa

  17. Recycling Business Plan Approval System Sell What You Separate scheme M. Ishikawa

  18. Food Recycling Loop by UNY Co., Ltd. Collection and transportation by Sanko Ltd. 5 shops of UNY food residue (525.6 t/year) Recycling business operator Food retailer Sanko Ltd. Agriculture/Forestry/ production operator fertilizer (362 t/year) UNY purchases agricultural production (45.7 t/year) to sell [Branding] agricultural products grown with the fertilizer from food waste to have bland "cyclical vegetable." 238.3 t/year is sold in markets or to other companies. Koso-no-sato Ltd. uses the fertilizer (362 t/year) to grow vegetables, fruits, rice, soybeans and flowers (284 t/year).

  19. Development of the Approved Recycling Business Plan M. Ishikawa

  20. Other Policies and Activities for Food Waste Reduction • 1. Initiatives of the entire food chain to reduce food loss • To reduce food loss caused by excess stock or returning • Working team: manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer • 2. Food bank • More than 20 organizations in Japan • Second Harvest Japan deals with the maximum amount (1,689tons in 2011) • 3. National campaign on reduction of food loss • Cabinet Office, Consumer Affairs Agency, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries M. Ishikawa

  21. Trend of Food Waste Generation M. Ishikawa

  22. Trend of Food Waste Recycling etc. rate M. Ishikawa

  23. Concluding Remarks • Recycling of food waste in Japan has been making progress. • The amount of food waste generation in food industry is steadily decreasing. • The manufacturing sector achieved the recycling target, but other sectors did not. • We should focus on downstream sectors such as retailers and restaurants as well as households. • We set waste generation control targets for 16 business groups based on reported data, which will be reviewed in 2014 and are planned to be extended to other business groups. • We set up the Recycling Business Plan Approval scheme (SellWYS scheme) to encourage high quality recycling in downstream sectors, and the number of approved plan is steadily increasing. M. Ishikawa

  24. Thank you for your attention Hoping everybody could eat enough healthy food without producing excessive wastes M. Ishikawa

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