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…A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful 3435 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 203  Santa Monica, CA 90405 (310) 452-5130  (310) 450-0548 Fax http://www.envisialearning.com. Who we are….

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  1. …A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful3435 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 203  Santa Monica, CA 90405(310) 452-5130  (310) 450-0548 Faxhttp://www.envisialearning.com

  2. Who we are… Envisia Learning is a leader in providing innovative assessment products, services, and other internet based resources that are responsive to the unique needs of consultants and coaches and the individuals they serve throughout the world. We are committed to building strong, mutually beneficial, and enduring relationships with a focus on providing superior customer service, high-quality products, and excellent price value to our Customers.

  3. Evidence Based Research on Coaching • Smither et al., (2003) studied 1,361 senior managers who received 360-degree feedback with 404 of these managers working exclusively with an executive coach to review their feedback and set individual goals. Managers who worked with an executive coach were significantly more likely than the other managers to demonstrate improvement • Olivero (1997) demonstrated that a conventional management training program in the public sector, combined with eight weeks of one-to-one coaching, resulted in a significant increase in productivity of the program participants compared to a control group • Thatch (2002) tracked 281 executives participating in a six-month coaching and multi-rater feedback intervention and found the combination of multi-rater feedback and individual coaching increased leadership effectiveness up to 60% • Grant and colleagues have shown in numerous randomized controlled studies using cognitive-behavioral approaches over a 10-week period significantly enhances goal attainment, resilience and workplace well-being (Grant et al., 2009; Grant, 2008; Grant et al., 2006; Green et al., 2007).

  4. “We are what we repeatedly do.” Aristotle

  5. Necessary Ingredients for Behavior Change Mashihi, S. & Nowack, K. (2011). Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It

  6. “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I should know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” Mark Twain

  7. NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS: >25% abandon new behaviors after 15 weeks; 60% make the same resolution the next year (Marlatt,1996) WEIGHT LOSS: About 2/3 of those who lose weight regain it all back within 4-5 years (Mann, 2007) SMOKING: 40% of those who try were not able to quit for even 1 day (Messer, 2008) ALCOHOL: 90 percent of alcoholics are likely to experience at least one relapse over the 4-year period following treatment; remission rates to range from 50 to 80% or more, depending on the severity of alcohol problems (Moos, 2006) Leadership Change: Meta-analysis of 26 longitudinal 360 studies indicate significant but small effect sizes (Smither, 2005) Habits are Hard to Change…Harder to Sustain

  8. Positive Illusions Clueless: Why We Don’t See Ourselves Accurately • Individuals who perform poorly on tasks overestimate their skill level • Remain unaware of their incompetence • Are less motivated to develop their skills/abilities Dunning-Kruger Effect • Nearly 80% of people believe they are in the top 50% in emotional intelligence • 93% of drivers in the U.S. rated their driving skills in the top 50% • U.S. College Board found 85% of students rated their ability to get along well with others above the median • Inflated Skills • Unrealistic Optimism • Illusions of Control Better than Average Effect

  9. Low EI Ability but High Self-Rating 33% + Envisia EIV360 - - + MSCEIT Emotionally Unskilled & Unaware • Correlations with the MSCEIT Overall, Emotional Experiencing & Emotional Reasoning subscores and EIV360 were .12, .07, .12, respectively, all p’s > .05) for 110 participants • The competencies of Trust and Empathy in the EIV360 were significantly correlated with the Managing Emotions & Using Emotions branches of the MSCEIT as well as the total score (average r’s = .25, p < .01). • 33% of all study participants were unskilled (low MSCEIT) and unaware (high EIV360) and this represented almost half (46%) of all who had high self-assessment of their EI Rafael BisquerraAlzina, Nuria Perez Escoda, Laura Mari. Departmento MIDE Facultad de Pedagogia. Universidad de Barcelona (2011)

  10. Challenge #1Acquiring New BehaviorsRhodes, Plotnikoff & Courneya (2009) • Frequently people underestimate the difficulty of sustained behavior change • A key to developing and enhancing new skills is deliberate practice • There are different predictors of non-intenders to successful adopters (e.g., readiness to change) versus unsuccessful maintainers versus successful maintainers (e.g., perceived control and efficacy)

  11. Challenge #2Creating Implementation Intentions • Goal intentions alone may not always result in successful maintenance of behavior over time (Lawton, Cooner, & McEachan, 2009) • SMART goals aren’t always that smart • Format is important! “If-then” statements maximize success • Behavior must be observable and measurable • Over a decade of research and nearly a hundred studies have shown that implementation intentions double a person’s likelihood of achieving their goals (Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006)

  12. Challenge #3How Long it Takes to Form a Habit

  13. Mental Practice Facilitates Behavior ChangePascual-Leone (1996) Harvard • Comparison of mental practice group on piano versus physical practice group (both 2 hours/day for 5 days) showed the nearly similar changes in the cortical pathways • Mental practice + 2 hours of physical practice resulted in equal performance at the end of the 5 day study period

  14. Conscious Incompetence Conscious Competence Unconscious Incompetence Unconscious Competence Coaching and Behavior Change Model Momentor and Coaching 360 Degree Feedback

  15. Unconscious Competence High Performance Low Unconscious Competence and Peak Performance • Orchestral musicians preferred creating music when they were encouraged to mindfully incorporate subtle nuances into their performance • Audience members were played recordings of both types of performance and a significant majority expressed a preference for the performances that were created in a mindful state • The practice of staying acutely aware of what is happening in the present moment prevents mindless competence and the use of mindful competence increases creativity, productivity and engagement Russel, T. & Eisenkraft, N. (2009). Orchestral performance and the footprint of mindfulness. Psychology of Music, 37, 125-136. Mindful Competence (Attention & Passion) Mindless Competence Inattention & Indifference

  16. A 2008 survey of over 2,000 international employees and 60 HR leaders reported that 84% of managers are expected to coach talent but only 52% actually do (39% in Europe) Only 24% of all leaders are rewarded or recognized for coaching and developing talent 85% of all managers and employees see value in leaders as coaches but 32% of managers reported it takes too much time and interferes with their job Challenge #4Leader as Performance Coach The Coaching Conundrum 2009: Building a coaching culture that drives organizational success. Blessing White Inc. Global Executive Summary

  17. Challenge # 5Developing Leaders: 70/20/10 RuleLombardo & Eichinger (1996) • Job change • Special projects and assignments • Exposure and involvement in key business challenges • Task forces, committees, change initiatives Experience • Job Performance feedback • Executive coaching • 360-degree feedback process • Developmental assessment workshops Feedback & Coaching Ascending Value • Critical skill building training programs • Transition training programs • Key external executive programs • Self-directed learning initiatives Formal Learning

  18. Leveraging Successful Behavior Change: Momentor

  19. The Value of Momentor Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor …A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful

  20. Momentor Coaching Stages

  21. Momentor Features Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor …A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful

  22. Momentor Creating a New Client Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor …A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful

  23. Momentor Logging In and Creating a New Client Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor …A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful

  24. Momentor Logging In and Creating a New Client Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  25. Momentor Editing and Sending Client Invitation Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  26. Momentor Client Invite to Momentor Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  27. Momentor Client Sign In Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  28. Momentor Goal Setting Options Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Coach Accelerator

  29. Momentor Creating a New Goal for Your Client Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  30. Momentor Creating a New Goal for Your Client Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  31. Creating a New Goal for Your Client Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  32. From Goal Intentions to ImplementationAction Items, Practice Plans, Goal Mentors & Success Strategies

  33. The Psychology of Habits

  34. Creating Practice PlansGollwitzer & Sheeran (2006)

  35. Creating Practice Plans

  36. Creating Practice Plans

  37. Momentor Development Resource Library Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor …A goal setting and evaluation tool to help coaches be more successful

  38. Development Resource Library—Books Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  39. Automatically Add Resources to Your Client’s Goal Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor

  40. Automatically Add Resources to Your Client’s Goal Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor

  41. Use Momentor to Reinforce, Comment and Support You Client’s Goals Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor

  42. Tracking and Monitoring Client Progress Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  43. Development Feed Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  44. Upload Assessments Used in Your Coaching Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  45. Confidential Coaching Notes Step 1 Assess 360 Assessment Step 2 Reflect/Plan Momentor Step 3 Track/Monitor Momentor

  46. Goal Evaluation Description • Is not a 360 feedback assessment • Provides a metric of actual behavior change • Provides coaches and organizations with a tool to demonstrate the value of the coaching intervention

  47. Goal Evaluation Research on 8,208 leaders over 18 months following 360 feedback with follow up with direct reports and others shows the importance of follow-up and evaluation: • Managers who were seen as responding but doing no follow-up were perceived had the highest percentage of managers who were seen as getting worse (21%) • 53% of the responsive leaders who did not follow-up were rated as unchanged or less effective • 66% of the leaders who did “a little follow-up” showed improvement • 95% of the leaders who did “a lot of follow-up” were rated as dramatically improved Goldsmith, M. (2006).The Impact of Direct Report Feedback and Follow-Up on Leadership. Unpublished manuscript. www.marshallgoldsmith.com/articles

  48. Goal EvaluationGetting Feedback on Your Goals

  49. Goal Rater Nomination

  50. Momentor Goal Evaluation

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