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Planning Your Project

A short overview of the Planning Stages and Steps. Planning Your Project. Offered to you by NEA Consulting. This presentation is part of the Planning Class a ssociated with the Getting Out of the Abyss Classes. When times are hard….

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Planning Your Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A short overview of the Planning Stages and Steps Planning Your Project

  2. Offered to you by NEA Consulting This presentation is part of the Planning Class associated with the Getting Out of the Abyss Classes

  3. When times are hard… More people submit applications for patents than at any other time. They know they can use their talents and gifts to get their life on a higher level. The purpose for this presentation is to introduce the steps and stages of the Planning Process so viewers can create a successful project to carry you through these difficult times. The Planning Process can help you get your dream life.

  4. In a movement… The collapse of the old structure enables us to choose what to put in its place. We know what we don’t want, and now it is time to decide what we do want. We are evolving. The first people to come into a movement are those who stand on the principles. The second are those who are financially affected. The third group are those whose lives are affected.

  5. As the social programs are cut, the private sector must assume responsibility for the crises. You can take advantage of this opportunity.

  6. People are being squeezed by these difficult times, thinking they can’t get the life they have always wanted. The only thing people will put their fullest efforts into is to create their dream life. Don’t settle for second best, or you will sabotage your efforts.

  7. Every person on the planet has talents and gifts, and wisdom gathered through a lifetime of experiences. You know what works and doesn’t work within your own area of expertise. This wisdom is oftentimes disregarded because you don’t see what you have learned as being important. No experience you have ever had will go unused.

  8. We are unlimited as to what we can create. Why not start to solve mankind’s problems? Every person on the planet has a problem, and every person has a solution to a problem. The idea is to find the person who has what you need, and you have what he or she needs.

  9. You can get anything you need, because you can work with any person on the planet.

  10. The Rationale for the Plan Every plan must solve a problem, or why do it? The circle represents the issues mankind is facing. You recognize there is a problem, and from your own area of expertise, you understand the solution. Your solution is represented by the black arrow.

  11. Root Cause Your plan must address the root cause of the issue, Or it will make matters worse. If you know the Root Cause of an issue, with the Planning Process, you can find the solution. Our organization offers information about the root cause of many of the crises mankind is facing. We are introducing fifty remarkable projects, and opening them for debate. You can take the principles we teach and spin off technology and apply them in your own project.

  12. The Four Rules Every project must stand on the Four Rules to be successful. What you do must benefit all people. You must work on it every day. No one can do another’s project. No one can prevent you from doing your project.

  13. The Principles of the Projects Every project must stand on the Principles of the Projects. Every project is based on the same principles. People must be able to get their life on a higher level. Your plan must leave no one out of its benefits. Everyone must agree to the plan. Your plan must enable people to have recourse to change what is unfair. Your plan must function under the principles of Universal Law.

  14. The Contingency for the Plan An event must occur where people see a need for your plan. Someone says “Stop.”

  15. Loop 1: Someone says “stop.” Everyone walks away from the conflict.

  16. Loop 2: People must find an alternative.

  17. Loop 3: Which plan? Who is credible?

  18. Loop 4 The credible choice has the seed already planted and growing.

  19. Loop 5: You must speak and explain the plan.

  20. Loop 6: You must pass their judgment.

  21. Loop 7: You must bring in others to help you with the plan.

  22. Mediation: All must see the necessity to end the conflict. There must be a sense of equality that comes of it. There has to be a sense of equality that turns into the idea of all assuming responsibility. Everyone has to work out a plan that everyone can benefit from.

  23. The Planning Process There are 7 stages and 22 steps in the Planning Process. • The Planning Process is not new. • The Tarot’s Major Arcana cards are based on the 22 steps. The gypsies were given them to keep the teachings pure. • The Apostle John’s “The Book of the Revelation” is based on the Planning Process, with 22 chapters. • St. Teresa of Avila had a vision of the Seven Mansions • you must travel through to reach your marriage with God.

  24. We use the Planning Process every day. It is Saturday night and the family must decide what they will do… “What should we do tonight?” (Come up with a plan everyone agrees to.) The plan is to go to the movie. “Who will go?” (Bring in the people.) “How much will it cost?” (Stop at the ATM. Bring in the support.) “ Which movie? Which theater?” (Deal with the glitches.) “Sorry, that theater is in a poor neighborhood.” (Security) “Jenny just got her license, let’s allow her to drive tonight.” (Capacity) “OK, let’s go!” (Tolerance and Empowerment)

  25. Your plan, your life project, needs two additional aspects: The “trigger” is a catalyst, and does not participate directly in the process but plays a major role. The “intent” is someone who gives the final approval. “OK, let’s go!”

  26. You will go around and around the Planning Circle when you create your project. Everything starts first on the spiritual level, then progresses to the mental and finally the physical. The first time around the circle, you understand that it is possible to bring it about. The second time around, you make it probable. The third time around the circle you make it likely.

  27. Overview of the Plan Walk the NEA plan to create the life you want. Start with the Plan.

  28. Each stage of the Planning Circle is made of three steps. It is just like walking… You start out with your left foot. Then you step forward with the right foot. You find your balance, and then progress to the next stage.

  29. Creativity Creativity is the red segment of the Rainbow. It is the Plan. The Overview is the wider perspective, and you bounce back and forth between the wider perspective and the narrower to create your plan.

  30. Stage One:Creativity The Fool… Starts out on his journey totally oblivious to what is ahead. He encounters the Boogiemen, who attempt to take his life away from him. When you start out on your Plan, it creates a sense of fear in the people around you.

  31. Stage One:Creativity The Magician… Learns how to wield the tools of Creativity. He has the wisdom to walk forward, knowing he can create his life.

  32. Stage One:Creativity The High Priestess… This step involves finding a sense of balance, and walking forward to create your life. No one can stop you from getting your life, you have the tools and the understanding to overcome the resistance from the Boogiemen.

  33. Stage Two:Productivity Productivity is the orange segment of the Planning Circle. It involves bringing in the people you need to help you create your project. It has to do with how to wield the power you have.

  34. Stage Two:Productivity The Empress… You must know what you have to create your project. This step involves understanding what you have, and who you need to create your project.

  35. Stage Two:Productivity The Emperor… How much power will you wield when you are working with your partners? What kind of leader are you?

  36. Stage Two:Productivity The Hierophant… This is the point of balance, between power and what you have to work with. Who is ready to come in?

  37. Stage Three:Prosperity Prosperity is the yellow segment of the Planning Circle. In this segment, you bring in the support you need to create your project. If you are opening a store, these are your customers. And once you reach this stage on the physical, your adversaries become your allies.

  38. Stage Three:Prosperity The Lovers… The bond you create with people when you bring them in. But you have not yet sold them on the idea.

  39. Stage Three:Prosperity The Chariot… Will they be able to overcome their relationship with you if it doesn’t work?

  40. Stage Three:Prosperity Strength… If the seed has been planted, they can see it already works. Creates a sense of confidence.

  41. Stage Four:Equality Equality is the green segment, and it relates to addressing all the glitches of the project. When you are in the physical cycle, this is the point that you are actually starting to work at your project. The previous cycles were all preparation.

  42. Stage Four:Equality The Hermit… If they have accepted it, how will it look to their friends? They are standing on the idea.

  43. Stage Four:Equality Wheel of Fortune… Taking chances on looking like a real fool.

  44. Stage Four:Equality Justice… Dealing with the issues related to your involvement with the idea.

  45. Stage Five:Security Security is the blue segment of the Planning Process, and involves standing up and on the principles of the project.

  46. Stage Five:Security The Hanged Man… The plan is evolving to the higher level, making the commitment, choosing whether you will make the necessary sacrifices.

  47. Stage Five:Security Death… This is symbolic of letting go of the old and making way for the new.

  48. Stage Five: Security Temperance… Finding a sense of balance again in your life. Getting emotions that can tear you apart under control.

  49. Stage Six:Capacity Capacity is the indigo segment of the Planning Process, addressing whether you are capable of doing this.

  50. Stage Six:Capacity The Devil… Facing your fears. What put you into the crisis in your life? You must face the fear that put you in the crisis.

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