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SPLASH 2.0 Kick-Off

SPLASH 2.0 Kick-Off. Cohort # 4 Lake Cumberland Resort Park Jamestown, KY September 26-27 , 2012. SPLASH 2.0 Kick-Off. "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - "The Lorax " (Dr. Seuss) . Overview of SPLASH 2.0:.

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SPLASH 2.0 Kick-Off

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  1. SPLASH 2.0 Kick-Off Cohort # 4 Lake Cumberland Resort Park Jamestown, KY September 26-27, 2012

  2. SPLASH 2.0 Kick-Off "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - "The Lorax" (Dr. Seuss)

  3. Overview of SPLASH 2.0: • Provide three-year professional learning opportunities • Promote high quality instruction • Foster academic success and growth of students • Low Incidence Initiative- SPDG (State Personnel Development Grant)

  4. Low Incidence Initiatives: • Curriculum Framework • Professional Learning • Mentoring/Technical Assistance • Parents • Evaluation

  5. Introductions: Introduce Yourself Name District School What interested you in participating in SPLASH?

  6. Agenda Overview:

  7. Teacher Expectations: • Complete all assignments and attend PD with high levels of engagement, preparedness, and follow-through. • Communicate and follow-through with all requests from Coach and SPLASH personnel. • Be positive, open to feedback, and apply to your classroom practices, instructional design and delivery.

  8. Teacher Expectations: • Spend at least one day per month on job embedded PD. • Incorporate, refine, master professional development with fidelity. • Maintain professionalism, high expectations, and best practices for the students you work with day in and day out.

  9. Coach Expectations: • Provide technical assistance and support to teachers. • Communicate and follow-through with all requests from teachers and SPLASH personnel. • Be positive, open to feedback, and apply to your practices as a SPLASH coach.

  10. Coach Expectations: • Spend at least one day per month per teacher on providing job embedded PD, classroom observations, feedback, and technical assistance. • Incorporate, refine, master professional development with fidelity. • Maintain professionalism, high expectations, and best practices for the teachers you will provide technical assistance and the students they work with.

  11. Working With Parents: • Parent Survey: You will receive an electronic copy of the Parent Survey. Please send electronically to parents/caregivers or send home a paper copy.

  12. Coach Time: • Find your coach from your Statewide Cooperative Region: • Coaches elaborate expectations • Discuss briefly: • Monthly modules and homework • Observations • Communication Methods

  13. Characteristics of Students with Moderate and Severe Cognitive Disabilities:

  14. What is a Functional Mental Disability? (FMD) • A term used in Kentucky to represent a student with moderate to severe disabilities. • Common for students with severe disabilities to have two or more disabilities that contribute to their level of functioning (e.g., severe mental retardation with motor impairment, autism with severe behavior disorder). • Characterized by significant limitations in both adaptive behavior AND intellectual functioning.

  15. Adaptive Behavior: • Adaptive behavior is “the collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills that people have learned so that they can function in their everyday lives (AAMR, 1999-2004), including: • Communication • Self-care: eating, dressing, toileting • Health: delayed puberty, active seizures, self-injury, lack of self-recognition • Social Skills • Academic: letter recognition, number recognition, counting

  16. Intellectual Functioning: • A standard, whole scale IQ of 55 or below • Causes difficulties with: • Memory (short and long term) • Learning new information • Processing information • Attention • Speech and Language

  17. Theoretical Distribution of IQ Scores Based on Normal Curve:

  18. Educational Programming for Students with FMD: • Systematic instruction involving verbal, model and physical prompts, time delay, and positive reinforcement. • Complexity, mode of responding and level of support are individualized to meet the needs of each student. • Research supports a blend of academic and functional skills. • COMMUNICATION system is priority.

  19. ACTIVITY: • Identify WHY this information should be used to work with other teachers, administrators, and parents. • Identify WAYS this information can be used to work with other teachers, administrators, and parents. • Identify HOW this information should be adapted to effectively work with other teachers, administrators, and parents.

  20. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”Helen Keller

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