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Sensations , Emotions and Experiences as Marketing Levers

U NIVERSITÀ DEGLI S TUDI DI P AVIA F ACOLTÀ DI L ETTERE E F ILOSOFIA, S CIENZE P OLITICHE, G IURISPRUDENZA, INGEGNERIA , E CONOMIA. Sensations , Emotions and Experiences as Marketing Levers. Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Salvatore Natale Bonfiglio Correlatore:

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Sensations , Emotions and Experiences as Marketing Levers

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  2. Agenda Introduction 1 Customer Behaviours 2 Emotions 3 Sensations 4 Experiences 5 Survey Study 6 Conclusions 7 Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers Cecilia Daprati

  3. History of Marketing Orientations AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Emotions 2005 -2010 Brand 1985 -2005 Customer 1975 -1985 Market 1960 -1975 Sell 1940 - 1960 Product 1920 - 1940 Production Industrial Revolution - 1920 Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  4. Behavioral Model of Rational Choice • Marketing mix (4p) • Environmentalfactors(economic, technological, political, cultural) • Product choice • Brand choice • Dealer choice • Purchase timing • Purchase amount • Customer decision process • Customer’s characteristics (socials,culturals,personals, psichologics) AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions • Internalstimulus • (Buyer’s black box) • Externalstimulus • Customersresponses Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  5. Purchase Decision Process: the Black Box Model AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Internal or externalstimulus Problem recognition Impulsive buy Sourcesof information Information search Alternative evaluation Positive communication Purchasedecision Satisfaction Post-purchasebehaviour Dissatisfaction Negative communication Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  6. Post-Modern Buyer Characteristics AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions From needs to desires Shopping to socialize, have fun, inform New models of buying: dematerialization of goods Research of experiences rather than products Emotional and multi-sensoryapproach(“sensation seeker”) Marketing becomes a battle of emotions Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  7. Emotions in Decision Making AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions “Inform" the decision maker and trace memories Havecommunicative and symboliccomponents Emotions Intensify the shopping experience Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  8. Multi-Sensory Marketing AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Aesthetic Marketing Strategic solicitation of 5 senses to involve the audience intimately Senses influence behavior at both the conscious and unconscious levels 95% of purchasing decisions takes place in the subconscious mind Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  9. The Sight in the Shopping Experience AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions First point of contact between customer and product The “Scenography” of a Product Packaging Exposure Differentiation and originality Order, clarity, rhythm,variety Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  10. Touch AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions An experience becomes palpable and real Ergonomics, handiness, round and harmonicshapes Packaging Invites to test and increases purchase possibility Transmit feelings and reinforce the message Materials Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  11. Hearing AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Emphasizes the effect of a visual message Influences moods and levels of activity Music Reachesall the public Communicates the character of the brand Jingle, spot song, live event, radio, sound logo Buzz marketing WOM From “Word Of Mouth” to “Word Of Mouse” Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  12. Smell and Taste AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions A fragrant message May cause instant reactions Reaches the limbic system Influences mood, likes, motivations Customize brands, products, environments Aroma branding Is very closely related to the sense of smell Taste Our brain links the product with the brand Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  13. Experiential Marketing AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Sense Feel Strategic Experiential Moduls Experience Providers (ExPro) Think Act Relate Create a memorable and unique event Build strong customer relationships Increase brand /corporate identity Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  14. Nescafé Multisensory Temporary Store AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Sight: Countdown timer watch, brand colors, soft lights, order, clarity, modern design, displays Touch: Computer stations Taste: coffee-basedbeverages Olfaction: Coffee flavor Hearing: Music and sounds Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  15. Analysis and Dataset Structure AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Obtain customer profiling and identify purchasingpreferences and behaviors Goal 50 people, analyzed usingvariables as gender, age, civil status, occupation, education Sample “Questionnaire A”: Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) Tools “Questionnaire B”: buyingpreferences and trends Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  16. Analysis of Results AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Impulsive actors Rationalactors 57% Women 56% Men 83% from18 to 35 years 52% from 41 to 70 years 2% unemployed / retired 30% unemployed / retired Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  17. Analysis of Results AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Ranking of preferences Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  18. Analysis of Results AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Ranking of preferences Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  19. FinalConsiderations AGENDA Step 1 Introduction Step 2 Customer Behaviours Step 3 Emotions Step 4 Sensations Step 5 Experiences Step 6 SurveyStudy Step 7 Conclusions Consumers has become more hedonistic and attentive to their inner states The emotional component plays a key role in the purchase choice Multisensory / Experiential Marketing is a success strategyto influence the emotional response of individuals Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

  20. Thanksforyourattention Cecilia Daprati Sensations, emotions and experiences as marketing levers

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