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The Bronze Bow

The Bronze Bow. Background information/Pre-read. In your Language Arts notebook write a short paragraph answering the following:.

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The Bronze Bow

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  1. The Bronze Bow Background information/Pre-read

  2. In your Language Arts notebook write a short paragraph answering the following: • Based on the title of this book, The Bronze Bow, explain in a short paragraph (3 – 5 sentences) about what you think the book will be; mention the setting, characters, plot, etc. (who, what, where, when, why and how).

  3. Continue writing in your notebook…. • Based on the cover, how has your opinion about the book changed? • Who is the book’s author? Have you ever heard of the author? If so, have you ever read any of her other books? If yes, which ones? Explain why you liked or disliked any of her other books. • Which award has this book earned? Do you know anything about that award? If so, what do you know? If you have never heard of this award, find out by asking a librarian or researching on the Internet and explain for what reason it is given. • Read the inside cover of the book. Based on the title, cover, author, award and inside-cover summary, what are your thoughts about reading this book?

  4. The author • 1908 - November 15, 1994 • Elizabeth George Speare won some of the most prestigious awards in young adult literature for her novels of historical fiction, including two coveted Newbery Awards. She was known for creating believable characters who rely on their inner strength to cope with the challenges they face. Speare's favorite time period to write about was pre-Revolutionary America, although one of her most acclaimed books was set during Jesus's lifetime in Galilee. She has been especially praised for her ability to merge historical fact with the fiction of her storylines--a skill which came from hours of meticulous research.

  5. The newbery medal • Awarded annually by the American Library Association for the most distinguished American children's book published the previous year • The first children's book award in the world. • Best known and most discussed children's book award in this country • Purpose: "To encourage original creative work in the field of books for children…” • Since 1922

  6. background • Takes place in Galilee, Israel during the time of Jesus (2,000 years ago) • Romans occupied Israel • http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/staffhome/gehall/XTOLOGY2.htm

  7. References • http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/newberymedal/aboutnewbery/aboutnewbery.cfm • http://www.edupaperback.org/showauth.cfm?authid=85

  8. The Bronze Bow Chapters 1-6

  9. Oleander

  10. Daniel bar jamin • Son of….

  11. Scribe • One of the groups of Palestinian scholars and teachers of Jewish law and tradition who transcribed, edited, and interpreted the Bible

  12. Rabbi • Jewish scholar/teacher • Chief religious official of synagogue • Synagogue: Jewish place of worship and prayer

  13. Legion • A division of the Roman army • Usually 3,000 to 6,000 soldiers

  14. Zealot • a member of a radical, warlike, ardently patriotic group of Jews in Judea, particularly prominent from A.D. 69 to 81, advocating the violent overthrow of Roman rule and vigorously resisting the efforts of the Romans and their supporters to heathenize the Jews • Heathen: an unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible; a person who is neither a Jew, Christian, nor Muslim; pagan.

  15. ChAPTER ONE • 1.) What is happening at the beginning of chapter 1? Who is doing what and where? • 2.)On page 3, the narrator explains that Daniel might be risking his freedom for nothing possibly. To what is/might be the narrator referring?

  16. Chapter one • 3.) What do we learn about Daniel’s mother’s character from the last paragraph on page six? • 4.)Of what ethnic group are the three characters or to what religion to they belong?

  17. Chapter one • 5.) How long has Daniel been living in the hills? • 6.) Who takes care of Daniel and what is he like in Daniel’s eyes? What do the town’s people think of this person? • 7.) According to a description of Rosh in the 7th paragraph on page 13, what fictional character could Rosh be compared to of whom you have heard?

  18. Wary • girdle • solemnly • hostility • forge • savage • contempt • deliverance • conquerors • scarcely • Heathen • Bearings • sober • lingered • deliberately • Lured • resentment Vocabulary • Terraces • Burgeoning • thickets • oleander • cranny • scowled • foolhardy • poised • Tetrarch • Scribe • rabbi, • Baffled • Calloused • Tunic

  19. Chapter two • Fracas: a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight; uproar (page 20)

  20. Chapter two • 1.)  What does Daniel like about Joel when Ebol tells Daniel to get rid of the siblings? • 2.) After Rosh approves so much of Joel, Daniel is jealous. What does Daniel do to prove to Joel that he is just as good, if not better (more brave) than Joel?

  21. Chapter two • 3.)  At the end of the 7th paragraph on page 23, it says that the look between Joel and Daniel was “a farewell and a beginning.” What does that mean? • 4.) What job did Rosh assign Daniel the night the slave was captured

  22. Chapter two • 5.) What does the slave do to Daniel once the shackles were removed and why?

  23. Chapter three • Slave Bond: (page 33) • Fill out Character Traits chart in study guide for this character:

  24. Chapter 3 • Find the commandments in Leviticus 19 that the author is referring to in paragraph 4-5 of page 40. Write down the reference. • What does the last sentence of paragraph 2 on page 41 mean? • Look up the word “irony” or “ironic” in the dictionary. What is ironic about the last sentence of chapter 3?

  25. Chapter 4 • Beginning with Isaiah 61, read until you find the passage read in the synagogue (on pg. 47). Write down the chapter and verses that were read. • On page 50, one man responds to Daniel after he identified himself as Daniel bar Jamin,” by saying, “Wasn’t it your father who…” For what do you think Daniel’s father is known? • What is the “white gleaming arc that split the shadowy face? Of the person approaching Daniel? (p.

  26. Who are the zealots? • History: When Daniel hears Jesus, he wonders if Jesus is a Zealot. Do some research on the Zealots. Find the following information: Who were the Zealots? What were their goals? How did they try to accomplish their goals?

  27. Ch. 5 Questions • The word “amethyst” is in Exodus 28:15-20 and Revelation 21:15-21. What is “amethyst” and what two purposes is it being used for in these chapters? • How is amethyst on page 54 different from your definition and/or the ways it is used in Exodus and Revelation? • Daniel is clearly curious about Jesus (p. 58) and bitter/hateful towards the Roman soldiers. Explain which is greater, his curiosity or his hatred, and why you believe so – use an example from the story.

  28. Chapter 7 • A brief history…Jigsaw activity • Near the end of the chapter, Joel quotes a psalm that includes the passage, “He trains my hands for war, so thatmy arms may bend a bow of bronze.” • Find that passage in the Bible (It is located in two places!) • Whoever finds both passages first gets candy! • Under what circumstances was that passage written?

  29. Chapter 8 • Journal: • Reread the incident on p. 99. Was Jesus saying it is OK to ignore rules? If not, what was His point?

  30. Chapter 17 • Think back to the beginning of the book. How did Daniel feel about Rosh? Give examples from the story to back up your statements. • How does Daniel feel about Rosh now? Give examples from the story to back up your statements. Why do you think he feels this way now?

  31. Chapters 20-21 • Our country is not occupied by the Roman Empire as Daniel’s was. Is Jesus’ message still relevant for us? Or was it specifically only for Daniel? Explain your answer. • Explain Jesus’ final statement in this chapter-- “That is not a vow of hate. . . . You are not far from the kingdom.” What did He mean?

  32. Conflict in the story… • While the story’s conflict seems to center upon Daniel and the Romans, the most important conflict exists entirely in Daniel’s own mind and heart. This conflict is exposed and developed through Daniel’s relationships with two significant characters: Rosh & Jesus.

  33. Rosh vs. jesus • Both hailed as Messiahs by their followers, each man approaches the idea of the Kingdom differently. Daniel considers the differences between the two men as he longs for a leader worthy of his loyalty. Below is a list of adjectives that compare and contrast the characters of Rosh and Jesus…

  34. Cumulative Power point project Name/# ___________________________________ The Bronze Bow Power Point Presentation Due date: Your presentation must include: • 1. Bibliographic information of the novel on one slide in either the beginning or end of your presentation (6 points) • Title • Author • Date of publication • City of Publication • Publisher • Any awards the book may have won 2. One slide showing a CORRECT division of the following characters into major and minor characters: (12 points) Daniel, Leah, Thacia, Joel, Rosh, Simon, Jesus, Marcus, Joktan, Nathan, Samson, Joel’s father *Major character (“round”) = a character who changes throughout the novel and the plot or a subplot revolves around this character *Minor character (“static”) = a character’s whose appearance is brief and does not affect the plot 3. One slide containing a detailed summary of the novel (10 points) This must include setting (time AND place), mention characters and conflicts, resolution (how did it end).

  35. 4. One slide mentioning a theme of the novel and WHY you think it is a theme (5 points) 5. One slide: Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) about how this book’s plot or theme is similar or different compared to your life. Is there something in your life that drives you that shouldn’t? How are you similar and different to a character in the story? (5 points) 6. Two slides: Analyze two characters from the novel, one of which must be a major character, and trace his or her development as a character throughout the book. (20 points) Must include specific examples from the story that support your analysis. *You will mention the character, describe how the character was in the beginning of the book and how the character changed throughout the novel. Give at least TWO specific examples from the book for each character. 7. Proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling must be used. (5 points) 8. Include a slide indicating who created the presentation. (2 points) 9. Any pictures must directly relate to your presentation. Need at least 3 pictures (5 points) This will count as your final Bronze Bow test. Take your time on this!! First, make sure you type all the content that I am requiring of you. Proof read it, edit it, double check you included ALL the information I am looking for. Then, you can add color, transitions, animation, etc. to the Power Point. The MOST important part of this presentation is the CONTENT!!!!!! Your Power Point should be AT LEAST seven slides long. The total points for this TEST is: 70 points!

  36. Major and minor characters • Major- • “Round”-characters that change throughout the novel in some way • May be the protagonist of the novel • Get lots of “screen time” • Main plot revolves around these characters • Minor- • Receive very little “screen time” • Not vital to the plot of the story • Their appearances are brief and not frequent throughout the novel

  37. characters in the novel? Daniel, Leah, Daniel’s grandmother, Rosh, Malthace, Joel, Samson, Simon, Jesus, Marcus, Joktan, Nathan, Joel’s father

  38. Minor characters in the novel?

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