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Basic Beliefs of the Puritans

Basic Beliefs of the Puritans. (Or, What to Pay Attention to While Reading) (You know you’re impressed with this technology!!). Basic Beliefs: T.U.L.I.P. T otal Depravity -- through Adam and Eve’s fall, we sinned all… (the O.S. )

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Basic Beliefs of the Puritans

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  1. Basic Beliefs of the Puritans (Or, What to Pay Attention to While Reading) (You know you’re impressed with this technology!!)

  2. Basic Beliefs: T.U.L.I.P. • Total Depravity -- through Adam and Eve’s fall, we sinned all… (the O.S.) • Unconditional Election - God "saves" those he wishes - only a few are selected for salvation. (predestination) • Limited Atonement -- Jesus only died for a few -- not everyone • Irresistible Grace - God's grace is freely given; it cannot be earned. Grace is defined as the saving and transfiguring power of God. • Perseverance of the "saints" - those elected by God have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly. If anyone rejects grace after feeling its power in his life, he will be going against the will of God - something impossible in Puritanism.

  3. They Had Typewriters!?!?! • Typology: • God's intentions are present in human action and in natural phenomena. • Failure to understand these intentions is a human limitation. • Puritans believed in cyclical or repetitive history; they use "types" - Moses prefigures Jesus, Jonah's patience is reflected in Jesus' ordeal on the cross, and Moses' journey out of Egypt is played out in the Pilgrims' crossing of the Atlantic. • God's wrath and reward are also present in natural phenomena like flooding, bountiful harvest, the invasion of locusts, and the lightening striking a home.

  4. Shake Your @!#, Watch Yourself! • Backsliders • ”Saved" believers, those with visible signs of grace, can fall into temptation and become sinners again. • To prevent this, believers were expected not to become smug, do constant soul-searching, be introspective, and pray constantly. • “Idle hands are the devil’s plaything.” • Satan was particularly interested in snaring such believers.

  5. f(n) of Puritan Writing = x+4 • To transform a mysterious God -- mysterious because he is separate from the world. • To reveal signs of God’s presence and illuminate His plan and works. • To make him more relevant to the universe. • To glorify God. (HOLLA)

  6. Puritan Style (aside from the buckled shoes and square hats) • The “Plain Style” vs. the “Ornate Style” (the East Coast/West Coast feud of the 1620s) • “God’s alter needs not our polishing!” • Biblical Allusions/Comparisons (“New” Canaan) • Intelligent, religious, highly-literate audience

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