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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. $10. $30. $50. Kaimuki Kokua Theater. For reservations call: (808) 332-4525 and ask for Cathy. Reservation System. The ticket agency for the Kaimuki Kokua Theater has a Web-based system that allow users to perform the following queries:

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $10 $30 $50 Kaimuki Kokua Theater For reservations call: (808) 332-4525 and ask for Cathy

  2. Reservation System • The ticket agency for the Kaimuki Kokua Theater has a Web-based system that allow users to perform the following queries: • Display all seats in the theater • Display seats by price • Display available seats, given a particular price • Display reserved seats, including customer name • Given a seat, cancel a reservation

  3. Design of Reservation DB • Customers (cusID, cusFName, cusLName, cusPhone) • Seats (seatID, seatReserved) • Prices (priceID, priceValue) • Value of price is separated from the Seats table,so that when prices are changed, only Prices table needs to be modified.

  4. Customers cusIDcuslNamecusfNamecusPhone Seats seatIDpriceIDcusIDseatReserved Prices priceID|priceValue 1 1 M M Tables

  5. Create DB • Create Reservation DB, using Access. • Link table, using relationship window. • Populate tables with sample data.

  6. Sample Data Customers Seats Prices

  7. SQL for “Show All Seats” • SELECT Seats.seatNum, Prices.priceValue, Seats.seatReserved FROM Seats, Prices WHERE Seats.priceID = Prices.priceIDORDER BY Seats.seatID

  8. Your Turn • Show all $10 seats • Show all available seats • Show all $10 seats that are available • Show all $10 or $20 seats that are available • Show all seats that are reserved (including their seadNum, prices, and customers) • Cancel reservation for seat No. 3

  9. Your Turn • Add a new customer named Kaye Kenton whose phone number is (808)592-5645. • Cancel a reservation for Carol Chang. • Remove the customer named Carol Chang.

  10. ASP to show all seats • Seats.asp

  11. Result of ASP Processing • HTML Page returned by seats.asp

  12. Answers to SQL Questions • SELECT Seats.seatid, Prices.priceValueFROM Seats, PricesWHERE Seats.priceID=Prices.priceIDAND Prices.priceValue=10 • SELECT Seats.seatNum, Prices.priceValueFROM Seats, PricesWHERE Seats.priceID=Prices.priceIDAND Seats.seatReserved=false • SELECT Seats.seatNum, Prices.priceValueFROM Seats, PricesWHERE Seats.priceID=Prices.priceIDAND Seats.seatReserved=falseAND Prices.priceValue=10

  13. Answers to SQL Questions • SELECT Seats.seatNum, Prices.priceValueFROM Seats, PricesWHERE Seats.priceID=Prices.priceIDAND Seats.seatReserved=falseAND (Prices.priceValue=10 OR Prices.priceValue=20) • SELECT Seats.seatNum, Prices.priceValue, Customers.cusLNameFROM Seats, Prices, CustomersWHERE Seats.priceID=Prices.priceIDAND Customers.cusID=Seats.seatIDAND Seats.seatReserved=true • UPDATE SeatsSET seatReserved=false, cusID=NullWHERE seatID=3

  14. Answers to SQL Questions • INSERTINTO Customers(cusFname, cusLname, cusPhone)VALUES (“Kaye”, “Kenton”, “(808)592-5645”); • UPDATE SeatsSET seatReserved = false, cusID = NULLWHERE Seats.cusID = (SELECT Customers.cusID FROM Customers WHERE cusFname = 'Carol‘ AND cusLName = 'Chang');

  15. Improved Reservation System • Problems with Reservations DB version. 1 • Usually, Customers ←→ Seats is a many-to-many relationship. • Version 1 does not allow for seat reservations on different days. • How can we improve the DB design?

  16. Customers cusIDcuslNamecusfNamecusPhone Seats seatIDpriceIDcusIDseatReserved Prices priceID|priceValue M 1 M M Improved Reservation System Introduce a linking table between Customers and Seats tables.

  17. Improved Reservation System Reserevations cusIDseatIDdateID Seats seatIDseatNumpriceIDcusIDseatReserved Customers cusIDcuslNamecusfNamecusPhone 1 1 M M M M 1 Dates dateID|perfDate 1 Prices priceID|priceValue

  18. Query on Reservations version 2 • Display seat number and prices of all seats. • Display seat number and prices of all unreserved seats • Display customers with reservations and their dates and seats

  19. Solutions • SELECT seatNum, priceValueFROM Seats, PricesWHERE Prices.priceID = Seats.priceID • SELECT seatNum, priceValueFROM Seats, PricesWHERE Prices.priceID = Seats.priceIDAND seatReserved = false;

  20. Solutions • SELECT Customers.cusFname, Customers.cusLname, Seats.seatNum, Dates.perfDateFROM Customers, Reservations, Dates, SeatsWHERE Customers.cusID = Reservations.cusIDAND Dates.datID = Reservations.datIDAND Seats.seatID = Reservations.seatIDAND Seats.seatReserved = True;

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