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Present tense verb review

Present tense verb review. ¿ Recuerdas . . .?. Present tense - ar verb endings. Present tense - er /- ir verb endings. Present tense verb review Remember this?. Bailar Comer Escribir bail o com o escrib o bail as com es escrib es bail a com e escrib e

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Present tense verb review

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  1. Present tense verb review ¿Recuerdas . . .?

  2. Present tense -ar verb endings

  3. Present tense -er/-ir verb endings

  4. Present tense verb reviewRemember this? BailarComerEscribir bailocomoescribo bailas comesescribes baila comeescribe bailamoscomemosescribimos bailáiscoméisescribís bailancomenescriben

  5. Verbs Like Gustar • Gustar= to like • Encantar= to love (as in “to really, really like”) • Interesar= to be interested in *There are many more. They will be referred to as gustar verbs in the future.

  6. FormulaPart 1 • You start out with an indirect object pronoun to talk about who is doing the liking, loving or who is interested. me= I nos= we te= you le= he/she/it/usted les= they/you all

  7. FormulaPart 2 • You will then use the third person singular form (he/she/Usted) of the verb to talk about 1 thing or an activity/activities being liked, loved, interesting etc… Ex. Me gustala pizza. *Since the pizza is being liked and it is singular, you use gusta. Nosinteresapescar en el río Fox. *Since pescar is an activity that interests us, you use interesa.

  8. You use the third person plural form (they/ustedes) to talk about multiple things being liked. Ex. A Pablo le gustanlos perroscalientes. Nosencantanlaspelículasde terror. Since perroscalientesand películas are being liked/loved and they are plural, you use gustan/encantan.

  9. All together now… me gusta/gustan te le + encanta/encantan nos les interesa/interesan *These are the present tense forms of the verbs. Gustar verbs may be used in all tenses.

  10. Side notes… • To say that you don’t like, love or are not interested in something, you put a NO in front. ex. No me gusta la tarea. No me encantan los Cubs. • If there are more than one activities, you still use the singular construction. ex. Me encanta pescar, leer y pasar el rato con amigos.

  11. Side notes… • To clarify who is doing the liking, you may add these before the indirect object pronoun: A míme… A tite… A él/ella/Ud./name le… A nosotros /A____ y a mínos… A ellos/Uds./two names les…

  12. Some more verbs like gustar . . . • darasco to sicken, to disgust • darigual to not matter • faltar to lack; to need • fascinar to fascinate • importar to matter • interesar to interest • molestar to bother, to annoy • parecer to seem, to appear • preocupar to worry

  13. Translate: 1. I love to camp. 2. We love the vegetables. 3. Do you like garlic? 4. Juan is interested in riding horses. 5. Ana y Luisa like to fish and take pictures 6. I like all of my classes this semester. 7. My friends and I love Jimmy Johns. 8. Anita is interested in sports. 9. Do you love the prizes? 1. (A mí) me encantaacampar. 2. (A nosotros) nosencantanlasverduras. 3. ¿(A ti) tegusta el ajo? 4. (A Juan) le interesamontar a caballo. 5. (A Ana y a Luisa) les gustapescar y tomarfotos. 6. (A mí) me gustantodasmisclasesestesemestre. 7. (A mis amigos y a mí) nosencanta Jimmy Johns. 8. (A Anita) le interesan los deportes. 9. ¿(A ti) Te encantan los premios?

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