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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Your SEO Shop is a leading digital marketing agency. We specialize in providing a diverse range of digital marketing services including SEO, Google Ads, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Amazon SEO. Throughout our professional journey, we have been approached by businesses that were on the verge of breaking point. However, they soon gathered steam and started competing neck-to-neck against the rivals courtesy of our immaculate services. As our track record suggests, we ensure all our customers get the best return on their investment.

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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

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  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  2. Types of SEO SEO ON-PAGE OFF-PAGE Technical

  3. Title & Tag A page title tag is an element in HTML that defines the purpose of a web page in a concise, relevant sentence. A title tag is more accurately an “HTML page title element” and it is very important for SEO (search engine optimization). It is best to keep page title tags simple, concise, and highly relevant to the page it belongs to. A page title tag that is highly relevant to the page it refers to will maximize search engine ranking performance, usability and user experience ratings as Google measures these.

  4. Meta Description The meta description is one of a web page’s meta tags. With this meta information, webmasters can briefly sketch out the content and quality of a web page. The page description for a web page is usually displayed when the page for a specific query is listed as a snippet in the SERPs.

  5. Internal Linking A webpage can have 2 types of links. The first type is what we call external links and these are links pointing to pages outside the boundaries of the web site. For example, if you click this link, you will go to my Twitter profile. The second type is internal links that come into 2 variations: Links pointing within the same page – for example, if you click this link you will go to the conclusion section of this post. Links pointing to other web pages but on the same domain – for example if you click this link you will go to our SEO packages page (a page within reliablesoft.net). The formal definition of internal links is the following: Internal links are links that point to pages on the same domain.

  6. Image Optimization Image optimization or image management is a solution that any website owner needs to be aware of and actively using for better SEO and engagement results, and technical website strength alike. Image optimization comes with some advantages; • • • Decreases web page size Helps with SEO by making the pages load faster Saves bandwidth In this blog post, we will be comparing the best image optimization tools based on their features and pricing. So, let’s start by giving an image optimization definition and the significance of image management or optimizing images.

  7. Keyword Strategy Building your own keyword strategy can happen in lots of different ways. For example, you could just make a list and decide arbitrarily. (This is more common than you might think.) But if you’re reading this, our guess is that you want to build a keyword strategy that you can explain and justify, and that has the best possible chance of working. And you want to verify and quantify what your intuition and common sense may tell you.

  8. Forum posting Forum posting is defined as making a connection and building a rapport with a number of visitors with your knowledge and expertise that helps them solve their question and queries. You just choose a relevant forum that falls under your blog niche and starts taking an active part in the discussions with useful information. And once you are done giving a solution to the specific problem, you put your site link in the end. This will help visitors know, in case they require more information on the problem they are facing, they can visit the blog that specifically deals with that problem.

  9. BLOGGING Blogging is an easy job but maintaining your own blog is tough. Especially, when you are planning to make a living out of blogging, you need to take care of many things including : •Writing •SEO •Social Signals •Promotion •Marketing •Monetization And many more. Always remember, a blog has no limit, a normal blog can be one of the biggest brands in the coming days.

  10. Social Networking? The term social networking refers to the use of internet- based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social networking is also a significant base for marketers seeking to engage customers. Facebook remains the largest and most popular social network, with 2.91 billion people using the platform on a monthly basis, as of Dec. 31, 2021 Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Pinterest are the next most popular, according to Statista.2

  11. Directory Submission Directory submission means submitting your website to the various corporate directories that best serve your service. These directories are similar to phone books that contain a list of websites in each category. There are three types of directory submissions Paid or Featured Web Listing: In this case, the owner of the directory page charges a registration fee and the link is approved immediately or within 24 hours. In this way, backlinks are obtained from this type of delivery. Some websites offer this package annually or a lifetime. Free or Regular Web Listing: Free directory submissions are free. There is no cost for free or regular streaming. However, there is no guarantee that the website will be approved by the administrator. It’s time too. Reciprocal Regular Web Listing: In this case, the mutual link must be sent to the site when activating the link to the directory. Then only the directory administrator approves the link.

  12. PDF Submission In the world of SEO, PDF submission sites play an important role. It is one of the off-page search engine optimization techniques that help in creating backlinks on a website. It helps in promoting a website by creating and submitting a PDF- compatible document on plenty of websites. PDF submission in SEO provides maximum visibility to a website via a promotion and collecting links. By just inserting linking to the internal pages of a PDF file you can give it authority and some link juice too. All you need to do is just optimize your PDF document in such a way that it gets higher ranking in the search engines.

  13. Videos Promotion Promotional videos are marketing or advertising videos, made to promote a business, product, or service in front of target audiences to optimize the conversions. A promo video clip is intended to promote any company’s services or goods by praising them in the video or sharing their stories in a way to develop a connection with the audience. Promotional videos are primarily used to increase the target audience’s trust in the brand.

  14. Missing Alt Tags & Broken Images Messy URLs Low Word Count Errors in Language Declarations Robots.txt TECHNICAL SEO Broken Links WEBSITE SPEED Low Text-to- HTML Ratio XML Sitemaps

  15. Missing Alt Tags and Broken Images What’s Wrong? Problems with image optimization are common, but unless your website is overly reliant on them, you can save them for later. Missing alt tags and broken images are the two most prevalent problems business owners must fix. Alt tags are HTML attributes to images, describing their contents. If an image component fails to render properly on your website, the alt tag for the image will describe both the contents and the function. The Solution: Implementing these tags is rather simple. Simply locate the image component in your HTML code and add the alt tag to it.

  16. Low Word Count What’s Wrong? Thin content can kill your SEO. And the reverse is true, too. This eye-popping graph highlights how the top-ranked web pages also rank for hundreds of other keywords related to the content. This is living testimony for the idea of fat content: lengthy web pages with detailed and in-depth coverage: Thin content could be seen as your attempt to bloat the number of web pages on your website, without delivering quality per page. The Solution: Thoroughly research a topic to find out all related and relevant info to include in your content. Use long-tail keywords and keywords in the form of questions as subheadings will enhance the voice-search appeal of your webpage, not to mention giving structure to your lengthy content.

  17. Problems in Robots.txt What’s Wrong? Is your site not getting indexed by the search engines? If yes, then that’s a big problem and the robots.txt file might be to blame. Spiders read this text file to determine whether they are permitted to index the URLs featured on that site. So, robots.txt acts like a rulebook for crawling a website. The Solution: First check your website for robots.txt. Simply type yoursite.com/robots.txt into the Google Search bar. Now, it is true that these files look a bit different for everyone. However, you should watch out for Disallow: / If you see that, immediately let the web developer know so they can fix the problem. The Disallow line means you’re telling the spiders not the crawl your entire website. Keep in mind that making alterations to the robots.txt file can have major consequences for your website if you’re not familiar with the process. So you should leave this task in the hands of an expert developer.

  18. Website Speed What’s Wrong? The rank of your website on SERPs depends a lot on site speed. The faster a site is, the better the user experience, so slower websites are penalized which causes them to slide down the rankings. Google reduces the number of crawlers sent to your website if the server response time is more than 2 seconds. This, in turn, means fewer pages get indexed! The Solution: One word – Google PageSpeed Insights. This tool tracks and measures the performance of your website for both desktop and mobile versions. Alerts are sent out for pages that are not correctly optimized. The best part is, Page Speed Insights offers actionable descriptions on how to rectify the problem.

  19. Errors in XML Sitemaps What’s Wrong? XML Sitemaps alert Google to the business or topic of your website. So a missing or erroneous Sitemap is liable to broadcast false information to Google about your page. Not only do search engines have a difficult time deciphering the contents of the site, but the hierarchy of the website is also not understood. Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools can help you discover this problem. The Solution: The landing page of the Sitemaps report provides the list of Sitemaps submitted to Search Console. Click on one of them, drill down for more information (if it’s a Sitemap index). Among other info bits, you will see errors listed. To sort out the problem, make sure the Sitemap generation and submission plugin on your site is working properly and without any hiccups. That’s why it makes sense to use SEO plugins that are properly integrated and have favorable reviews.

  20. Meta Descriptions Ending What’s Wrong? Online users often find some of the text replaced by ellipses (a series of dots) by Google in the results pages, like the second example in the image below. Why? Because the text exceeds the allotted word or pixel count. When this happens, it’s frustrating for the user who is trying to ascertain whether you site provides the info they’re looking for. The Solution: You need to control the pixel length of web page titles and meta descriptions to ensure that search engines do not look for the remaining sentence users don’t click on a different link.

  21. Low Text-to-HTML Ratio What’s Wrong? A low text-to-HTML ratio could highlight deeply rooted problems with your website’s on-page technical SEO. Low ratios could indicate: •Slow loading websites, because of dirty and excessive code •Hidden texts, which are a red flag for search bots •Excessive Flash, inline styling, and Javascript The Solution: JavaScript is great programming language, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can wind up slowing down your site. To rectify this, add relevant on-page text where necessary, move inline scripts to separate files, and remove unnecessary code.

  22. Broken Links What’s Wrong? If your website has hundreds of pages, one or two broken links are commonplace and hardly an issue. However, dozens of broken links are a huge blow, because: •The user’s quality perception of your website deteriorates. •Broken links can take your crawl budget for a toss. When search bots find too many broken links, they divert to other websites, which leaves your site’s important pages un- crawled and un-indexed. •Your website’s page authority is also negatively impacted. The Solution: Access the Google Search Console and click on the “Crawl Errors” option under “Crawl” to understand which of your pages are returning 404 responses. Any 404 errors should be fixed early so they do not trouble your visitors and route them to other parts of your website – or off your site all together! – instead.

  23. Errors in Language Declarations What’s Wrong? For websites with global audiences, language declarations become important, so that the search engine is able to detect the language. Especially for text-to-speech conversion, this helps enhance the user experience because translators are able to read the content in the correct dialect of the native language. Plus, there are inherent international SEO and geo-location benefits. The Solution: To declare the region specificity of your web page, use rel=”alternate” hreflang tag. To the <head> section of http://sample.com/uk, add a link element pointing to the French version of the page at http://example.com.uk-fr, in this manner: <link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”fr” href=” http://example.com/uk-fr” /> One of the common mistakes made by websites is to use wrong language codes; refer to this HTML Language Code Reference list to choose the the correct code.

  24. Messy URLs What’s Wrong? URLs that end in something like “..index.php?p=367594” mean nothing to you – or to search bots. They’re not intuitive and they’re not user friendly. Here’s an illustration that will drive the point home: The Solution: Here’s what you can do to fix this all-too common on-site technical SEO issue: •Add keywords in the URLs •Use hyphens to separate words, instead of using spaces •Canonicalize multiple URLs serving the same content •Try to compress long URLs (100+ characters) into less than 70 characters •Use a single domain and subdomain •Use lowercase letters

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