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Lessons 27 and 28

Lessons 27 and 28. Adhere: (verb). To stick tightly to a surface To be loyal or devoted to something To carry out a plan or program without straying from it . Aggregate: . T otal; amounting to a whole (adjective) A total composed of different parts (noun)

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Lessons 27 and 28

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lessons 27 and 28

  2. Adhere: (verb) • To stick tightly to a surface • To be loyal or devoted to something • To carry out a plan or program without straying from it

  3. Aggregate: • Total; amounting to a whole (adjective) • A total composed of different parts (noun) • To add up; to gether into a mass, sum, or whole (verb)

  4. Cohere: (verb) • To stick together in a mass that resists separation • To be internally consistent and have logically linked parts

  5. Dissimulate: (verb) To disguise under a fake appearance; to conceal feelings or intentions

  6. Egregious: (adjective) Conspicuously bad or offensive From Latin e-, “out” + greg, “flock”

  7. Ensemble: (noun) A whole unit or group composed of complimentary or coordinated parts

  8. Facsimile: (noun) An exact copy or reproduction

  9. Gregarious: (adjective) Sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others From Latin greg, “flock”

  10. Inherent: (adjective) Inborn; naturally a part of something; intrinsic

  11. Semblance: (noun) • An outward or a token appearance • A very small amount; the barest trace

  12. Alchemy: (noun) • The medieval chemical art of trying to change metals to gold, cure diseases, or give eternal youth • a seemingly magical power process of change

  13. An object worn, usually around the neck, to bring good luck or protection; a charm Amulet: (noun)

  14. Capricious: (adjective) Unpredictable; impulsive; subject to whim

  15. Fatalism: (noun) The belief that all events are determined in advance by fate or destiny and there for cannot be changed

  16. Presenting favorable circumstances; advantageous; auspicious Propitious: (adjective)

  17. Happening favorably, as if through divine intervention Providential: (adjective)

  18. Quirk: (noun) • An odd or peculiar behavior or mannerism • A strange happening

  19. Serendipity: (noun) The occurrence of lucky, accidental discoveries

  20. An unexpected impulse, whim, or fancy; an extravagant or erratic notion or action Vagary: (noun)

  21. Vicissitude: (noun) • A change or variation • A sudden or unexpected change • The quality of being changeable; variability

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