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US HISTORY I-Pre Season! Mrs. Grieco

“ Tradition never graduates ”. US HISTORY I-Pre Season! Mrs. Grieco. A Titan is defined as a person of exceptional strength, intellect and influence. BE WHO YOU ARE! “TITAN P.R.I.D.E.” Titan Up !!. TITAN.

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US HISTORY I-Pre Season! Mrs. Grieco

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  1. “Tradition never graduates” US HISTORY I-Pre Season!Mrs. Grieco A Titan is defined as a person of exceptional strength, intellect and influence. BE WHO YOU ARE! “TITAN P.R.I.D.E.” TitanUp!!

  2. TITAN • Purpose = a result, end, aim, or goal of an action intentionallyundertaken. • Respect= to feel or show esteem or honor for someone or something. • I ntegrity= high moral character, honesty. • Dedication= Wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action. • Excellence= A quest to be the very BEST you can be.

  3. What do we need for success? 1st School Supplies • Students will be required to arrive to class prepared with the following materials: Charged MacBookPens A student planner would be helpful to keep track of assignments and important dates (If you are not familiar with Mac Programs).

  4. A word about our MacBooks… • MacBooks are a privilege NOT a right. • Use your assigned technology as it is intended for our academic setting. PERIOD. SIMPLE. • I will NOT compete with your desire to surf YouTube or Game websites (or any other website) that is not aligned with the class assignment or project. • THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE AND WILL BE ENFORCED. • Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

  5. Entering the Classroombeginning of class • Meet and greet at the door  “Happy Place” • Start the “Do Now” or other beginning of the class activity as directed by the teacher. • Activities at the beginning of class are intentional and NOT busy work. They are designed to help you be more successful in understanding the topic we are learning. • Do now’s and beginning of class activities are part of your PARTICIPATION GRADE.

  6. Late? Unprepared?Is that P.R.I.D.E.? • Students who choose to be late for class or choose to be unprepared without supplies are also choosing the following consequences: • 1st-2nd offense unexcused Teacher warning/record of date • 3rd offense Parent notice/teacher detention • 4th and subsequent offense Parent conference/Office referral • *Class participation is graded and includes being prepared with all materials.

  7. Exiting the Classroom at the end of class time • Each student is responsible for handing in an “exit ticket” activity. 5 minutes or so before class ends students will choose a closure card for the day and each student MUST complete the exit ticket activity before they leave. Exit Ticket is part of your PARTICIPATION GRADE. • Take care of our place. Push chairs in, return pens and pencils and any other supplies you may have taken out. • Do you know if there is homework? Quiz tomorrow? Test? Project due? • Have a great night 

  8. Got Homework?If we have purpose we do! • All homework assignments are due on the date assigned. In the event of absence, the students will be given time equal to the number of absences to make up their work. Any student who requires extra assistance with homework, projects or any assignment is welcomed and encouraged to see us after school. • Weekly current events will be assigned and due Thursday or Friday of that week depending on A or B day. Students are required to complete assigned article with a passing grade. Current Event magazines are also available in the event of Mac emergency. In class we will analyze current events to connect the past to the present to make history more relevant and meaningful. • *Homework is according to the rubric provided. RESUBMIT to earn a higher score. GROW!

  9. Measuring Growth Grading Policy is a reflection of a GROWTH MIND SET: • Final grades are accumulated by utilizing a “point system” based on classroom rubrics, self assessment and conferences with teacher. • Students will be measured on how well they are mastering the NJCCS New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards, CCS Common Core Literacy Standards for History and participation (Includes prepared to learn with materials for class and homework). • We will use a simple 4, 3, 2, 1 rubric that measures where students are currently in their understanding of a skill or content knowledge required for US History I Grade 8. • The numbers in the rubric translate to numerical values and then in a combination with points earned for participation a “number grade” is given. • The CONVERSATION between students and teachers and teachers and parents is considerably IMPROVED. Everyone knows what needs to happen to improve mastery of essential skills and content knowledge. This is something that a simple “82” on a report card can never tell us.

  10. Expectations • Definition= believing that something is going to happen or believing that something should be a certain way. • “We have expectations of excellence, because we prepare for excellence.”

  11. Class Behavioral Expectations Lifelong success depends in part on self-discipline: • Be Prepared and be honest. (Integrity) • Consider the feelings of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights. (Respect) • Discipline yourself and others won’t need to. Simple.(Excellence) • Take care of each other, take care of yourself and take care of this place. (Purpose, Dedication)

  12. Stay Calm & Carry On… SEVERE BEHAVIOR CLAUSE: • Any severely disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated. Disruptive students to this extent will be removed from class immediately and sent to main office with referral and follow up mandatory parent conference.

  13. P.R.I.D.E. Discourteous Behaviors: • Using vulgar, foul, abusive or offensive language. • Listening to an iPod during a formal learning situation such as during directives or while completing GROUP work. • Text messaging or talking on a cell phone during class time when the teacher is talking or you are working in a group. • Bullying, teasing, or harassing others. • Not showing up for your “scheduled appointments” or completing tasks. “Your word means something” • Failing to communicate when you’re not coming to school for an extended period of time.

  14. “Right is right”“This is an institute of education” Classroom Courtesy Policy Courteous Behaviors: • Saying please and thank you • Paying attention in class (eyes on the speaker) • Socializing with friends during passing periods and lunch. • Asking questions and interacting with peers and teachers. • Asking for, accepting, offering, or declining help graciously. “No, thank you” • Allowing teachers and peers to complete statements without interruptions. • Throwing away your own trash. • Cleaning your own workspace. • Trusting to report safety concerns or other issues that require attention to a staff member.

  15. Rewards & Consequences Positive Recognition and Rewards • Positive notes and phone calls home -“Brag Sessions” • Star student nominations -“Titan Stars” • Student of the Month nominations through central office. • Raffle system-students earn Titan Up tickets for periodic RANDOM drawings Consequences when a harm is done • 1st offense Teacher reminder and warning • 2nd offense Teacher/student conference after school • 3rd offense Parent notified/teacher detention/conference • 4th offense Parent conference and/or formal office referral

  16. Everyone in a school or community has certain needs to be able to give of their best. These needs are often expressed as essential values- they are essential because they relate to what we need as human beings to function well together. These needs are remarkably similar regardless of age or status, role or position. They include:

  17. You decide what else we will ALL be accountable for: • What expectations should you have of your teacher? • What expectations should you have of each other? • What expectations should your teacher have of you? • What expectations should you have for yourself? We will brainstorm, conference and vote for the remaining expectations in this class community next week Let’s create a classroom community of EXCELLENCE!

  18. Goal Setting "Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core, that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, you’re not setting big enough goals.” -Bob Proctor • What is a goal? • Do you have goals? • Do you have specific steps to achieve your goals?

  19. GOAL SETTING-Be S.M.A.R.T. • S–stands for Specific–You should be clear about what you want to happen.Not Specific: I want to make good grades. Specific: I want to have a 93 average in history by November 7th 2012. • M–stands for Measurable–You should be able to track your goal. Not Measurable: I want to make a lot of free throw shots. Measurable: I want to make at least 9 out of 10 free throw shots in the next basketball game. • A–stands for Action–What small specific actions must you take to achieve this goal?  Wrong: In order to make a 93 average in history by November 7th ,2012 I must hand my assignments in on time.Right: In order to make a 93 average in history by November 7th, 2012. I must use an agenda to track when my assignments are due so they are on time. • R–stands for Realistic–Can you achieve these goals? Is it doable? Unrealistic: I want make 200 free throw shots in one game. Realistic: I want to make 8 out of 10 of the free throw shots that I attempt. • T–stands for Time–You should set a time frame for your goal.No time: I want to learn to play the piano. Time: I want to learn to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by June 3rd.

  20. Purpose-“Your Sentence” • What is your “WHY?” If you don’t know why you are doing something you are likely NOT to do it! • Give yourself a slogan…YOUR SENTENCE • Example: Mrs. GriecoI have two:“You represent something bigger than yourself.” & “APPLIED Knowledge is POWER.”YOU TRY:Have fun what’s your slogan (sentence) PURPOSE!HINT: Think of your favorite song or quote is it related to that. As long as YOU understand why it represents your “WHY?” that is what matters most! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XIGu3Kxg2I

  21. GROWTH MINDSET! • Perseverance= the ability to never give up, especially when things get tough. PAIN IS TEMPORARYPERFECT EFFORT • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuHOoApowLc • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0ZzN6hxdzo • Growth is DIFFERENT for everyone! Your PERSONAL BEST EFFORT is PERSONAL. • Be responsible for your OWN growth. Learn how to track your progress, grow, AND GET CLOSER to your goals. Until the day you finally get there! Then start over LOL. That’s life<3 It’s a beautiful thing.

  22. “Grec! How do I track my own growth…I’m not the teacher?!” • Genesis…get a password, check in. Check regularly! Hold your teachers accountable to posting grades on the regular. • Self Reflection…when you see your posted goal REFLECT on your progress! How does your effort reflect what you are trying to achieve?! • RUBRICS and FEEDBACK from your peers and your teachers! RE-SUBMIT work to show growth or mastery. • Conference with your teacher on how to improve. Wait at the classroom door if you have to in the morning or after school. • Reflection sheets and rating scales in Mrs. Grieco’s class • Track your GROWTH in visual ways...bar graphs, growth charts.

  23. Sometimes YOU are the only thing standing in your way… • HELL= the day you die and the person you DID become meets the person you COULD have become. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu413sTjFWs • ATTITUDE IS everything. • YOU DESERVE TO BE SUCCESSFUL! • Positivity attracts positivity • Negativity attracts negativity • PATIENCE IS BEATIFUL <3

  24. Social Discipline Window F I R M  R U L E S LOW  Fairness/Respect  HIGH

  25. Let’s PracticeScenario: “You are Late 3rd Time” • Your are late for class the third day in a row and your teacher greets you warmly and says she missed you. • You are late for class with a pass, but you are locked out and not permitted to enter. You receive a zero. • You are late and unprepared everyday and your teacher says nothing to you. • You are late for the third time without a pass, your teacher allows you in class and gives you a detention slip and/or calls home to address your frequent lates.

  26. “The Name is Shame”

  27. Let’s Practice-SCENARIO: Student struggling with class work that is difficult. • A student says “that teacher hates me” or “she/he has it in for me. • A student wears ear buds all day, even in halls and lunch. • A student bullies another student in class. • A student puts their head down and refuses to participate. • A student is the class clown. • A student cut themselves and no one knows. • A student verbally attacks the teacher or another student. • A student cuts class to hide in the bathroom. • A student skips school to drink and/or use drugs or comes to school under the influence. • A student experiences frequent headaches or stomach aches.

  28. The Power of “Reflection”Learn from experiences and Grow! • 8th Grade it’s “Your Night” coming in May. • Culminating Google Drive portfolio to showcase your growth and readiness for high school and beyond! • Present to your parents and other family members of your choice, as well as other community members and SHOWCASE YOU • End of the year…stay tuned BUT KEEP GROWING!

  29. Finally Guys: YOU MATTER! • HAVE A GREAT YEAR YOU DESERVE YOUR EDUCATION! REMEMBER THAT!! • Without struggle, there is no gain. • CHOOSE HAPPY…STAY POSITIVE! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYEgbor0sgY


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