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Crosstabs. Types of relationships. Linear Spurious Intervening Interaction effects Suppression. Linear effects. Theory: National pride (alienation). When people feel alienated from the political system, then they may be more likely to participate in politics.

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  1. Crosstabs

  2. Types of relationships • Linear • Spurious • Intervening • Interaction effects • Suppression

  3. Linear effects

  4. Theory: National pride (alienation) • When people feel alienated from the political system, then they may be more likely to participate in politics. • When people feel national pride in the political system, then they may be less likely to participate in politics. • Measure: • How often do you feel ashamed of Russia? very often, rather often, not very often, hardly ever

  5. Dependent variable: political participation • People either participate or they do not. • There are 31 questions about different political activities. • How should this variable be measured?

  6. Measure of political participation(with regard to the Beslan tragedy) polpartbes | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 0 | 548 49.91 49.91 1 | 158 14.39 64.30 2 | 96 8.74 73.04 3 | 39 3.55 76.59 4 | 49 4.46 81.06 5 | 52 4.74 85.79 6 | 26 2.37 88.16 7 | 16 1.46 89.62 8 | 11 1.00 90.62 9 | 11 1.00 91.62 10 | 15 1.37 92.99 11 | 8 0.73 93.72 12 | 5 0.46 94.17 13 | 10 0.91 95.08 14 | 16 1.46 96.54 15 | 7 0.64 97.18 17 | 7 0.64 97.81 18 | 3 0.27 98.09 19 | 3 0.27 98.36 20 | 2 0.18 98.54 21 | 1 0.09 98.63 22 | 2 0.18 98.82 23 | 1 0.09 98.91 24 | 1 0.09 99.00 27 | 2 0.18 99.18 28 | 2 0.18 99.36 29 | 2 0.18 99.54 30 | 4 0.36 99.91 31 | 1 0.09 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,098 100.00 tab polpartbes

  7. Crosstabs analysis • Like a frequency table, it reports how many and what percentage fall into a particular category, but for two variables instead of one • Not suitable for continuous variables; only for discretely measured variables • It is sometimes useful to recode a variable with too many categories FOR THE PURPOSES OF ILLUSTRATION ONLY

  8. Remember probability? • The probability of an outcome is the frequency of that outcome under similar conditions • The crosstab lists the probabilities of various values of the dependent variable under different “conditions,” which are different values of the independent variable

  9. Conventions • the independent variable is arranged across the top of the table • Percentages should be calculated using COLUMN • Syntax: tab DV by IV

  10. Creating collapsed variables • generate polpartbesc = polpartbes • replace polpartbesc = 2 if polpartbes > 1

  11. Political participation collapsed • . tab polpartbesc • polpartbesc | • | Freq. Percent Cum. • ------------+----------------------------------- • 0 | 548 49.91 49.91 • 1 | 158 14.39 64.30 • 2 | 392 35.70 100.00 • ------------+----------------------------------- • Total | 1,098 100.00

  12. National pride . tab ashamerus How often do you feel ashamed of Russia? How often do | you feel | ashamed of | Russia | Freq. Percent Cum. ---------------+----------------------------------- Very often | 124 12.65 12.65 Rather often | 367 37.45 50.10 Not very often | 389 39.69 89.80 Hardly ever | 100 10.20 100.00 ---------------+----------------------------------- Total | 980 100.00

  13. Syntax: missing and crosstabs • Some useful syntax: • mvdecode proudrus, mv (7,8,9) • tab polpartbesc proudrus, col taub

  14. Crosstab Analysis polpartbes | How often do you feel ashamed of Russia c | Very ofte Rather of Not very Hardly ev | Total -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 35 175 224 54 | 488 | 28.23 47.68 57.58 54.00 | 49.80 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 15 37 67 15 | 134 | 12.10 10.08 17.22 15.00 | 13.67 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 74 155 98 31 | 358 | 59.68 42.23 25.19 31.00 | 36.53 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 124 367 389 100 | 980 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = -0.1738 ASE = 0.028

  15. Another linear example

  16. Is self efficacy related to political participation? • Measure: • Compared to most political leaders, how much better or worse could you personally make decisions about the governing of our country? much better than most of today’s political leaders, somewhat better, equal with them, somewhat worse, much worse

  17. Frequency analysis: self efficacy Compared to | most political | leaders, how | much better or | worse could you | personall | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------+----------------------------------- Much worse | 143 23.03 23.03 Somewhat worse | 157 25.28 48.31 Equally | 161 25.93 74.24 Somewhat better | 111 17.87 92.11 Much better | 49 7.89 100.00 ----------------+----------------------------------- Total | 621 100.00

  18. Crosstab Analysis: Is self efficacy related to political participation? | Compared to most political leaders, how much better or polpartbes | worse could you personall c | Much wors Somewhat Equally Somewhat Much bett | Total -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 93 91 83 22 9 | 298 | 65.03 57.96 51.55 19.82 18.37 | 47.99 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 29 18 22 7 3 | 79 | 20.28 11.46 13.66 6.31 6.12 | 12.72 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 21 48 56 82 37 | 244 | 14.69 30.57 34.78 73.87 75.51 | 39.29 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 143 157 161 111 49 | 621 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.3337 ASE = 0.031

  19. Syntax: scatter polpartbes ashamerus || lfit polpartbes ashamerus

  20. Spurious effects

  21. Does past participation affect current participation? • Before September 2004, had you ever written a letter to some member of the local government? yes, no

  22. Past and current participation • | Had you ever written • | a letter to some • | member of the local • polpartbes | government • c | No Yes | Total • -----------+----------------------+---------- • 0 | 524 6 | 530 • | 53.41 8.82 | 50.52 • -----------+----------------------+---------- • 1 | 148 3 | 151 • | 15.09 4.41 | 14.39 • -----------+----------------------+---------- • 2 | 309 59 | 368 • | 31.50 86.76 | 35.08 • -----------+----------------------+---------- • Total | 981 68 | 1,049 • | 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 • Kendall's tau-b = 0.2528 ASE = 0.024

  23. But, is this spurious? Z Participation before Violence Participation after Violence What could be Z?

  24. Could it be intervening? Participation before Violence Z Participation after Violence What could be Z?

  25. What is the theoretical argument that this relationship is spurious? (What is the common cause?) • What should we do to figure out whether the relationship might be spurious or intervening?

  26. …if self efficacy is low | Had you ever written | a letter to some | member of the local polpartbes | government c | No Yes | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 179 3 | 182 | 62.15 37.50 | 61.49 -----------+----------------------+---------- 1 | 46 1 | 47 | 15.97 12.50 | 15.88 -----------+----------------------+---------- 2 | 63 4 | 67 | 21.88 50.00 | 22.64 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 288 8 | 296 | 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.0929 ASE = 0.062

  27. …if self efficacy is medium | Had you ever written | a letter to some | member of the local polpartbes | government c | No Yes | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 73 2 | 75 | 51.41 50.00 | 51.37 -----------+----------------------+---------- 1 | 20 0 | 20 | 14.08 0.00 | 13.70 -----------+----------------------+---------- 2 | 49 2 | 51 | 34.51 50.00 | 34.93 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 142 4 | 146 | 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.0253 ASE = 0.086

  28. …if self efficacy is high | Had you ever written | a letter to some | member of the local polpartbes | government c | No Yes | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- 0 | 272 1 | 273 | 49.36 1.79 | 44.98 -----------+----------------------+---------- 1 | 82 2 | 84 | 14.88 3.57 | 13.84 -----------+----------------------+---------- 2 | 197 53 | 250 | 35.75 94.64 | 41.19 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 551 56 | 607 | 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.3167 ASE = 0.025

  29. So, what is the conclusion? • Past participation only has an impact when self efficacy is high. • Controlling for self efficacy, the effect of past participation on current participation is mitigated. • Therefore, the effect is partially spurious. • Is it an interaction effect?

  30. Contextual (interaction) effect • The effect of one variable X depends on values of another variable Z; and the value of Z depends on the values of X • For there to be an interaction effect, we must find that the effect of self efficacy is dependent on the value of past participation • How do we determine this?

  31. …if no past participation? | Compared to most political leaders, how much better or polpartbes | worse could you personall c | Much wors Somewhat Equally Somewhat Much bett | Total -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 90 89 73 22 9 | 283 | 65.22 59.33 51.41 24.44 24.32 | 50.81 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 29 17 20 4 3 | 73 | 21.01 11.33 14.08 4.44 8.11 | 13.11 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 19 44 49 64 25 | 201 | 13.77 29.33 34.51 71.11 67.57 | 36.09 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 138 150 142 90 37 | 557 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.2975 ASE = 0.033

  32. …if yes to past participation? | Compared to most political leaders, how much better or polpartbes | worse could you personall c | Much wors Somewhat Equally Somewhat Much bett | Total -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 2 1 2 0 0 | 5 | 50.00 25.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 | 12.50 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 0 1 0 2 0 | 3 | 0.00 25.00 0.00 11.76 0.00 | 7.50 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 2 2 2 15 11 | 32 | 50.00 50.00 50.00 88.24 100.00 | 80.00 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 4 4 4 17 11 | 40 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.4474 ASE = 0.100

  33. Intervening effects

  34. Intervening relationship Political interest Self efficacy Participation

  35. So, let’s look at the relationship between political interest and participation

  36. Political interest and political participation | How much interest do you have in political polpartbes | affairs c | No intere Not very A fair am A great d | Total -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 174 287 61 4 | 526 | 62.59 53.35 28.64 12.12 | 49.53 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 40 82 30 3 | 155 | 14.39 15.24 14.08 9.09 | 14.60 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 64 169 122 26 | 381 | 23.02 31.41 57.28 78.79 | 35.88 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 278 538 213 33 | 1,062 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.3511 ASE = 0.026

  37. So, now what do we need to do to see if political interest has an effect on participation BECAUSE it causes self efficacy? • In other words, how do we find out that it is the ONLY reason?

  38. Political interest and participation when self efficacy is high | How much interest do you have in political polpartbes | affairs c | No intere Not very A fair am A great d | Total -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 107 184 52 3 | 346 | 56.61 50.55 28.57 9.68 | 45.17 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 25 60 21 2 | 108 | 13.23 16.48 11.54 6.45 | 14.10 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 57 120 109 26 | 312 | 30.16 32.97 59.89 83.87 | 40.73 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 189 364 182 31 | 766 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.1728 ASE = 0.031 . tab polpartbesc polint if capabyou > 3, col taub

  39. Political interest and participation when self efficacy is low | How much interest do you have in political polpartbes | affairs c | No intere Not very A fair am A great d | Total -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 67 103 9 1 | 180 | 75.28 59.20 29.03 50.00 | 60.81 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 15 22 9 1 | 47 | 16.85 12.64 29.03 50.00 | 15.88 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 7 49 13 0 | 69 | 7.87 28.16 41.94 0.00 | 23.31 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 89 174 31 2 | 296 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.1460 ASE = 0.046 . tab polpartbesc polint if capabyou < 3, col taub

  40. So, does controlling for political interest mitigate the effect of self efficacy?

  41. Self efficacy and participation when political interest is low | Compared to most political leaders, how much better or polpartbes | worse could you personall c | Much wors Somewhat Equally Somewhat Much bett | Total -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 87 83 55 18 5 | 248 | 69.60 60.14 54.46 42.86 33.33 | 58.91 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 25 12 9 2 2 | 50 | 20.00 8.70 8.91 4.76 13.33 | 11.88 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 13 43 37 22 8 | 123 | 10.40 31.16 36.63 52.38 53.33 | 29.22 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 125 138 101 42 15 | 421 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.2554 ASE = 0.040 . tab polpartbesc capabyou if polint < 3, col taub

  42. Self efficacy and participation when political interest is high | Compared to most political leaders, how much better or polpartbes | worse could you personall c | Much wors Somewhat Equally Somewhat Much bett | Total -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 0 | 6 8 28 4 4 | 50 | 33.33 42.11 46.67 5.80 11.76 | 25.00 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 1 | 4 6 13 5 1 | 29 | 22.22 31.58 21.67 7.25 2.94 | 14.50 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- 2 | 8 5 19 60 29 | 121 | 44.44 26.32 31.67 86.96 85.29 | 60.50 -----------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 18 19 60 69 34 | 200 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = 0.3995 ASE = 0.053 . tab polpartbesc capabyou if polint > 3, col taub

  43. Interaction effects

  44. Does perceived political advantage reduce the likelihood of litigation? • (in the case of the Moscow Theater case)

  45. What causes people to litigate against their government?(with regard to the Moscow Theater incident) • How should this variable be measured?

  46. Measure of litigation(with regard to the Moscow Theater incident) are you one | of the | plaintiffs | in this | lawsuit | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- no | 300 92.02 92.02 yes | 26 7.98 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 326 100.00 tab litigant

  47. Theory from the U.S.: Political Disadvantage • When people feel alienated from traditional avenues of participation or representation, then they may be more likely to participate in litigation.

  48. Political Disadvantage Measure: the highest answer from the following two questions How well do you believe that President Putin represents your interests? How well do you believe that the current Duma represents your interests? very well, rather well, not very well, not at all well . tab reph reph | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1 | 36 11.92 11.92 2 | 86 28.48 40.40 3 | 170 56.29 96.69 4 | 10 3.31 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 302 100.00

  49. Crosstab Analysis: Is political advantage related to litigation?

  50. are you | one of the | plaintiffs | in this | reph lawsuit | 1 2 3 4 | Total -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- no | 30 74 162 10 | 276 | 83.33 86.05 95.29 100.00 | 91.39 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- yes | 6 12 8 0 | 26 | 16.67 13.95 4.71 0.00 | 8.61 -----------+--------------------------------------------+---------- Total | 36 86 170 10 | 302 | 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 100.00 Kendall's tau-b = -0.1752 ASE = 0.053 tab litigant reph , col taub

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