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Cell Notes

Cell Notes. Like a car without any cool features It does just the basics. Prokaryote. Like a high end car with many features. Eukaryote. Prokaryote Simple Very Few Parts Bacteria are Prokaryotic. Eukaryote Very Complex Many parts All other living things are Eukaryotic. Cell Types.

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Cell Notes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cell Notes

  2. Like a car without any cool features It does just the basics Prokaryote

  3. Like a high end car with many features Eukaryote

  4. Prokaryote Simple Very Few Parts Bacteria are Prokaryotic Eukaryote Very Complex Many parts All other living things are Eukaryotic Cell Types

  5. Prokaryotes Have: • DNA (but NO nucleus) Remember PRO means NO NUCLEUS • Ribosomes • Cytoplasm • Cell Membrane • Cell Wall

  6. Eukaryotes • YOU are a Eukaryote • Plants and Animals • Have many parts in addition to those found in prokaryotes • 10 times bigger than prokaryotic cells

  7. Organelle Small bodies inside a cell that perform specialized functions or jobs.

  8. Organelles found in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

  9. Description and Picture Function Organelle Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  10. Description and Picture Function Cell Membrane Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  11. Description and Picture Function Cell Wall Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  12. Description and Picture Function Cytoplasm Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  13. Description and Picture Function Ribosomes Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  14. Description & Picture Curling ladder Function Instructions to guide the cell DNA Type of cells where it’s found ALL CELLS Analogy in a school Cobb Student Handbook

  15. Organelles found ONLY in EUKARYOTES Plant and Animal Cells

  16. Description and Picture Function Nucleus Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  17. Description and Picture Function Endoplasmic Reticulum Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  18. Description and Picture Function Golgi Complex Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  19. Proteins: Ribosomes make ‘em. ER sorts ‘em. Golgi delivers ‘em Do YOU know REG?

  20. Description and Picture Function Vacuole Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  21. Description and Picture Function Lysosome Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  22. Description and Picture Function Mitochondria Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  23. ONLY in PLANTS

  24. Description and Picture Function Chloroplast Type of cells where it’s found Analogy in a school

  25. Nucleus Function: • Directs all cell activities • Control center • Brain • Holds the DNA

  26. Structure: Large Oval Nucleus Nucleus

  27. Nucleus Found in: Plant cells Animal cells = EUKARYOTES

  28. Nucleus Analogy in a school: The principal

  29. Ribosomes Function: • Build proteins • Factory

  30. Analogy in a school: Teachers build lessons Ribosomes

  31. Structure: Tiny May be floating Cells have many ribosomes Ribosomes Ribosomes


  33. Endoplasmic Reticulum Structure: Passageways around the nucleus • 2 kinds: Rough (with ribosomes) and Smooth

  34. Endoplasmic Reticulum Function: Sorts proteins made by the ribosomes

  35. Endoplasmic Reticulum Found in Animal and Plant Cells ONLY IN EUKARYOTES

  36. Endoplasmic Reticulum Analogy in a school: Hallways sort students

  37. Golgi Complex Function: Packages and delivers proteins around the cell or out of the cell.

  38. Golgi Complex Structure: Stacks of bags Vesicle

  39. Golgi Complex Analogy in a school: Bookbags Buses

  40. Golgi Complex Found in Plant and Animal Cells

  41. Cell Membrane Structure: Boundary between inside the cell and the environment Made of lipids. Cell Membrane


  43. Cell Membrane Analogy in a school: School Security Officer

  44. Cell Membrane Function: Controls what enters and leaves a cell.

  45. Cell Wall Found in PLANT CELLS And PROKARYOTES

  46. Cell Wall Outside cell membrane Structure: • Rigid, unbending • Plant cell wall made of cellulose (think celery)

  47. Cell Wall Function: • Gives cells their shape: Plants are boxy, prokaryotes are spiral, circular or rod shaped • Supports • Protects

  48. Cell Wall Analogy in a school: Brick walls

  49. Cytoplasm Function: Transportation system- Organelles float in it Always flowing like an ocean

  50. Cytoplasm Structure: • Fills the cell • Organelles float in it • Jelly-like

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